I’m marching with PEGIDA on February 6th, are you?


Barring disasters or emergencies such as a child whose vomiting looks like something out of the Exorcist, or some other unavoidable situation, I will be in Birmingham marching with the patriots and concerned citizens of PEGIDA UK on February sixth 2016. Even if Tommy Robinson is prevented by the bent Bedfordshire Police from attending, I’ll be there, hell no, let me rephrase that: It’s precisely because the police are trying to prevent Mr Robinson from attending, that I have finally made the decision that I will be there. Mr Robinson’s detention is merely just another reason why I will be attending my first big demonstration in years.

I’ll be marching for a multitude of reasons. Here are some of them. I’ll be marching for the elderly family members who are trapped in Islamic shitholes because they trusted the BBC coverage of Islam and multiculturalism more than the warnings to get out to somewhere safer that they were given to them many times by friends and family. I’ll be marching for the right of women and girls to not to have to live in fear of Islamic rapists, and so that my own town, one that I moved to in part to get away from the Islamic savages who had ruined my birthplace, doesn’t turn into a simulacrum of Rotherham. I’m marching with Pegida so that genuine freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom of speech is supported and protected. I’m marching so that gays are not ethnically cleansed from British towns like they are increasingly being cleansed from parts of Islamic East London, so that my wife can live freely and with respect, and that Jews such as myself do not have to hide our identity when there are Muslims about. I’m marching as well so that the term ‘Never Again’ which was said loud and clearly after the Shoah is a meaningful phrase and not just empty words. We know now, in our heart of hearts, that Islam wishes that ‘never again’ was ‘yes, let’s do this again’.

But primarily, most of all, above everything else, I’m marching for my baby son. I know what sort of world I want my child to grow up in, and it is not a world where Islam is either in control or given any position of respect. For the record, that doesn’t mean I hate Muslims, on the contrary I feel sorry for a lot of them, and there is nothing more that I desire, that they would give up the death cult of Islam and do something less lethal, to them and to the rest of us, instead. I want my son to live in a world of freedom and enquiry and good works, not a world constrained, constricted or oppressed by the ideology of Islam.

I don’t want my son to have to lower his voice and look around to see if he is being overheard if he makes a criticism of the ideology of Islam and neither do I want him comprehensively lied to about the nature of Islam in one of Britain’s highly Islamopandering comprehensive schools. I want him to grow up a free country where his Rabbi is not compelled, for fear of attracting violence from Muslims, to parrot the phrase; ‘Islam is a religion of peace’. I don’t want him to grow up in a country where he has to wear a stab proof vest to go to synagogue or to work or to school, or be forced to eat halal food where the supervision fees paid to Islamic organisations for halal certification, end up in the very pockets of those who wish to kill him.

I don’t want to have to prepare places for my son to hide from any Islamic assailants who may pay our home a visit, or have to tell him where the shelters are, or what to do when the Islamic thugs attack.

I want my son to know, deep in his heart, that it was Britain’s decision
to allow people like his Grandfather and his family to come here, and serve the British armed forces that kept this nation free of dictatorship, that allowed him to
create the family that produced the woman who became my beloved wife and
that is why he, my son, is here today. I want my son to grow up as a
British citizen of the Jewish faith, in a proud and safe British nation that respects freedom of thought, of religion and of opinion, and to help bring about that world of freedom, for which previous generations have fought and died for in such great numbers. Because of all these reasons, I feel compelled to march against the dangerous and oppressive ideology of Islam.

I stand my ground for my son, it’s my duty, I see no other way.

THAT is the main reason why I will be marching in Birmingham on February the sixth in the civil year of two thousand and sixteen.


If you want to march for freedom, for Britain and for the right of you and your descendants to live in peace in a Britain unencumbered by the depredations of the ‘religion of death’ then please contact Pegida via Twitter at: . _

4 Comments on "I’m marching with PEGIDA on February 6th, are you?"

  1. Just to let you know, I will also be at the Pegida demonstration. I would be honoured to make your acquaintance if at all possible. Also here is a link to the first Blog Talk Radio programme in support of Pegida (you can hear me rabbit on at length about the pernicious effects of Islam) – http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pegidauk/2016/01/06/patriots-of-britain-radio-show

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 7, 2016 at 7:03 pm |

      I’ll be honoured to meet you as well. I’ll be the geezer in the suit and carrying a copy of The Times LOL.

  2. I’ll be another geezer in a suit. In the unlikely event that I can’t find a carnation for my buttonhole, I will be carrying a grandfather clock. Probably.

  3. Actually I’m only kidding about the grandfather clock. I’ve just discovered that it won’t fit in my car. But I’m looking forward to meeting you anyway.

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