Judaism, along with many other faiths, places a high value on charity and good works, In Judaism it is so important that there is a special blessing for doing a charitable act, even if it is putting money in a charity tin. Doing good works, or Tzedakah as it is termed in Hebrew, is one of the 613 commandments that bind a Jew to God.
Throughout history, because Jews have been a distinctive religious minority, living in often hostile lands and among hostile people, they have often found themselves being un-homed by mobs or because of the diktat of princes and potentates. Jews have been un-homed in places as diverse as Arabia, Spain, Eastern Europe, England. On top of that there is the greatest un-homing of all, that of the expulsion by the Romans of Jews from the land of Israel nearly 2000 years ago, following a rebellion against Roman rule.
Because of this history of serial displacement, it is natural for many Jews to wish to help those who have been similarly un-homed, and a lot of good work was and is done by Jewish charities, to help genuine refugees find sanctuary or assistance. I don’t think any reasonable person would have a problem with that, because we cannot see into the future, and any one of us, no matter what our religious path, could find ourselves displaced if the tides of history turn treacherous.
However, in the case of the ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’ the Chief Rabbi of the Orthodox United Synagogue of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has been brought face to face with the sort of people that the UK government wants to bring to here. As could be expected it’s not a pretty face, nor one that we need to see any more of in the UK.
According to the Jewish Chronicle of November 18th during a visit to a camp in Greece holding alleged Syrian refugees at which World Jewish Relief is providing assistance, Rabbi Mirvis and his party were advised to wear baseball caps, because the sight of a Jewish man wearing a Kippah (skullcap) would inflame the rabid Jew-hatred that characterises far too many of these ‘refugees’.
The Jewish Chronicle said:
“The Chief Rabbi and his party had been told it was wise to “dress down” in the camp. In the bus they put on baseball caps to hide their Kippot. Some donned sports tops while they were briefed on security.
WJR project manager Josh Simons had visited the camp a week earlier to find out how the refugees might respond to Jewish visitors.
He said: “Some people were like ‘whatever’ but others were more uncomfortable. Perhaps they only understood Jews to be one thing because they come from countries who are not particularly friendly to us, or perhaps it is tied into Israel.
“My suggestion to the rabbis is to get to know them first, judge on the conversations you are having, and if you feel you want to reveal your identity, then do.”
The Greek police had been briefed about the visit. Officers gathered at the camp’s entrance as the rabbis arrived. After a brief conversation it was agreed the police would keep a discreet distance as they followed Rabbi Mirvis around the camp.”
Think about that statement for a moment, and what it means. Is there any clearer indication of how and why these ‘Syrians’ are unsuitable for British society? These Islamic savages are so hate-filled and bigoted that they will kick off violently at the sight of an educated, humane Jewish man, who is only there to help. These Muslim ‘refugees’ behave like this because their twisted ideology tells them to violently kick off at the sight of Jews. Tell me, do we really need such violent, intolerant scummers in our society? I don’t think so.
Chief Rabbi Mirvis, is a man of peace who has worked with more approachable Muslim groups on various social projects, including some that support Britain’s homeless, yet he still has to hide his Jewish identity in the presence of these ‘refugees’. That one fact about these ‘refugees’ should tell us all we need to know about them, and should be considered as yet more evidence on their unsuitability for placement in civilised societies.
