‘Syrian’ refugees start arriving in the UK tomorrow. Beware the unmarked coaches that could be arriving in YOUR town.

Could this be some representatives of the 'vulnerable children' that this councillor is talking about.

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With so much jihad going on around the world, surely the most stupid thing that any nation could do would be to allow in thousands upon thousands of followers of the very ideology, Islam, that is at the core of Jihad. It’s plainly a stupid decision to allow into any free country thousands of Muslims, after all it’s been well proven now that Muslims and Islam doesn’t play well with others and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that Islam is violent and intolerant.

Tomorrow, the 17th November 2015, the UK government takes leave of its political and security senses and will land the first of who knows how many thousands of ‘Syrian’, ‘refugees’, many of whom are not even ‘Syrian’ and not even ‘refugees’. Local Authorities, many of whom cannot even provide homes for those Britons in genuine housing need, have said that they would take in these ‘Syrians’, and the massed ranks of the idiotic and short sighted political Left have said ‘Yes’ to ‘refugees’ without giving any thought whatsoever to what sort of people that they are inviting in.

It’s amazing isn’t it how these local councils who find that they cannot accommodate an ex-service person or a working family with a disabled child or anybody else fallen on hard times, suddenly find housing available when it comes to these ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’. Similarly many of those shouting ‘refugees welcome’ are often the sort of people who are nowhere to be seen when there are major problems that need sorting out for UK people and within the UK. Where were the Lefties and naïve religious fools when the ‘Rotherham’ scandal started to be revealed, where were they when people found their wages undercut by illegal immigrants and where are they, and their sympathy, when British truck drivers are being attacked on a daily basis by ‘migrants’ and ‘refugees’. They were and are, of course, conspicuous by their absence when these things occurred and continue to occur. I have my suspicions about the refugees welcome crew and that is that they want to welcome ‘refugees’, but they want them to live somewhere else, somewhere they only have to visit when they want the taste of ‘diversity’.

Tomorrow the brown stuff will truly start to be chucked at the fan by our government with all the gusto of a frustrated incontinent chimp. From tomorrow many British towns and cities may start to experience some of what German citizens have been going through. In that country local people not just in the big cities but in small towns and villages, have been completely gob smacked by having thousands of demanding, violent, criminal, hate-filled and often rape-happy ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’. Coaches have pulled up and disgorged hundreds of angry, violent ‘refugees’ on unsuspecting locals, including in one case where the German village of Sumte in Lower Saxony, a place with a population of only 102, was told it would have to accept 750 snarling, violent, aggressive ‘refugees’. With behaviour like this by the German government some German citizens must be starting to be worried when they see groups of coaches roaring into their towns at night, just in case it’s the government dumping ‘refugees’ on their town.

It’s likely that the British government could try to do something similar with the ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’ that are being allowed in to the UK. My cynical side says that I would not put it past the government dump these ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’ on market, county and rural towns and cities, and do it on the quiet.

If the pattern goes anything like what has happened elsewhere in Europe, there will be many Britons who won’t know that ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’ have been dumped on them, until the town centre is full of them bumming around doing nothing but being antisocial, or they start making outrageous demands, start mumbling about Jihad, or the local rape and sex crime figures go up, whichever comes the sooner. I’d say look at the experience of the Germans in this and beware the buses arriving in the dead of night in order to deliver their dangerous and unwanted ambulant cargo. You might think that you live in a safe or safer town or city but how long do you think it will stay relatively safe once these alleged ‘Syrians’ start to make their presence felt? Take it from me who has lived in areas that have become controlled by those from the same Islamic theological culture as followed by many of these ‘Syrians’, that your peace will not last long after these ‘refugees’ arrive. If I was you I’d keep a close eye on what your council may be planning to dump on you.

It’s a very human thing to want to help those in distress, but the social, political and military danger posed by bringing in thousands more Muslims to add the huge number of Muslim extremists we already have at the moment is madness. If people want to help distressed people in Syria then fair do’s they should be permitted to do so, but the Syrians should be helped either in Syria or closer to Syria. They should not be brought here. The danger of importing crime, jihad and other troubles along with the ‘Syrians’ is so great that we should have erred on the side of caution and said no to ‘Syrians’. I fear that David Cameron and the mindless honking Geese of the ‘Refugees Welcome’ movement may have put us all in danger by saying ‘yes’ to ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’. There is no doubt that there was a need for assistance for those in the region but that should not have included bringing them to the UK. We may soon regret that these people were not helped closer to their place of origin when the crime and other problems start.

Brace yourself for a cavalcade of ponces, jihadists and criminals, brought to you by your government, your local council and the idiots of the ‘refugees welcome’ movement.


Britain to get first ‘Syrian’ refugees tomorrow


Tiny German village forced to take many hundreds of ‘refugees’


1 Comment on "‘Syrian’ refugees start arriving in the UK tomorrow. Beware the unmarked coaches that could be arriving in YOUR town."

  1. English, still here... just. | November 19, 2015 at 2:32 pm |

    Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.

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