If they have not then let me educate them.
Here is the definition of the Streisand Effect’ or ‘the Streisand Law’ as it sometimes is called from Rational Wiki
The Streisand effect is an Internet-coined name (although the effect pre-dates the popular usage of the Internet) for a phenomenon whereby an attempt to censor or gag a report has led to great interest in the story or work that nobody would have noticed had they not attempted to ban or censor it in the first place.
Some people have proposed that it be called Streisand’s Law on account of how inevitable the effect is.
Now, here’s why it seems that the disgraced anti Islamophobia campaigners of Tell Mama seem to have forgotten this.
The Tell Mama group are crowing about how they managed to secure an arrest of a man for posting on Facebook a graphic of a burning mosque. I have reproduced, for illustrative purposes only, below, a version of the image that Tell Mama appear to be claiming resulted in this arrest. Also below is the image from a Sunderland group that sparked the involvement of Tell Mama.

This is the ‘burn mosque’ image featured in the article by Tell Mama crowing about an arrest for distributing a similar graphic to this.

This is the image that Tell Mama claim was being distributed by the North West Infidels group (note to readers I have no association with, and neither do I support the NWI group) BTW I’d love to know why TM edited the image when there is more ‘shock horror’ power in the original image than in the bowlderised version?
Before we carry on, I need to make it clear as I have on many other occasions on here, that I disagree with the burning of mosques. This is for various quite obvious reasons. It’s counter productive as it gives various mendacious grievance mongering taqiyya artists something genuine to whine about. Also such action endangers the lives and property of innocent people, which is something that in my view should be avoided as much as possible. My position is this: At some point it may become necessary to remove some or all of these Islamic citadels of hate, jihad and terror, called mosques. However, such an action needs to be undertaken by the legitimate political and security forces of the nation, not by mobs of angry citizens with flaming torches.
Tell Mama’s action in achieving this prosecution is likely to have the exact opposite effect to that which it is intended. All they have done is alert people to the existence of graphics such as these and ensured not only the enhanced distribution of this particular image but have encouraged others to create their own similar images. It really is the Streisand Effect in all its gory glory.
I’ve been around the counter jihad scene for a while now and I have never, ever seen this particular graphic before, on any of the numerous websites that I visit nor on any of the various news sources I read. I’m well versed in the various ways that people express their dislike for the ideology of Islam in graphic form, but I’ve never seen the one that has been inadvertently championed and disseminated by the Tell Mama organisation. I didn’t see it but now I have, thanks to the Tell Mama organisation. If they’ve made me aware of it then they have also made others aware of it. This, like Tell Mama’s championing of the self deluded, mentally ill, racist, transsexual Niqabi, and promoting them to the Crown Prosecution Service as a victim of ‘Islamophobia’, is Tell Mama shooting themselves in the foot yet again.
The actions of the police in colluding with an organisation possessed of such a shoddy reputation as Tell Mama over this and similar arrests that TM have claimed involvement in, should also alert us to the hate speech double standard that exists in the UK today. There have been only been a few prosecutions of Islamic hate preachers who do far worse than idly distribute a few foolish ‘burn the mosque’ graphics. The East London Mosque for instance is able to host the admirers of Osama Bin Laden and other hate preachers including those who say ‘death to Jews’ and ‘death to gays’ and the square root of sod all is done about either them or their murderous incitement. There is also very little done by the authorities about the ongoing campaigns by mainstream mosques in the UK for heterodox Muslims such as Ahmediyya to be murdered. However, post just one ‘burn the mosque’ graphic and it seems the police will spring into action with all the vigour of a jack-in-the-box that has been heavily dosed up with amphetamines. That is what a double standard looks like.
So to conclude well done to Tell Mama, they’ve helped to publicise the existence of a graphic that most people, even those of us involved in counterjihad, didn’t know existed, This is because we have not visited the websites or the social media pages of those who’ve originally distributed it.
Very few people would have known about the existence of this troubling graphic before Tell Mama decided to stick their oar in. It seems that the desire for censorship so self evident in many of Tell Mama’s pronouncements, in their communications and by those they associate with has turned round and bitten Tell Mama soundly on the arse.
Tell Mama’s crowing about an arrest for a graphic
East London Mosque hosts friends of Bin Laden
This mosque burning graphic case appears to relate to a member of the North West Infidels group in Sunderland
Tell Mama promote mentally ill, racist, transsexual niqabi to the Crown Prosecution Service as a credible source of victim information about Islamophobia