I told you this would happen (Blackburn edition)

pigs heads


The negative effects of local and national government Islamopandering are becoming more and more apparent. Those non-Muslims who have for decades been called nasty names and told to ‘shut up and enjoy the diversity’, or who have been told ‘Rapes? What rapes?’ when they’ve brought evidence of appalling levels and types of sex crime to police in Islam influenced areas, or who have had every peaceful avenue available to object to Islam shut off or corrupted, appear to have finally had enough. The non-Muslims, as I predicted, have started to fight back, and they are fighting back with pigs heads and graffiti.

Sadly, I have told this blog’s readers on many an occasion what would happen if the British people were denied peaceful and effective methods of objecting to, and even keeping out Islam from their areas, and so it comes to pass. According to the Brietbart website non-Muslim residents in Blackburn, Lancashire are up in arms over plans to impose yet another unwanted and intrusive mosque on their area. However, blocked as they are from using the planning system to object to yet more Islam being imposed on them, and having local politicians and Christian religious leaders taking the side of the Islamic enemy, some have departed from the peaceful legal path and have resorted to vandalism. As us usual policy for this blog, the original Brietbart report is in italics and this blog’s comments are in plain text.

Brietbart said:

Two pig heads have been dumped outside an Islamic school in Blackburn, just one week after ‘No Mosque’ was painted on the wall. The school plans to convert a building into a mosque, complete with a dome and minarets.

Another mosque is not needed in Blackburn, there are already 45 mosques in Blackburn and surrounding areas and it’s quite right to ask why do they need another one? Aren’t there enough masjids available to store weapons and preach hatred for us kufar already?

The butchered heads were left at the gates of the Markazul Uloom Girls School on Park Lee Road, Blackburn over the weekend. Pork and pigs are considered “impure” within Islam, and the gesture is likely to be perceived as offensive by Muslims.

Good. Let them be offended. Many of us are offended by Islam each and every day but if we state why we are offended then we run the risk of either attack by Muslims or arrest by one of Britain’s Islamopandering police forces.

Christian and Islamic leaders, and the local MP, have spoken out against the protest and the police say they will step up patrols in the area.

We expect the Muslim leaders to whine about this sort of thing, that’s what they do, but it is disgusting to see Christian leaders standing up for the followers of an ideology that is murdering Christians every day.

The school has submitted plans to convert a building on their site into a mosque by adding a dome and minarets. So far more than 2,000 people have signed an online petitionopposing the development.

I’d be signing that petition myself if I lived in the area.

The disruption of a mosque in this area will have a direct impact on the people using the hospice” the petition argues, claiming there is a “lack of parking facilities” such that the “primarily non-muslim area” will be effect by the “influx of people called to worship.”

What people are rightly concerned about is this: The mosque will indeed cause massive traffic problems and will negatively effect the local hospice. The effect of the mosque will be to make life extremely unpleasant for non-Muslims, and eventually cause the non-Muslims to leave, thereby leaving the way clear for Muslims to move in and take over.

This degradation of an area so that non-Muslims have to move out is what has happened in Newham in East London. A borough that was once reasonably well mixed with black and white people who were mostly Christian but with integrated minorities of Jews, Hindus and Sikhs all living together, is now a frightening and dangerous Islam zone where non-Muslims are increasingly unsafe. It’s now so unsafe that the last identifiable Jew had to leave for Israel, as they got fed up with having to wear a stab proof vest to go to work and to synagogue. At the last census there were less than 17% of indiginous Britons left in Newham and I don’t blame the non Muslims of Blackburn for not wanting their town going the same way.

Last week the words “No Mosque” were painted on a wall of the school. And then on Saturday night, one pig head was placed by the front gate and another thrown over a wall. 

It should be remembered at this point that if Islamic ideology and the behaviour of Muslims were not so problematical and the local political and policing establishment were not so Islamopandering, then neither the graffiti nor the pigs heads incidents would have occurred.

Mr. Qureshi, the chairman of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, said the act was, “appalling, disgusting and insulting to our faith.”

Mr Qurehi, much of your ‘faith’ is disgusting and insulting to those who believe in religious freedom, women’s rights, the right of gay people to live their lives unmolested by the sort of hate-filled bearded halfwits that these mosques inevitably turn out. Suck it up Mr Qureshi, your ideology has brought this hatred on yourselves by the actions of your own hands and and the violent guff that emanates from your mouths.

This is about stirring up hatred”, he added.

And what is the sort of kufar hating nonsence that comes out of Islam if not words that stir up hatred. To borrow and paraphrase a Christian expression for a moment, before you whine about non-Muslims stirring up hatred, you should look at the hatred that comes out of Islam.

The equivalent would be leaving these items outside a Jewish Synagogue. It is particularly distressing after what has been happening in Syria and Paris.”

What an arsehole is this Qureshi character showing himself to be. First he tries to make equivalence between Islam and Judaism, which is a genuine religion of peace unlike Islam, and then he tries to hide behind the war in Syria and the atrocities in Paris, which are both violent situations solely brought about by the ideology of Islam.

The Bishop of Blackburn, the Rt Rev Julian Henderson, told This is Lancashire: “I utterly condemn this abhorrent act which will shock any right thinking person. Whoever is responsible should hang their heads in shame.

Shame! Shame! The only person who should be feeling shame about this incident is the Bishop of Blackburn himself. How dare he stand up for the same ideology that is murdering Christians on a daily basis.

