Violent ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’ fighting with police in September on the Serb/Croatian border. These are the sort of people that the Home Office believes that you should have as neighbours.
At last the mainstream media, in the form of the Daily Express, is starting to report on some of the underhand methods used by the Home Office, their contractors and local authorities in order to dump ‘Syrian’ alleged ‘refugees’ on places where they are not wanted. These ‘Syrians’ are not wanted not because those nervous about their arrival are ‘racists’ or ‘Islamophobes’, but because many people are seeing for themselves, via social media, just how badly behaved these ‘refugees’ really are. No amount of dishonest reporting by the BBC and others about the make-up of the ‘invasion from the East’ such as pretending that the majority of these ‘refugees’ are women and children, can make up for what people are seeing and reading with their own eyes about the reality of what happens when these ‘refugees’ arrive.
Ordinary people in the UK can see the disruption these ‘refugees’ and alleged ‘Syrians’ have caused in Germany and the sudden rise in sex crime that has accompanied the arrival of these ‘Syrians’. Despite a large number of divvys and fools running round with ‘refugees welcome’ badges, it can’t be denied that many people in the UK are hostile to the idea of dumping yet more poorly educated, difficult to integrate and often criminally inclined Muslims onto their communities. The problem is both the government and too many local councils are very enthusiastic about the arrival of these ‘Syrians’ even though it’s obvious they are going to cause a shedload of problems for local people.
The Daily Express story, parts of which are quoted below, lays bare the lengths that the Home Office and others will go to hide from local communities that ‘Syrians’ are about to be dumped on them. It was only a chance conversation with a builder working on the conversion of a house in Audenshaw, near Manchester, that locals found out that a property was being turned into bedsits for six male ‘Syrians’,
The Daily Express said:
“FAMILY homes are being snapped up by government contractors and quickly transformed into temporary hostels for asylum seekers in closed-door deals with local authorities, Express.co.uk can reveal.
Serco, one of three firms contracted by the Home Office to provide housing for asylum seekers, secures leases on properties in residential areas before splitting them into houses of multiple occupation (HMOs) without needing any prior public consultation.
They are then used as “dispersal addresses” where asylum seekers stay a few days or weeks while applications are processed.
Neighbouring residents are often among the last to hear about the changes and only once they have been approved in PRIVATE by local councils, it has emerged.
Serco, Clearsprings and G4 are housing asylum seekers across the country for the Home Office under the multi-million pound COMPASS contract.
In one case, in Audenshaw, near Manchester, it was only when residents asked builders converting a garage into an extra room at a property in their road for Serco that they found out.
The contractors revealed it would soon be temporary accommodation for five single males newly arrived from war-torn Syria.
By capping occupants at five and renting properties rather than buying, Serco avoids public records of the conversions and is able to avoid submitting full planning or HMO licence applications, both of which would involve public consultation.”
This sort of story should cause a lot of people to worry and become concerned not only how this deal was cooked up between the Government and the Labour controlled Tameside Borough Council, but also about how parties involved are doing all they can to not trigger planning permission requirements by using leased property and by keeping the number of occupants below the point at which permission and consultation is required. If the Home Office and others are acting in this grossly underhand way with regards to the housing of these ‘Syrians’, then we need to ask what is so wrong with these ‘Syrians’ that such secrecy is needed about where they are being put? If they really were all doctors and industrialists and highly educated people like the BBC tells us, they are then surely this would be trumpeted from the rooftops by Tameside Council and the Home Office? The reality is probably going to be that these ‘Syrians’ will probably be the same low IQ, poorly educated, parasitical, violent and more than a little ‘rapey’ Muslims that we’ve seen posing as ‘refugees’ and causing havoc in Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Greece and Italy.
The Daily Express continued:
“Lisa Evans, 46, was stunned to be told by builders working on the house next door to her mother’s in Porlock Avenue, it would soon house male asylum seekers.
She lives there with mum Margeurita Evans, 78, who has severe dementia and can no longer walk, but is determined to live out her final days in the home where she raised her family.
Ms Evans said: “I was woken up at 7am by all this banging. I looked out and saw six door bells next door.
“They said they were turning the garage into a bedroom.
“The builder told me rooms were for five single men from Syria.”
