It’s no great secret that I dislike immensely the ‘anti Islamophobia’ group Tell Mama. The hyperbole, the dishonesty of their ‘facts and figures’, their dubious associations are just a few of the reasons why I am opposed to them. I also object to TM and other Fiyaz Mughal vehicles, and those associated with them libelling me by calling me ‘far right’. Centre right or just Right, if you please Messers Mughal and Rose accuracy on this issue on your part would be greatly appreciated. Tell Mama are entitiled to their views, but on the other hand I’m equally entitled to have a go at them.
I’ve also made my views known on the ‘Hacked Off’ campaign for press controls. As a former photojournalist I’ve seen some dubious things done in order to either get a story or confirm one therefore I know that there can be excesses among journalists. However, I’d rather have a free but messy and sometimes morally dubious press, than the sort of neutered press that groups like Hacked Off would like to see. Hacked Off, no matter how many times they hide behind the family of Milly Dowler, are politically and ethically questionable to say the least. Basically, Hacked Off are a combination of Left wing censorship freaks who dislike the counterweight to Leftist arguments provided by a free press, and a bunch of celebrities, many of whom may have a considerable number of personal skeletons that they may wish to hide.
Both these groups are not good for the body politic of Britain. Tell Mama want to push an often false ‘Islamophobia’ narrative and believe that the law should be used to restrict people from speaking critically about Islam or campaigning against Islam. Hacked Off want a press that does what the Government or better still, the Left, tells them to do. Nether of these things are what we should either want or put up with.
So, when the mendacious grievance monger Fiyaz Mughal and his Tell Mama/Faith Matters vehicles get together with the censors of Hacked Off, then we should sit up and take notice. This is a combination that is bad for everyone who is not a Leftist Islamophile. It is most certainly bad for freedom of speech. It seems that Hacked Off and Tell Mama are starting to work together on certain issues and are tonight holding a conference on reporting and journalism.
Here’s what the self described antifascist group Searchlight has written about this event. As usual the original text is in italics whereas my comments are in plain text.
Faith Matters is pleased to announce that it is holding the following event on Thursday 7 April 2016.
The event is a film made by Richard Peppiat who used to work for the Daily Star and who resigned from the Daily Star in 2011 at what he said was the paper’s anti-Muslim propaganda. Further information on this film can be found through this LINK.
This is a free showing of Richard’s film followed by a discussion with the Director, Richard Peppiat and the Director and Founder of Faith Matters and Tell MAMA, Fiyaz Mughal OBE. Daisy Cooper, the Director of Hacked Off, will also be attending and speaking at the event.
We hope that you can make this film showing, which will explore the role of the media and how it may develop perceptions around communities and to discuss an area that is of ongoing concern for some communities in our country.
You can e-mail Rehman on
to book your place on what will be a night of laughter, discussion and debate. You can also get in touch with us by calling 0207 935 5573.
Come and join us as we explore a topic that impacts on all of our lives – our national press.
I don’t know about you but this looks very much like a campaign to get the press to shut their mouths about Islam. Tell Mama/Faith Matters dislikes what some in the press are saying about Islam, and neither it seems do the Leftists and censors of Hacked Off.
This is a worrying development. It’s not something that should be ignored by anyone especially those involved in counterjihad work or those concerned about the growth of censorship whether in print or online. To see two such questionable and anti freedom organisations working together should make us all wonder ‘just what are this pair of censorious arse-clown organisations up to’?
Both TellMama/Faith Matters and Hacked Off have significant support among the movers and shakers of Britian. TM/FM have managed to successfully politically corrupt several of Britain’s police forces into making them ‘third party hate crime reporters’ and Hacked Off were responsible for successfully calling for government oversight of Britain’s press. With records like that, many will agree that neither of these organisations should be trusted or allowed any influence at all. To see them working together is very worrying, and this tie up is something that I’d advise all those who are concerned about the politicial Left or the problem of Islamification to keep a very close eye on.
When liars, lefties and celebrities with a lot to hide get together, you can bet your bottom dollar that it’s not going to end up as a bed of roses for the rest of us. What these organisations are doing is basically calling for more censorship when it comes to the issue of Islam and that is something that should not be acceptable in a free society. If Muslims do not like the way they are portrayed in the media then may I suggest that they tone down the bombing, the maiming, the electoral corruption, the mass rapes, the welfare sponging and all the other things that make non-Muslims distrustful and hostile towards Islam. The Press are not ‘driving’ anti Muslim attitudes, as Leftists may like to think, they are reflecting the attitudes of their readers. I see no good reason why a bunch of Leftists in Hacked Off or mendacious grievance mongering taqiyya artists like Fiyaz Mughal should be allowed to get away with shutting people up about Islam.
Video from Hacked Off showing Fiyaz Mughal saying that Muslims feel frightened to go through the IPSO process
Tell Mama organisation website
Hacked Off facebook page from september 2015 showing the growing closeness between these two groups who wish to censor information about Islam.