For the sake of my own sanity, I try to have a weekly 25 hour period away from the nightmarish world of Islam and its atrocities, and also from the world of politics. I find this break stops me from continually getting wound up by Islamic savagery, and the politicians who too often appease Islam, an act that puts everyone in danger. The weekly break also stops me from getting ‘over angry’ at some of the things I see, hear about and write about.
However, not this time. Not after Paris.
Not after this latest Islamic atrocity. When I think of all the innocents who died at the hands of these Islamic savages, how can I put away anger? It would not be right, it would not be proper. I pray for the souls of yet more innocent people cruelly killed by murderous Islamic savages. I pray also that their families may one day find consolation, and that justice will swiftly find any of the savages who were involved in this atrocity, as well as those who knew about it but said nothing.
I see no reason whatsoever why I should temper or cease my anger at the Muslims, who did this. This was an Islamic atrocity, carried out by the followers of Islam, with motivations straight from the Islamic ‘Big Book of Death’, the Koran.
This is Islam in action. This is what Islam does. It kills, it destroys. It corrupts every society which tolerates it or which is ruled by it. Islam is not a religion of peace, no matter how many times David Cameron says it; it is a cult of death. It is a culture that has chosen death, celebrates death and desires death for all those who are either not Muslim or the wrong sort of Muslim. Wishful thinking will no more make Islam a religion of peace than wishful thinking will deliver a Ferrari into my hands. When it comes to Islam, wishful thinking about it is worse than stupid, or foolhardy; it’s lethal, it’s suicidal. We need to be honest about Islam.
We need to be honest about the content of its theology.
We need to be honest about its culture.
We need to be honest about the gross hatefulness of Islam.
We need to be honest about Islamic anti-Semitism.
We need to be sceptical of Islamic spokespeople, since more often than not they lie.
We need to be honest and admit that there is no place for this disgusting ideology in free, open and democratic societies.
We must continue to be angry about what Islam, and its often highly uncivilised adherents, is doing to our countries and to our societies.
After the lives of 129 people have been taken by a bunch of worthless Savages, for no other reason than the murderers wish to impose their brand of savagery on the whole world, is there really any excuse for not seeing Islam as it truly is? If we don’t all start to treat Islam the ideology, and a considerable minority of Muslims, as the dangerous enemy that they are, then there is the potential to lose not just hundreds of lives but thousands, perhaps millions more.
Islam is not your friend. Islam is, and is proving itself daily to be, an enemy that needs to be fought.
This is no time for a reining in of anger, there is far too much to be angry about when it comes to Islam.
I saw a video clip few days back which I didnt see through because it was too cruel to watch of around 100 little children lying on their stomachs and ISIS cowards shooting them in the back…what kind of people can do this? Obviously not the type that should be allowed to live
Some people choose life, and some choose death, I think ISIS and their supporters and enablers come into the second category.
And still they come, soiling everything in their path.
They do indeed. I think a game changer will be the revelation that one of these murdering Islamic savages was one of these ‘refugees’ that we keep getting told are deserving of our help.
Remember, radical Muslims want to murder you, moderate Muslims want radical Muslims to murder you. ‘Nuff said.
Is this for real???? Is this London?
sorry, this is the link…