Wes Streeting MP for Ilford North. A man with a broad smile but who appears to possess an empty head where issues of Jihad and Islamism is concerned.
The centre-left website Harry’s Place may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it may be too Left for some and not Left enough for others. There are some aspects of it that I dislike as with anywhere else, and some of its writers make me groan and think ‘not more knee-jerk anti-Republican party guff’ or ‘not more excruciatingly fair fence sitting’ from others. However, if there is one thing that Harry’s Place is most excellent at, it is uncovering Islamic extremists and their connections with mainstream political parties.
One of Harry’s Place’s very well-informed writers on Islamic extremism issues, ‘Habibi’, has uncovered a shocking example of collusion or approval by Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem representatives with the group Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND). MEND claim to be an organisation that gets representation for Islamic issues and fights against ‘Islamophobia’. The problem for the elected representatives and others of the great and not so good like Baroness Warsi who attended a conference by MEND, is that Azad Ali, MEND’s ‘Head of Community Engagement and Development’, is quite happy to call for people to pray for Jihadists and be hosted by the terror supporters of CAGE. Azad Ali is a dubious person from an equally dubious organisation, but that didn’t stop, among others, the Labour MP for Ilford North Wes Streeting from attending.
Wes Streeting won his seat for Labour from the Conservatives, with some suspect a lot of help from a very organised whipped mosque vote. The previous Tory incumbent for the Ilford North seat, Lee Scott who held the seat between 2005 and 2015 had been the subject of a vicious campaign of anti-Semitism directed at him by Islamic groups. Although West Streeting, who benefited from an Islamic surge to Labour, has decried and condemned Jew-hatred, that doesn’t seem to have stopped Mr Streeting from hobnobbing with all sorts of disgusting individuals and groups, many like CAGE and MEND, whose activities should rightly be filed under the word “Sedition”.
Harry’s Place said:
“Azad Ali has spotted a big problem in British mosques – there are not enough prayers (“dua”) and words of praise for “the mujahideen”. This is a terrible violation of the most sacred. The government has “scared the heaven out of the Muslims!”
See for yourself. Here is MEND’s “Head of Community Development & Engagement“ – Ali’s title – on video at a rally last month organised by Cage, the notorious terrorist support group.”
There then follows a shocking video in which Azad Ali bemoans the fact that the various Anti Terrorism Acts are cramping Muslim’s style and made Imams worry that they could no longer pray for the Mujahadeen or Jihadists. This tiny snippet of information should cause many people to sit upright and start to think. Is Azad Ali correct? Are there really hundreds of mosques where Imams are praying for the very Mujahadeen and Jihadists that wish to kill us? If so then it’s time that they stopped. We should not tolerate those who pray for those who want the rest of us dead or enslaved, to tolerate this is to take tolerance much too far.
Harry’s Place added:
“Ali then goes on to praise Cage for its “noble stand” and laments the lack of backing for such a wonderful group.
Which jihadis might Azad Ali support? We know from his own words and also the certainty of a court case. Ali foolishly sued the Daily Mail and lost badly back in 2010:
In his ruling today, Mr Justice Eady said: “I would hold that [Ali] was indeed, in November 2008 and for so long as the blog remained available, taking the position that the killing of American and British troops in Iraq (whether before or after the 2005 elections) would be justified.
There’s plenty more on Ali, of course, as readers of this blog know. Most notably in this context, Ali once said he loved al-Qaeda preacher and recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki, who he found “endearing”. He has also hailed Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas for being a “motivational leader” and indeed the best candidate for Caliph of the Muslims.”
What a lovely chap – Not. MEND and those who associate with it and run it are dodgy, any fool can see that. Which should cause us to ask this question of Wes Streeting MP: ‘Is Wes Streeting an utter naïve fool for supporting and attending a MEND event, or is he cynically trying to shore up his Islamic bloc vote in Ilford North? Either way it invites us to consider whether Streeting has piss poor judgement or is merely attempting to become a simulacrum of the odious Stephen Timms MP, the erstwhile ‘Member for Islamabad West’.
Harry’s Place added a list of those who attended this meeting:
“On the Tory side, Baroness “Never Learns” Warsi was in attendance. For Labour, MPs present included supposedly sound Wes Streeting, the ever faithful London servant of extremists Andy Slaughter, Bradford MP Imran Hussain, Dewsbury MP Paula Sherriff, and Stretford and Urmston MP Kate Green. Tommy Sheppard and Anne McLaughlin represented the Scottish Nasty Party. Lord Paddick was there too for the clueless Liberal Democrats.
By the way, Wes Streeting has said that ”antisemitism has no place in our politics or our community”. Well, perhaps he could ask Sufyan Ismail, the head of MEND (right in the second picture above) what exactly he means when he enthuses about “battering the 300 year-old Israeli lobby”. Was Queen Anne turned by Mossad? I’d love to know!
You expect Baroness Warsi, and the other ‘usual suspects’ like Andy “Minister for Hamas” Slaughter to turn up at these whine and hate parties, it’s who they are and what they do. However, it is highly disappointing to find someone like Wes Streeting there, not only because moderate Lefties consider Streeting ‘sound’ on Islamism, but as a gay man he’s probably going to be first against the wall (or off the roof) should the foul ideology of Islam gain any more power than it already has done.
The crawling and pandering which Wes Streeting is doing towards Islamic interests is yet another indication of how far the Labour Party has fallen, and how deeply embedded supporters of jihadism are in it. It seems that Wes Streeting has been lying down with the mad dogs of Islamism in Redbridge for so long now that he must now be considered to be afflicted with their fleas.
Original story from Harry’s Place
Lee Scot former Ilford North MP on the Jew hatred coming from Islamic groups
On the subject of Stephen Timms and his gross Islamopandering
More on the appalling Timms
The Islamists and Jihad supporters of MEND
Isn’t Streeting gay? What kind of mindset is it that lets them hobnob with and pander to those who quite openly call for their death? It seems totally and absolutely unfathomable to me. Lunacy.
Simon, yes indeed, I believe that Streeting is gay. This makes him more of an idiot / cynical bastard (delete according to view) than some suspected him of being already. I wonder whether Streeting is attending this whine and hate party put on by MEND because a) he hopes that by pandering to these bastards then they will throw him off a high roof last or b) he’s pandering to them in order to hang onto his seat?
Either way, he’s shown which side he’s on, and it’s plainly not on the side of civilisation.
Wes participated happily – http://mend.org.uk/election-hustings-with-muslim-residents-in-ilford-north/
Lee Scott didn’t attend for security reasons – http://www.ilfordrecorder.co.uk/seasonal/election/ilford_north_hustings_lee_scott_says_web_link_was_never_offered_by_organisers_1_4033156