I can understand on a theological level why World Jewish Relief are helping out in these camps. Many Jewish families in the UK can point to at least one member of their family or their social circle who was given the gift of life by Britain, because they were sheltered from Tsars, Führer’s and other tyrants, therefore the desire to ‘pay forward’ an act of mercy and charity is strong. I can respect that feeling, even if I believe that sometimes it is being expressed in totally the wrong way, especially by some of Britain’s more Left-wing non-Orthodox Rabbis. Also it should be forgotten that one of Judaism’s commandments is to ‘not oppress the stranger’, which is fair, as all of us are somehow and somewhere, strangers to someone else, and may need the help of those we don’t know. However, there are ways of following this commandment that do not involve bringing these dangerous savages into our midst, such as giving aid in situ. I have no difficulty in supporting those who are using private money to give aid to those who are displaced by the fighting in the Middle Eastern region. Food parcels, shelter etc are all standard aid items and if people wish to donate to such causes then that is their right. However what should not be done is bring these ‘Syrians’ to the UK. As I’ve said before on here, the Jewish experience of immigration and emigration and profoundly different from Islamic immigration. Jews fled in order to find safety, whereas some Muslims are not emigrating because they are fleeing oppression, but are instead emigrating in order to bring their disgusting oppressive ideology to places that have hitherto been thankfully free of it.
If the Chief Rabbi has to cover up his Kippah for fear of inflaming Islamic anti-Semitism then that should be a matter of concern for all of us, whether we be Jewish or not. That these Muslims are still savagely anti-Semitic even when their very survival is allegedly in peril, really should make us all worry about what they will be like, if they are given entry into the UK. Don’t forget it’s from these refugee camps where David Cameron’s government is picking Syrians to come to the UK. It’s an action that is analogous to picking someone for a security guard job from a cohort of applicants who are all thieves, fraudsters and robbers.
Britain already has a growing problem with Islamic anti-Semitism and affects are being felt. Most synagogues have some form of security plan and personnel, and many Jewish schools have to be constructed in a fortress-like manner in order to prevent attack. Britain’s Jews are already either under attack, or at risk of attack from Muslims who are pumped up on 1,400 years of Islamic Jew-hatred, and bringing in more Muslims in the form of ‘Syrian’ refugees, will only make the problem worse.
Britain is religiously free, and that’s a good thing, but the increase in numbers of Muslims and the influence of Islam is making the nation less so. The appeasement of Islam by our politicians is going to put at risk the very religious freedoms that allows the British Catholic, the British Jew, the British Sikh etc to both believe, and live, in peace.
What the Chief Rabbi experienced should be a lesson to us all about what sort of ambulant human sewage the Government wants to bring in. I wonder how long it will be before these ‘Syrians’ manage to create their own ‘Judenrein’ areas in the UK? Probably not long looking at what has happened in places like Newham in East London, where it is now highly unsafe to be identifiably Jewish.
This incident is a wake up call, it really is.
Post Script:
I wonder how much of this ‘refugee crisis’ could have been avoided and how many deaths could have been prevented had the European nations taken a more robust attitude to the problem in the first place. If the boats had been properly interdicted then the drownings would have either ceased or the number reduced. If the politicians in the EU had not been so naïve and so concerned about appearing ‘nice’ on the world stage, or offered free money and homes to alleged ‘refugees’ then there would have been less of a pull factor for many migrants. The secondary effects of the Jihadi insurgency in the Middle East region could have been managed much better than they have been. Keeping this problematic group of Muslims out of the EU wouldn’t have meant that people could not send aid or provide help for those in the region whether that be in Syria or in neighbouring countries, but it would have meant that all of us could have been better protected from the considerable number of Jihadis who are mixed in with the ‘refugees’.
Original Jewish Chronicle article on the Chief Rabbi’s visit to a refugee camp
A stab proof vest is now required in order to live in the Islam dominated London Borough of Newham
I think we should get all workers in camps like that to wear a Kippah and a hidden camera, then we can find out who should NOT get asylum under any circumstance. Most of the no borders crowd say Islam is peaceful so no problem
That would be a good idea. It also might be a good idea to ask one of the ‘refugees welcome’ crowd to wear a Kippah, whether they are Jewish or not, on the streets of Newham or Tower Hamlets or Birmingham or Rochdale or any of the other places which Islam is rising in. It might have the effect of teaching these ‘no borders’ tossers just how peaceful, or not, the ‘Religion of Peace’ truly is.
The Australians used to have a problem with boatloads of refugees arriving.
After they started turning the boats back, they stopped coming.