Are these examples of the ‘moderate’ Muslims we keep getting told about?

These are not the mythical 'Moderate Muslims' who you are fruitlessly searching for

To all intents and purposes, the husband and wife jihad team of Mohammed Rehman and his wife Sana Ahmed Khan looked like any other British citizen who just happened to be Muslim. They had even integrated enough to pick each other as partners rather than go through an arranged marriage. Although Rehman was yet another of the many Muslim dole-bludgers that we have to support, Khan was bright enough to get a degree in English. This pair looked and seemed normal, but they were not. Like so many other Muslims, although they were British enough to get an education and to claim benefits, they were Islamic enough to want to kill as many non-Muslims as they could.

These Islamic savages, whose hearts are full of murderous intent towards us, the non-Muslim, could be anybody’s neighbour or work colleague. They give the impression, at least in their pictures, of being normal people who just happen to be Muslims. They could be any other moderate looking Muslim walking through your town centre looking as normal as can be, but filled with violence and the devilish hatred for everything and everyone in the world that is not Muslim which comes from the core of Islam. Violent savages like this are a prime indication that Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It’s frightening that such normal looking people could want to kill so many random people from their own country. Rehman and Khan are prime examples of why Islam is so dangerous to civilised societies. You can have people who look normal, sound normal, behave normally, but who walk round with the Koranically inspired instruction to ‘kill, kill, kill’ constantly playing in their heads.

We can give prayers of thanks to whatever deity you may believe in that these Savages were caught, tried, convicted and gaoled for a very long time. However it should not be forgotten that the primary reason that these Savages were apprehended is because of their own stupidity. Asking those on Twitter ‘what target shall I bomb’ is really not the brightest of things to do, but this laughable idiocy should not make us complacent.

Just because one or two idiots are caught out by the fact of being morons, doesn’t mean that there are not other Muslims out there who are less stupid but equally if not more dangerous than Rehman and Khan. There must be thousands upon thousands of normal seeming Muslims out there in the UK who are filled with just as much murderous intent as Rahman and Khan are, but who are better at hiding it from the rest of us than they were.

We in the UK are coming to know, despite constant denials by Muslim spokespersons and the bent ‘news’ put out by the BBC that there are a large number of seemingly integrated and loyal Muslims who hold in their hearts a desire to kill us or oppress us or destroy our nation. Knowing that there are a lot of Muslims out there who harbour thoughts of ‘death to kufar’, are you happy to trust a Muslim police officer, or a Muslim MP or councillor, or a Muslim civil servant, take a ride in a Muslim cab, or even eat food prepared by Muslim? Increasingly I find that I am not. The number of Islam problems that are growing in Britain, make me nervous and rightly so. There are Islamic charities that have been shown to be dodgy, Muslim run hot food shops that have a cavalier attitude to health and safety, a huge number of rapist Muslim cab drivers and too many Muslim politicians whose loyalty to the UK and its people is very much in doubt. With a record of dodgyness like this is it any wonder that there are a growing number of people who distrust anyone who describes themselves as ‘Muslim’ or admits to adherence to Islam?

When we look at the case of Rehman and Khan, we should not sit back and think ‘well done security services’ because these Savages were not caught by good police work or security tradecraft, but by their own foolishness. We should never ever forget that there are a great number of Muslims out here who seem fair but are ultimately as foul as foul can be. What should give us cause to worry is not how odd Rehman and Khan were, but how ordinary they seemed. We need to be constantly on our guard against the ordinary Muslim who is likely to secretly hold views about the rest of us that are far from ordinary and may well be deadly.

We should give thanks that these particular Savages are going to be locked up for a long time but we must never forget that for every Savage who is apprehended like this there are thousands more who are not. It’s not the Savages who are nicked that we need to be concerned about but the greater number of Savages who are just waiting their chance to kill, maim and rape in the name of Allah.


Brietbart report on the Rehman and Khan the savages jailed for life this week

More detail on this case from the same source

Daily Mail version of the Rehman and Khan story