The mendacious grievance-mongering Taqiyya artists of Tell Mama are whining again – this time about some graffiti.

It seems that the grievance-mongerers of Tell Mama are still with us, and still whining, for yet another year. Unless Tell Mama are prised out of the politically correct public sector where, like the peculiarily tenacious parasites that they are, have made their home or Fiyaz Mughal, their founder, takes the unlikely step of taking a binding vow of honesty, then we are stuck with them for at least a bit longer. We await and see what outragous rubbish they will come out with in 2016, which other moral line they will cross, and probably in vain for any one at the BBC to start seeing Tell Mama for the victimhood poker players that they really are.

When it comes to what sort of ‘stories’ – with the emphasis on the word ‘stories’ – they cover and which of their cases they take on and publicise, it’s getting quite obvious that Tell Mama have no depths that they will not plumb, and no molehill they will not try to create into a mountain. They feel no moral qualms about exploiting the mentally ill (see HERE and HERE) or talking up very minor knock backs to Muslims from members of a non-Muslim community that is becoming increasingly pissed off with Islam.

Today’s dig into the Tell Mama cesspit of dishonesty and whining doesn’t come into the category of exploitation of mental cases to further their view, but does come into the molehill into mountains one.

During 2015, we saw an increasing number of reports of anti-Muslim graffiti which have been posted on street cornersthrough to bus stops and advertisement hoardings. The language of bigotry may well be changing, but the impacts of it can be significant, given the anger that it generates which can become counter-productive for community relations.

We received this report in today, showing graffiti that has been drawn within a toilet in busy Doncaster station.

To add further insult, the terms, “filthy Muslim pigs” with references to toilet paper as pages of the Holy Qur’an are made.

We have informed relevant officials at Doncaster station to remove this graffiti.

If you come across such graffiti in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us in Tell MAMA. (E-mail:


, twitter: @tellmamauk, or you can report through our web-site: We take a pro-active approach to tackling such issues by getting authorities to remove such bigoted material.

Tell MAMA also runs a helpline service which runs from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays. The service will be available again on the 3rd of January 2016.

I did a quick search using the word ‘graffiti’ on the Tell Mama site and it throws up a few cases but not the massive amount as one might possibly be expecting. But, not only was one of the incidents a mistaken attack on a Sikh Temple, and another was an attack on Shia Muslims by other Muslims. In this particular case Tell Mama appear to be stretching the already shaky definition of ‘Islamophobia’ to include Muslims having a go at other Muslims. It’s typical of Tell Mama and indeed nearly all of the organisations created by the ubiquitous Fiyaz Mughal, that they primarily concentrate on the very minor problem of graffiti and ignore completely what is driving said graffiti. Islamic propaganda outfits of which Tell Mama are but one, often refuse to acknowledge that in the case of graffiti like this, it’s not being driven by baseless hatred, as for example was the case with the ‘Perish Judah’ anti-Semitic graffiti that abounded in parts of Britain in the mid 20th century, but from a very real sense among people that Islam is a genuine problem for Britain. With Islam, unlike the case with many other belief systems, there are genuine, well-founded, historically provable and amply demonstrated reasons to despise Islam and want it held back wherever possible. This graffiti is on the whole being driven by very real fears of what Islam brings to the table such as terrorism, violence, Islamic cultural fascist supremacy, misogyny, mass rape and so on and so on.

When you realise the sheer scale of the crimes that have been committed by Muslims in name of Islam or tot up the number of murders, or rapes (which could run into the tens of thousands in the UK) that have their roots in Islamic theology or Islamic culture, then you should also realise just what a piss poor whiny-arsed complaint this particular one truly is. They complain about graffiti whilst too many of our children live in fear of Islamic Rape Gangs or whilst even our service personnel when off duty have to worry about attack from a random Muslim pumped up on Koranic hatred. When compared to truly shocking amounts of Islamic violence, a few bits (I counted about twenty graffiti incidents in the Tell Mama piece) of graffiti should be the least of Tell Mama’s worries. Yet again Tell Mama have made a mountain out of a molehill and yet again I have to call them out for it and remind them, that there are far greater crimes than graffiti being committed in this world, and that it is often Muslims who are committing them.

Now, that’s the mendacious grieveance mongering-taqiyya artists given their regular spanking what about the graffiti itself. First of all the British people, some more than others, are becoming more and more cheesed off with Islam. Despite all the pandering to Muslims by local councils, all the pro-Islam propaganda pumped out by the likes of the BBC, and the shocking instances of bent information about Islam being given to our schoolchildren, many people still don’t like Islam, and thankfully there are some who are prepared to say so. Not every one will say that they dislike Islam in the same way as I would choose though. I wouldn’t say ‘death to Muslims’ for example, and I try to reserve the insult ‘filthy Muslim pigs’ for when it is wholly and completely necessary, such as when a gang of them rapes a score or more of our children. My own view is that Islam oppresses Muslims just as much as it oppresses or attempts to oppress everyone else, therefore I’d rather see every Muslim in the world give up Islam and do something less stupid instead, rather than say that all of one group should be killed.

