When Donald Trump the contender for the Republican Party’s nomination as candidate for the Presidency of the United States, made comments about shutting down immigration from Islamic countries and taking a much harder line on Islam than others may have done, the Left and the usual Islamic suspects engaged in much protestation. Legions of ill-informed, foolish and indeed malevolent agenda-driven people trooped out in front of the TV cameras to denouce Mr Trump and a few hundred thousand of them further failed to engage their brains by signing a petition calling for Mr Trump to be banned from the UK (I didn’t realise that Britain had that many divvys, but you live and learn).
The British commentator Katie Hopkins appeared on Fox News to say that things in the UK regarding Islam were not as much of the mainstream media was saying it was. Yes, she said a lot of people had signed an anti-Trump petition but stated that a growing number of Britons are becoming concerned about Islam, it’s followers and it’s ideology. I suspect that if you examined carefully the 370,000 signatures on the ‘ban Trump’ petition and discounted the Taqiyya artist Muslims, the far Left and the the lame brains will click on anything put out on Twitter, then the figure would be much lower than 370k. Ms Hopkins backed up Mr Trump’s claim that there are Muslim no-go zones in the UK.
Now others are coming forward to say ‘Trump is right’ about Islam and one of those is the Examine Islam website. Examine Islam asks some very pertinent questions about whether Islam is compatible with the US Constitution as some of Islam’s theology and culture putd it at odds with the free society created and protected by that Constitution.
Examine Islam said:
“So the do-gooding #Left is obsessed with giving Muslims every free pass they possibly can – even when this means the rest of us who do NOT worship a mass murdering paedophile have to live our lives in fear of the next terror attack. Even if it means thousands of children are raped and sexually exploited by Muslim men purely because they are non-Muslim. Even if it means we all have our privacy and liberty curtailed in the effort to halt Muslim terrorism. Even if it means we have to spend billions in counter-terror measures which could be spent on properly looking after the most vulnerable in our societies. Even if we must all learn a pernicious form of double think which dictates that ‘Islam is Peace’ even after each and every new ‘incident’ which proves the exact opposite. Even when our children must be taught the lie that Islam is about peace and tolerance, when Muslims themselves know Muhammad, Islam’s inventor was himself a mass murdering warlord. Even if it means permanently ruining all the hard-won freedoms and successes we in the West enjoy. Even if it means ignoring that Muslims already have 50 Muslim majority nations world-wide, and there is actually ZERO reason for a single Muslim to ‘have’ to come and reside in our world, which they clearly hate so much they keep trying to turn into their world. Even if it means pretending Muslims, following Islam’s manual of perpetual warfare only finished their last genocide less than a century ago (google ‘Armenian Genocide’). Even if it means putting each and every single one of us in greater danger than we would be if we simply said – let Muslims live in Muslim lands, we live in ours, never the twain meet again, and peace can finally reign. Even if it means all of this, the awfully self-congratulatory, smug, totalitarian Left will continue to foist upon us their version of how we should all think. George Orwell coined the term in 1948 – and it’s simply ‘Doublethink’.
Socialism and the Left has been shown to be a failed doctrine, leading to greater horrors in the Stalin-era Soviet Union than even the Holocaust. Yet do-gooders still want to feel that secure sense of being right so much that they will literally feed the most vulnerable in society to the wolves for the sake of that sweet sense of moral superiority.
I call it corrupt, self-serving and self-deluding ignorance. Trump for all his shortcomings is a hundred times the man any of these do-gooders will ever be – simply because he has the moral courage to speak for those whom Muslims would oppress were they to be given the chance to become the dominant force, as they have in all Muslim countries where Muslims oppress, torture, abuse and kill each other and the ‘infidel’ at an inhuman rate.
The fact is Trump is right on every level – Islam is inherently counter to the US constitution, the law and human rights. It teaches its followers they are better than the infidel to the extent they may abuse and kill the infidel, as evidenced by the thousands of Muslim attacks since 9/11 globally, and is therefore a supremacist ideology.”
In my opinion Islam isn’t just an ideology that runs counter to the United States Constitution, but one that is a danger to all people in all free countries. Islam with it’s totalitarianism and ideological supremacism reminds me all too much of other totalitarian and supremacist ideologies that Britain has had to fight in the past, such as that of Nazi Germany. It’s even more a correct analogy when we see our polticians and the Left falling over themselves in order to pander to or appease Muslims and Islam. It is like watching a whole host of Nevile Chamberlain’s aching to appease and feel good about appeasing. Examine Islam also asks the difficult but necessary question: Is there any point in having Muslims in free countries at all?
