On the PEGIDA silent walk in Rotherham 4th June 2016.

There is nothing that I disagree with in this placard. Picture by Rachael Megawhat of Brietbart news.


Yesterday I attended the PEGIDA silent walk protest in Rotherham, a town that has become synonymous for both Islamic Rape Gangs and a corrupt police force who made a point of ignoring the mass rapes carried out by these gangs. Knowing how bent South Yorkshire Police are when it comes to favouring Islamic interests, I was worried that the police would turn a blind eye to Leftist and Islamic attacks on the peaceful PEGIDA marchers. However my fears were unfounded and the silent march passed off peacefully and with dignity.

Judging attendance at events is an inexact science, but I reckoned that there were about 200 of us who chose to go to this very necessary event in a town where the police seem to have allowed themselves to be bought and paid for by the Muslims of the area. It’s just as well that there were this number as the police, at the very last minute, and while people were marshalling up for the march, issued Public Order Act notices to everyone stating that no more than 300 PEGIDA marchers would be allowed. On the subject of the police, there was a very heavy police presence, I have to say that I had no personal problem with the behaviour of the more junior officers who were there. But, I am given to understand that senior officers have not been so cooperative or helpful or respectful to those from PEGIDA, in fact thoroughly bent towards local Muslims would be a better way of describing them.

It was good to meet so many good people, many of whom I had spoken to online, I will not name them or their aliases on here in case they do not want me to do so, but they know who they are. Therefore I’d like to say ‘very nice to meet you all’. Unfortunately in the United Kingdom at the moment those who oppose Islamisation, or are rightly appalled at the often disgusting behaviour of too many of Britain’s Muslims, do have to keep at least one eye on matters of security.

The people who took part in the PEGIDA silent protest were a cross section of ordinary British people, men, women, young and old, black and white and of a variety of political views from Right to Left. If there could be any commonality between those who attended then ‘angry’ and ‘worried’ would be the words I would choose to describe them. There were people there from towns and cities that are in the process of being hollowed out by the ideology of Islam. Towns where unwanted mosques are being imposed on areas where there are few Muslims which are being put there with the intention of intimidating the non-Muslims of the area into moving out. There were people there who were concerned about the future for their children, which to be frank is mostly why I was there. One woman had the most excellent hand made placard that said ‘My daughters are equal to your sons’, which was in my view a most effective way of highlighting the horrific racialism and misogyny that is present in Islam.

We all gathered at the meeting point in a road very near to Rotherham railway station led by such stalwarts of non-racialist opposition to Islam as Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters. Around 1:00pm we set off in a mostly silent procession from the station area up the steep hill to the Town Hall where we would gather outside. There appeared to be zero hostility from ordinary non-Muslim people to PEGIDA as we walked, some filmed the march on their smartphones and some silently watched us.

The police had allowed a counter demonstration by Muslims and their Leftist allies but this was kept well away, at least 100 yards, from the PEGIDA march. These deluded Leftists screamed ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’ at us without realising that they were shouting these words at those who were prepared to put our heads above the parapet and speak out against racialism and fascism of a specifically Islamic kind. The ‘opposition’ seemed to be made up of the ‘usual suspects’ from the Socialist Workers Party, Islamist agitators and supporters of Trades Unions including the National Union of Teachers. This union never seem miss an opportunity to politically fellate the ideology of Islam. Seeing NUT there makes me realise just why home-schooling of children appears to be becoming more popular, after all would you want this sort of lunatic teaching YOUR child. I don’t.

We all marched in near complete silence, any necessary conversation between people done quietly. This in itself must have made people think and something that stood in stark contrast to the behaviour of the ‘opposition’. As we reached the crown of the hill where the Town Hall is situated we started to hear the PEGIDA PA truck and knew that we were almost at our destination.

We then had the speeches. Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters started off the proceedings with excellent contributions. Mr Robinson detailed for the gathered PEGIDA attendees the problems that he’d had with South Yorkshire Police in the run up to this event. He told of how SYP had given him a lot of problems regarding the venue and refused to treat PEGIDA equally when compared to other Islamic groups that had previously protested in the town. Mr Robinson said that all he wanted was to be treated equally and have the same street for the PEGIDA demonstration that the Muslims had for their pro-Hamas Gaza demonstration. The police, in order to pander to local Muslims refused this request. Even the way that PEGIDA has been treated by SYP senior officers, shows that here we have a police force that has surrendered to Islamopandering. It also illustrates that it is still a force wants to sweep the numerous Islam problems suffered by Rotherham back under the carpet.

Anne-Marie Waters made passionate speech that touched on issues of Islamic gyno-hatred and the dangers of importing an Islamic rape culture. She’s right, we are importing, encouraging and pandering to an ideology that is shockingly racialist and misogynistic. This really is not a situation that we should wish to pass on to our daughters and granddaughters.

There was another speaker, an Ex-Muslim who quite rightly decried the horrors of racial hatred but who called on the Pakistani community in Britain to do something about the problems that are emanating from them. He told of how exclusion and possibly death awaited those such as himself who have examined Islam, found it wanting and rejected it. To hound someone to death because they have rejected a religious ideology after much study, are not the hallmarks of a peaceful religion, they are that of a death cult.

There were two other speakers whose names I did not catch who also spoke well. There was a former UKIP parliamentary candidate who was dumped by UKIP after he made the mistake of telling the truth about Islam. There was also a gentleman who said that the covering up of Islamic Rape Gangs is something that has gone on for decades, and that those who have been afflicted by this terrible and destructive crime should think about stepping up and trying to bring their rapists to justice.

All in all, this was a good day, which went off peacefully and with dignity. Despite many attempts by local Muslim groups and bent police management to ban this event and so turn people’s attention away from the Islamic crimes that have blighted the area, we made it. We came (some us from great distances), we marched and we made our point.

I’m glad that I attended, I’m glad that I made the effort to get there and help to keep the issue of Islamisation, Islamopandering and that of criminal Islamic male sexuality in the public eye. I may have held my manhood cheap, as Shakespeare said, If I had not attended. It was one of those demos where I felt that I had to attend as to not do so would be to show apathy in the face of evil.

Well done to all those who put the maximum effort, in the teeth of fierce opposition from the event’s opponents in the police and arrogant local Muslim groups, into organising this dignified, peaceful and very necessary event.

The next PEGIDA silent walk to help reclaim our nation and its peaceful people’s from the depredation of Islam will again be in Rotherham and will be on the 29th July 2016. As ‘Arnie’ says in some of his films, ‘I’ll be back’.


There are some excellent images by Rachael Megawhat from Breitbart of the PEGIDA march and these, along with Liam Deacon’s article on the problems in Rotherham are on the Brietbart website.


5 Comments on "On the PEGIDA silent walk in Rotherham 4th June 2016."

  1. I think the ex-Ukip guy was Magnus Nielsen and the other speaker was Bill Wier.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 5, 2016 at 10:25 pm |

      Many thanks for the info

      • You’re welcome. That’s me in the picture, by the way (the one on the right).

        • Fahrenheit211 | June 6, 2016 at 12:00 pm |

          Nice to speak to you Rick. I did feel that it went well on the day despite the police and the Muslims doing their very best to stop this going ahead.

          • Yes it was a good day. Great speeches again. We just need to keep hammering our points home.

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