This graffitios creative use of the pen and toilet roll holder media, tells us all that we need to know about this artists opinion of the ideology of Islam, and it’s one that a growing number of us appear to share. The Koran and the Hadith are truly the toilet roll of religious books, why else would so many nations that are run according to the Koran and the Hadith, be such complete and utter retarded crapholes?

The artists juxtaposition of the toilet roll and the word ‘Koran’ is an action that for me comes very much into the area of Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA), ironically a tactic so beloved of some parts of the Left. The artist hasn’t hurt anyone, hasn’t threatened anyone by putting poo and poo together, but they have made a valid point. More than that however is the fact that the the point the artist is making is based on truth. It’s not tin foil hattery or irrational fear at play here, too many Muslims do really want to kill us and do really want to oppress us. When you look at the scale of the threat that Islam poses to our society then are we not surprised that graffiti crops up criticising Islam? It’s a testament in part to the surviving stability of our society and the general tolerance of the British people, that the Islamic community is not facing a whole lot worse than a bit of graffiti.

Knowing how people are and how often people are easily inspired to do things ‘that sound like a right laugh’ I would not be surprised if the simple fact of Tell Mama featuring this toilet roll and Koran graffiti combination did not spark off copycat incidents of similar graffiti. I would be equally unsurprised to see people designing stickers with the word ‘Koran’ on them for the sole purpose of sticking onto the toilet roll holders of public conveniences in order to make known their opinion of Islam. I fear that Tell Mama may have started a bit of a trend here, but one they may have wished they had not started.

When I saw the picture of the vandalised toilet roll holder I gave a great big laugh, as many others may have done, because here, the artist, was a person summing up all that is wrong with Islam and only using very few words to do so.


Tell Mama’s ‘Oh the humanity!!’ post on some minor graffiti at Doncaster

Tell Mama exploit a mentally ill transsexual to claim ‘Islamophobia’

Part One

Part Two

8 Comments on "The mendacious grievance-mongering Taqiyya artists of Tell Mama are whining again – this time about some graffiti."

  1. Hi,
    Here’s wishing you and your family all the very best for the New Year!
    Meanwhile, here is an extract from an article in today’s Mail on Sunday which you may have missed…

    “Fiyaz Mughal, director of the measuring anti-Muslim attacks group (MAMA), told MailOnline: ‘The number of crimes are rising given the frequency of issues that are buffeting and affecting Muslim communities. 

    ‘Since 2013, we have had the murder of Lee Rigby and the huge rise in anti-Muslim hate incidents after that, the Rotherham grooming scandals the far-right used to whip up anti-Muslim hate, Charlie Hebdo, Paris, the rise of the so-called Islamic State and fear of terrorism, as well as the Syrian refugee crisis that have all impacted on wider perceptions. 

    ‘In all of these incidents, the underlying issue has been one of negative images about Muslims and Muslim communities.”

    How DARE that scumbag use Lee Rigby and the Rotherham rape scandal as an excuse for muslims (they don’t deserve the respect of a capital letter!) to yet again play the victims. Utterly and completely disgusting.
    And he’s still repeating the proven lie about the “huge rise in anti-muslim hate crime”.
    The final sentence of the article says it all, really…

    “Elsewhere in London, the number of offences against Jewish people and property more than doubled in a year.”

    Just one small mention of the increase in hate crime against Jews, who have always been undemanding and respectful of our society and laws.
    I wonder who has been responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism?
    Unfortunately, I don’t have to think too hard to find an answer to that question…

    Kind regards,

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 3, 2016 at 4:21 pm |

      Thank you for the New Year wishes and the same to you and yours. I didnt’ see the MoS but it’s boilerplate Fiyaz Mughal. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that he and his scummy organisations will not use to further their Islamic victimhood narrative. If they will stoop as low as to exploit a mentally ill transsexual person with an ‘interesting’ public profile, then they will certainly stoop lower even than that and exploit the Rotherham Islamic Rape Gang scandal and the Islamic murder of Lee Rigby. It’s nearly always the fault of the ‘nasssty Islamophobes’ in the eyes of Tell Mama, and never the fault of those Muslims who have murdered and raped their way across the country and by their own actions forced, yes forced us, to hate them and the ideology that has produced them.

