I’d like to take the opportunity to wish all the readers of Fahrenheit211 a very merry Christmas and an extremely safe and happy New Year, and I hope and pray that 2016 will have less Islamic violence in than previous years.
2015 has been yet another year of tragedy caused by the ideology of Islam with the Paris attacks, the ongoing knife and car jihad in Israel, the San Bernadino massacre in California, the ongoing mass rape of British girls by Islamic Rape Gangs and the countless numbers of less high profile attacks by Muslims across the world, which claimed the lives of 1400 people in November 2015 alone. Let us hope that 2016 will be less full of Islamic violence, Islamic rape, Islamic corruption and Islamic grievance-mongering than 2015 has been.
The world is being made into a very dangerous place by the completely misnamed ‘Religion of Peace’ but despair is not the answer, despair is never the answer, once a person despairs then defeat is almost inevitable. Fighting back requires hope. If you cannot personally beat your enemy over the head with a big stick then laugh at them instead. Not everyone can fight on the battlefield with a weapon in hand, but we can all laugh at the enemy, and what is more the enemy hates us laughing at them. If there is one thing guaranteed to enrage and upset the Islamic enemy then mockery is it. Laughter is the weapon that nobody needs a permit or constitutional amendment for. Therefore to celebrate the season and to mock the ideology of Islam and the non-Muslim Quislings who pander to it, here are two examples of some very dark comedy from the people at Latma TV in Israel.
The first is ‘Jihad Bells from Jerusalem’ which, like much good comedy has a chilling element of truth about it. It is correct to say that life for Christians in the town where Jesus is said to have been born, Bethlehem, is becoming more and more precarious, and the danger faced by Christians there doesn’t come from anybody else but Muslims.
The second bit of comedy is a frightening ‘what if’ called ‘Christmas in Eurabia’ which as well as being a bit of dystopian black humour, also illustrates the sort of violent, intolerant enemy that we face and must vanquish if our children are to have any sort of free future at all.
Merry Christmas to all.
The Fahrenheit211 editor is now off to get drunk, normal service will be resumed when sobriety returns.
Merry Christmas!
And to you as well Julia.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Fahrenheit.
Thank you and the same to you. Also let us hope and pray that 2016 is the year that British people of all religions and of all colours, start to fight back against the ideology of Islam that as well as doing great damage to the UK is destroying peace wherever it goes and causing problems wherever it sets up shop.
Merry Christmas Fahrenheit, Enjoy…