D-Day for Britain


Today is Referendum day, the day of the plebiscite, the day the people speak. The politicians and others have spoken, now it’s our turn. I can only hope and pray that the people of this country choose freedom and not the increasing tyranny of the EU. British people can choose freedom, instead of choosing to be shackled to a European Union that has grown beyond a mere trading bloc, and is now a quasi-imperial monster, intruding into everyone’s lives.

As the film, ‘Brexit the Movie’ points out the EU intrudes on all our lives. No matter where you live or what you do for a living or how you live or what you eat or what you drive or even what you wish to think and say, to some degree or another the EU intrudes and governs without accountability.

It’s D-Day for the United Kingdom and all you need to do to ensure greater freedom for you and your descendants is to go to the polling station and vote ‘Leave’. Unlike in previous times you don’t have to scramble onto a French beach under heavy fire to deal with a tyrannical force that wants to meld Europe’s people into one obedient whole. All you have to do is put a cross in the box marked ‘Leave’.

It’s your choice who and what you listen to. On the one hand, do you listen to the thousand years of history of Britain as an independent nation, and those individuals who’ve studied the EU and can see its faults, such as Nigel Farage and Kate Hoey? Do you listen to those whose livelihoods have been decimated by EU policies, such as the fishermen? Do you listen to the mother, frustrated that she can’t get her child into the school of her choice because of EU migration policies?

On the other hand you could listen to the bad tempered and indeed bad taste, Remain camp which is basicaly made up of principle-free politicians on the make such as Clegg or Cameron, banking corporations, or politically brain-dead celebrities such as Bob Geldof and Lily Allen? None of these entities or individuals calling for Remain have to live with the problems caused by the EU, it’s the rest of us that have to do that.

This contest is a life and death one. A Leave vote means that we live again as an independent nation, ,making our own decisions for our own people. A Remain vote means that the EU will slowly dismember the UK, draining it of funds, impoverishing its people and robbing us of that which makes us who we are.

In this great political contest of our age, I choose Life, I choose Leave. It’s decision day, folks, get out there and try to start to take your country back.