” Charlie says: Never ever ever trust the police, especially if they want to talk to you about Islam”
Sometimes a below the line comment on a website article arouses my interest or gives me cause for concern. The comment below from a Brietbart article on the refusal of planning permission for a monstrous ‘mega mosque’ in the London Borough of Newham is definitely one of those that give me cause for concern.
This warning about planned police activity from a poster on Brietbart could be nothing at or all, or on the other hand, it could be something that we need to be forewarned and forearmed about.
The commentator, SirComeSpect, said:
“Heads up from an old DCI friend of mine this weekend, Social media sites and comments sites such as Disqus are now being monitored by the fuzz for easy Islamaphobia Hate Law targets.
It would appear some enterprising young PC PC Chief has spotted an opportunity for easy arrests/convictions and it helps the pro-Muslim diversity agenda.
You have been warned.”
This may be old news to some, but many of us have suspected that the police have long intended to ramp up the Islamopandering and start cracking down on those who tell the truth about the rape and death cult that is Islam. This could be an indication that a crackdown on speaking the truth about Islam is about to start, or it could let it be said be merely scaremongering.
If the police do start to start to spend an inordinate amount of time and resources surfing the net to find people saying nasty but true things about Islam, and harassing civilians for it, then they will have truly earned the nickname ‘the filth’ (however I believed that the police definitely earned that name when they sat on their arses and let Muslims rape over 1400 girls in Rotherham).
If you do think that you are going to be targeted by the police because of your antipathy to the Islamic religion of rape and murder, then be prepared for the police’s arrival. Keep offsite backups of any writings on the subject of Islam that you may have done and inform yourself of your rights when it comes to the what the police can do and what they cannot. Remember the police have no problem with lying to you in order to have you incriminate yourself, even if you feel that what you’ve done, such as calling the Islamic ‘prophet’ Mohammed, a war-mongering, illiterate paedophile (which he was), is not a crime.
As for informing yourself of your rights I would advise having a good read of the Crimebodge website and if necessary purchasing some of their publications. I would strongly advise anybody who feels that they are likely to get a 5am visit from the filth because of their anti-Islam activities to read and understand Crimebodge’s publication called ‘Never allow the police into your home’, which can be found via the link below.
If you’ve done nothing wrong and the police are only visiting you in order to intimidate you or try to get you to incriminate yourself, you can legally tell the police to politely ‘go forth and multiply’.
If the Police do this, then they must be declared the permanent enemy of the public and should, from then on, never again be helped by us in any manner at all.