      As to the anti-Semitism question of course it’s because of Islam after all ‘more Islam’ is the only thing that’s really changed in British society that could possibly cause more anti-Semtitism. It isn’t Sikhs or Hindus or Jains who are putting on hate preachers who target Jews Gays and Christians is it? I would feel perfectly cool about walking through a Hindu or a Sikh area wearing a Kippah or a Magen Dovid pendant, but I wouldn’t dream of doing that in Newham, Rochdale, Birmingham, Waltham Forest, parts of Redbridge now sadly, Tower Hamlets or Preston or Nelson or Rotherham or you take your pick of Islamised shitholes where YOU wouldn’t feel comfortable identifying as Jewish if you were.

      Of course it’s Islam that is driving increased anti-Semitism, it’s not as if Oswald Mosley and a bunch of confused Blackshirts have suddenly popped through a time tunnel to the present day or anything is it?

  2. I don’t think that the Tell Mama organisation has seen an anti-Islamic backlash yet and when they do they will probably be quite shocked as will UAF etc.

    Next we will be hearing about good NVDA and bad NVDA.

    I have a horrible feeling that this will not end well for anybody.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 4, 2016 at 9:07 am |

      I agree. As anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis will know, I can see the very clear and present danger of mobs of Britons, who quite rightly feel abandoned by their governing classes and are increasingly angry about what Islam is doing to Britain, deciding to take the law into their own hands.

      This is why I’ve consistently called for a peaceful, political solution to the danger posed by Islam. If action needs to be taken against the ideology of Islam and its followers, then it would be better if politicians chosen by the people decided that and the legitimate forces and sectors, police, military administrative, health, legal etc, did the enforcement of that democratically chosen policy. Of course the legion of Lefty placemen in the Home Office, MOD, police, local government would need to be purged or moved to jobs, such as counting lamp-posts where they can do no real harm in order that the Lefty placemen don’t hamper the policy of government and people.

      Mobs of people with burning brands, righteously angry about Islamic rape, terror, corruption and general piss taking are much more liable to hit the innocent or the ex Muslim or even Sikh, as they would hit the many hate preachers and jihadis and jihad sympathisers that exist in Britain’s Islamic communities. Unless the ordinary Briton has a legal way of objecting to Islam, having a negative opinion of it or even beign able to prevent it setting up shop in their areas, then I do predict trouble. A growing number of angry frustrated people are an accident waiting to happen.

      I agree with what you say about Tell Mama, they’ll know it when (and sadly it’s a when) the proper backlash against the ideology of Islam starts. There is a simmering and justified anger about Islam that I don’t think I’ve seen the like of in my lifetime, and the behaviour of Muslims is doing sweet FA to turn down the heat on the pan that is starting to go from simmering to boiling. It may only take one spark, as the Law and Freedom Foundation once said to set people down the road from grumbling about something like Islamic Rape Gangs to tooling up and doing something about the problem themselves. That would be a break down of law and a symptom of abject failure by the poltiicans to do the right thing and control the ideology of Islam.

      There are so many potential sparks out there and so many scenarios that could see sparks grow into big fires. For example: I see and hear a growing level of anger from those Britons who I meet and converse with online, who have fled, yes I have used the right word there, fled from Islamised areas and they are in no mood to see their new areas become just as shittily Islamised as the areas they’ve run from. These are the people who are liable if push really comes to shove, may indeed fight back physically or cross the line into vigilante action if mosques are imposed on them or their local council and police force engages in abject pandering to Muslims and to Islam. It would be good if such vigilante scenarios can be prevented and they can be prevented quite easily by simple act of the government seeing Islam for the threat it obviously is.

      I reckon that we will be seeing a lot more of the ‘graffiti NVDA’ of thesort that was featured. Yes the Left will divide patriot NVDA as ‘bad’ NVDA and their own NVDA as ‘good’ NVDA. Watch out for the language that the Left and the Left aligned media will used should patriot led NVDA start occurring. The media will call the Leftist NVDA a ‘protest’ but patriot NVDA ‘vandalism’ or similar.

  3. maybe someone should as tell mama to comment on this,15187530,33047730.html

    its in german but you can put it through google translate

  4. anyway this is such an old joke. when I was at uni in the late 70’s people put ‘sociology degrees, please take one’ on the bog roll holders. I dont remember sociology undergraduates showing their ire with AK47’s and machetes.

  5. I am waiting for Tell Mama to update the Miss Choudhury story. She claimed that her hijab was pulled off and she was punched, in an anti-Islamic attack but when the police investigated, it turned out she had lied, and made the story up.

    Tell Mama reported the story back in October but when the results of the investigation came out, appeared to have pulled the story. I cannot see that they have updated the story with the real outcome. Perhaps you could remind them of it?!

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