Examine Islam continued:
“The Left which so easily writes off critics of Islam as Nazis are themselves merely the equivalent of Chamberlain in WWII – too at ease with the status quo to seriously examine the growing danger. Today’s appeasers are in real terms worse than the WWII appeasers since we have the entire history of 20th century fascism and totalitarianism to inform us in our understanding of modern Islamic supremacists. We also have, of course, the last 1400 years since Muhammad first ordered the killing of innocents to further his invented cult, Islam. Islam has since Muhammad’s time conquered swaths of lands through the sword and uncontrolled immigration until today Muslims are in the majority in 50 countries worldwide. In these countries the original peoples were forced to convert, pay the tax called Jizya to their oppressors, or simply murdered. This is why Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh and all the others are today no longer Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian or any other faith. This is why wherever there are today Muslims living in a minority, Muslims begin to demand special treatment, complain of ‘Islamophobia’ if they do not receive it, and begin bombing or otherwise slaughtering the host peoples. Ask a Thai or a Sri Lankan Buddhist or an Indian Hindu how they get on with their Muslim guests, and you’ll soon get a sense that EVEN brown people can be ‘Islamophobic’ when Muslims are killing, raping, attacking and plotting against them.
Muslims should be held accountable for the actions of their co-religionists because they choose to share the same belief in an ideology of total war against the unbeliever (ie – the rest of the world). Muslims even murder other Muslims whom they do not agree are Muslim ‘enough’; so what hope is there that the constant state of murderous attacks on us emanating from the Muslim world will stop, ever? There is none. When Muslims enjoy suicide attacks in particular, there is simply no possible way we can prevent further attacks – since they do not even love their own lives or their children’s lives enough to behave and obey our laws and norms.
The best we in the West can do is call it quits, ask Muslims to simply return to one of the 50 Muslim majority nations they already have conquered by the sword or uncontrolled immigration, cease to trade with them and never let them anywhere near the civilised West again. If we do not, our civilisation will fall, and become nothing more than a living hell, in the shape of the Muslim world currently or what is already rapidly turning into a constant war-zone in Europe with our Muslim minorities living in isolation. hatred and contempt for the rest of us and our law. More and more attacks are clearly coming, and more and more deaths at the hands of Muslims are unavoidable unless we simply ban Islam and ask Muslims to go and live in the 50 countries which they have stolen from their native peoples in the past. “
Examine Islam has a point. We’ve tried to live in peace with Muslims, we’ve acquiesed to various demands from them, our governments and local authorities have appeased them and sometimes even covered up their crimes, but nothing has worked. We are still faced with a hostile, violent ideology no matter how ‘nice’ we behave towards both it and its followers. Maybe Examine Islam is correct and the quickest and most way to protect ourselves from the ongoing problems that Islam causes would be to encourage those Muslims who continue to believe in Islamic supremacy to leave non-Muslim countries. If that is the case, then I feel no Muslim should be harmed in the process and they should leave with their lives, their bodies and their property intact. I say this because I believe that we should be as moral as we can be, should the situation arise, where we have to remove those whose ideology and culture plainly conflicts with our own, and show that we are better than they are.
Examine Islam ends with a heartfelt plea for politicians and others to stop listening to those who profess the ideology of Islam and listen to those ex-Muslims who have escaped it.
Examine Islam said:
“Ex-Muslims are calling out Islam for the evil it is – it’s really about time our weak and misguided leaders stopped trying to win favour by siding with the religion of evil and stood up for the law-abiding citizens who do not follow a mass-murdering warlord. “
This site is correct when they say that it is ex-Muslims who know the most about the ideology they have escaped from. It’s they who have suffered from the violence, oppression and perversion of morality that comes from Islam. Ex Muslims are the ones we should be listening to not those who believe in Islam and follow Mohammed and who will do anything and say anything at all to persuade non-Muslims that the phrase ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ is anything but a lie.
Examine Islam has published a very thought-provoking and interesting piece and if you are interested in a different view of Mr Trump and not the biased one put out by the British media, then I’d strongly advise you to read this piece. It can be found via the link below. I find myself agreeing with both Examine Islam and with Donald Trump in that we are faced with a particular problem called Islam. Because of that it makes perfect sense to take some necessary steps to defend ourselves and our nations against those who would commit atrocities in the name of Islam.and if that self defence means banning or restricting the entry of Muslims to the USA or other civilised nations, then so be it. It’s better to be safe rather than sorry.
Original article from Examine Islam
Katie Hopkins cuts thorugh the mainstream fog of dishonesty about Donald Trump
Donald Trump winning yet more support off of the back of his ‘ban Islam’ comments
Of course he’s right.
That’s why all the lefties, tree huggers, treasonous politicos
and, no doubt, muslims, are raging against him.
All fingers of the same hand.
He’s dared to speak the unspeakable. It’s called the truth.
Go and sit on the naughty step, Donald.