From Elsewhere: How bent is your local police force?

We’ve all seen, read or heard about instances when the British police deserved to be complained about. There seem to be an awful lot of them. It’s not just complaints about the big things like Hillsborough or Rotherham or similar monumental examples of police incompetence or malfeasance, but the less well reported cases. I’m talking about the assaults, favouritism, bending the law, rudeness, misuse of police resources to target innocent individuals, and wrongful arrests by police that make the lives of too many British citizens a misery. Police misbehaviour has contributed to the current situation where a growing number of ordinary, decent law abiding people are more than happy to refer to their local police as ‘filth’. That’s not a good situation for a society to be in and it needs changing, but in order to change, a bit of disinfecting sunlight needs to be shone into the British policing system.

We know that the police get a lot of complaints, but what is Britain’s worst, most dodgy, most corrupt police force? What are the forces that get the most complaints and have the highest number of police cover-ups of complaints? If you don’t know then the website Crimebodge appears to have the answer.

Crimebodge has compiled a list of Britain’s worst police forces and the most corrupt police complaints systems. It makes interesting reading.

Crimebodge said:

Recently I decided to see if there was any correlation with the forces I keep hearing about and the official figures on police complaints. In my experience it’s the police forces that uphold the least number of complaints (while receiving the highest number of them) which have the greatest disregard toward the public. This demonstrates just how willing officers in the complaints department are to get their colleagues off the hook at the expense of the public.

Each year the IPCC publish comprehensive data on police complaints (the only useful function they serve). Although they give the figures of which forces have the highest amount of complaints, and which forces have the lowest rate of upholding those complaints, they fail to compile them into any league table. So I have done it for them.

Sure enough when I re-compiled the IPCC data, the same forces I keep hearing about over and over were right up at the top.

So if you are unfortunate enough to live within the borders of any of the forces I have listed below, I would urge you to be extra vigilant when having any contact with the police. These are the top ten worst forces in the country, who employ the most poorly trained, self-entitled and unruly police officers in the country.

 Furthermore, in the likelihood that you DO experience a problem with any officers from these constabularies, their complaints process is designed specifically to help THEM, not you.

It is indeed a disgusting list of shame with some forces I expected to see on there and others I did not. I was not surprised to see Bedfordshire Police on this list, but I was surprised to not see the Met or West Midlands.

So, for your consternation, here is the list o the ten worst police forces and ten most corrupt police complaints systems in the UK courtesy of the excellent Crimebodge website.