If certain individuals feel there should not be a mosque on this site there are established routes to make their objections. The location of this incident, a school for girls, causes me particular concern.”

Maybe Your Grace the Bishop, you should get out a bit more and find out just how ineffective the established routes for objection have become, when the plan in question relates to Islam. If the established routes were effective and seen to be effective then maybe there wouldn’t be incidents of pigs head throwing as have occurred here.

Chief Inspector Sheena Tattum, of Blackburn Police, said: “This is being treated extremely seriously and we understand the concern that incidents like this, while thankfully rare, can cause in the community.

I would guess that Chief Inspector Tattum will be treating this incident with a whole lot more seriousness than those who come to her with complaints of Muslim misdeeds. Chief Inspector Tattum is the very model of a modern multikulti Islamopandering police officer. She’s so brimful of ‘Bramshill Bullshit’ and diversity guff that she chooses to side with the followers of a violent 7th century paedophile thug, rather than hard pressed non-Muslims who she should be protecting. Chief Inspector Tattum is unfit to be a police officer but may at the least be another shameful candidate for this blog’s ‘British Neville Chamberlain of the Month’ award.

We have put extra patrols on in the area to try to offer some reassurance.

I wonder if they would do the same if a non-Muslim alleged that similar crimes were being commited against them by Muslims? I would guess not.

An investigation is under way to identify those responsible and a team of detectives are carrying out numerous inquiries.

We have carried out house-to-house inquiries in the area and done a search through CCTV and we would appeal for anyone who has any information which could assist the investigation to get in touch with us.”

I wonder how much these house to house enquiries are costing the taxpayer? A lot I would guess. A team of detectives to investigate a few pigs heads, it’s ludicrous. What a waste, and the police plead poverty yet they can spend resources on rubbish enquiries like this.

My advice to the non-Muslim residents of Blackburn is this: The police are desperate to tie this matter up and polish up their Islamopandering and diversity badges, it’s up to you, the non-Muslims of the aream to make sure that this doesn’t happen. You can do this by not answering any questions that the police may put to you about this incident, remember you don’t have to talk to any police officer if you don’t want to. Furthermore if you know who did this, then say nothing to the police, do not become a grass for Islam, for that is the sort of low-life snake that you will become if you help the police in this case. Helping the police in this case will only help the Islamic group who want to impose this unwanted and ugly mosque on the area.

This incident has brought out into the open the entire Islam friendly establishment from Parliament to Plod, and I find the sight disgusting, just as anyone who believes that Islam threatens the hard won freedoms of Britons will find the pandering disgusting.

Using pigs heads as a weapon is what happens when non-Muslims find their concerns about the spread of the ‘religion of rape, murder and beheadings’ being ignored or dismissed by the Establishment. As I’ve often said, I’d prefer that there was a peaceful, legal and just way of dealing with the problem of Islam, but if the State takes those rights away from people, then it raises the spectre of mobs of angry citizens armed with flaming torches doing the job that the police and the state should be doing, which is clamping down on the ideology of Islam. Yet again, we see vigilantism against Islam which in my view is evidence of the abject failure of the political, administrative and policing systems to do what needs to be done and protect those who really need and deserve protecting.


Original Brietbart story on the pigs head war in Blackburn


Map of the 45 existing mosques in the Blackburn area


Here are some excellent resources from the website Crimebodge that tells you how not to talk to the police (the answer is ‘never’) and to never, ever let them into your home.

Never allow the police into your home


Don’t ever talk to the police, they don’t want to hear your side, they just want you to incriminate yourself or others


Remember you can legally refuse a police interview


What to do if the police threaten to break down your door


5 Comments on "I told you this would happen (Blackburn edition)"

  1. James Strong | December 24, 2015 at 2:56 pm |

    Merry Christmas to you, sir.
    Please keep telling it like it is, but also keep it calm and clinical because any hysteria, inaccuracy or exaggeration wil surely be used against you.

    When I came on to your site today there was an advert for muslima.com.
    How do these internet algorithms work?
    I don’t think that website will be getting many customers from among your readers.

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 24, 2015 at 3:43 pm |

      Thank you very much and a very Merry Christmas to you as well. I’m very much ‘old school’ when it comes to fact checking and I’m proud of the fact that out of approx 800k words that I’ve written here, I’ve only had to apologise for 3,000 of them due to factual inaccuracy. I agree about choosing words carefully and I try to fact check as much as possible and I hve my own list of sources that I trust and sources that I do not trust. I’m horrified at the sort of easily debunked stuff that goes round Twitter for instance and distributing it only gives the Islammic/Left enemy a stick to beat counterjihadists with. On that subject I’ve got an article provisionally entitled ‘Sources for Courses’ currently in preperation on the subject of trustworthy and not trustworthy sources.

  2. James Strong. click on muslim adverts a lot. every click they have to pay for.

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 24, 2015 at 6:58 pm |

      I never thought of that. Also it earns this blog money but I’m not allowed to click on ads on my own site (or I’ll get shafted by the ad provider).

  3. Another brilliant article Farenheit – glad that there are people such as yourself out there saying the things that need to be said. Let us hope that the awakening of the sleeping masses continues throughout 2016! Best wishes for the coming New Year to you, your family and everyone else who sees Islam for the insidious and malign force that it is.

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