She said she contacted Tameside Council and received conflicting accounts, first being told it had planning permission, then that none was required.
She said: “Mum sleeps on the ground floor so they will be overlooking her. “
Yet again we see ordinary Britons having to bear the brunt of the sort of crime and savagery that these ‘refugees’ will without doubt bring to their areas, just as they’ve brought crime and savagery to places elsewhere in Europe and the UK. It does make me wonder if the Government can hose public money around like a drunken sailor on shore leave, for the benefit of these alleged ‘Syrian refugees’, then why can’t they do the same for Britain’s ex-servicemen or servicewomen or other deserving citizens? For a country that is in deep debt and with many social and other challenges ahead, we certainly seem to be spending an awful lot of money on assisting and housing those who will bring little but grief to those areas where they are dumped.
There is one bright spark in this story and that is the spark of resistance. Ms Evans and others didn’t sit on their backsides and merely moan about the fact that they were going to have possibly troublesome ‘Syrians’ dumped on them, they took action and a group of local residents invaded a councillors weekly surgery and put the councillor on the spot about the secret deal to dump ‘Syrians’ on them. They also managed to get the local MP involved.
The Daily Express added:
“After discovering the plan two weeks ago, residents “gatecrashed” a local district councillors’ surgery and raised it as urgent.
Tameside Council used the “gatecrashing” incident as an example of residents being able to raise concerns, even though it was several weeks after the decision was made.”
Although the occupation of the property in question in Porlock Avenue was delayed after the involvement of the local Labour MP Andrew Gwynne, who has asked questions about this issue, that doesn’t mean that the Home Office and the local council have given up on dumping troublesome ‘Syrians’ on the area. Another property in the area appears to be in the process of conversion into a home in multiple occupation and the Express reports that local people fear that this property will also be used to house troublesome ‘Syrians’. It seems that neither the council, the Home Office nor those contractors or landlords who are earning a tremendous amount of taxpayer cash for housing ‘Syrians’ have any intention of stopping the dumping of these potentially dangerous people on areas that neither want nor deserve them and the troubles that they will bring.
A few weeks ago I said on this blog that people need to be aware of underhand and dishonest behaviour by local authorities and others when it comes to the issue of refugees and it looks like I was right. The authorities know that many people, quite correctly in my view, don’t want these ‘Syrians’ anywhere near where they live and certainly not near their children. Because of this general reluctance to have to put up with yet more Muslims and their problems, the British government may resort to some of the secretive methods that the German government has used in order to dump unwanted ‘refugees’ on small towns and cities. In Germany there have been unmarked coaches arriving in the dead night and disgorging many hundreds of ‘refugees’ on places ill-equipped to cope with them. These small towns and cities have then experienced a breathtaking rise in crime, including sex-crime, caused by the arrival of these ‘Syrians’. Now it seems that we in the UK also need to start watching out for and fear the arrival of the unmarked coaches full of ‘refugees’ and their crime, just as the Germans have had to do.
It’s not often that I praise a mainstream news outlet for how they treat a story but in the case of the Daily Express and on this occasion I find I must. This is a classic example of a journalist, in this case Mr Jon Austin, doing proper journalism and uncovering a public interest story that the government would very much have liked to have stayed hidden. Sadly such writing is a diamond in a sea of mud, as far too much of the media has climbed aboard the ‘refugees welcome’ bandwagon, probably because many of the writers and editors of these publications will never have to live with the sort of problems that these ‘refugees’ will bring to the UK.
If this story tells us anything is that all of us, no matter where and who we are, need to keep a close eye on what is going on in our local areas. The price of not paying attention and not taking non-violent action against councils and others who are eager to import more Islamic problems, could be the destruction of your area and it’s replacement with sort of hostile ‘shariah zone’ that too much of East London for example has become. Those who take their eyes of the ball on this one are liable to wake up one morning and find that their new neighbours are a bunch of violent ‘Syrians’ too many of whom seem to be possessed of a cultural predisposition to rape. Waking up next to a building full of troublesome ‘Syrians’ wasn’t to be the fate of Ms Evans, but it could be your fate if you don’t take more of an interest in what your local authority is up to.
Original Daily Express story
Beware the unmarked coaches full of ‘refugees’