From Elsewhere: British schools have become centres for leftist brainwashing


For a while now I’ve both had, and voiced, concerns about leftist indoctrination in British schools. It’s something I saw when I was growing up when it was small scale, but extremely overt. Unfortunately as today’s ‘From Elsewhere’ shows, it is something that is still going on. I’d say that t the issue of teachers giving out Leftist propaganda does not appear to have got better instead these problems have got worse.

In place of a small cardre of far-Left teachers pushing Communism, as was the case with my school experience you have widespread Leftist and pro-EU propaganda. Now the Leftism is across the board and teachers with a leftist mindset are now the majority in some schools. Some of these leftist teachers have gone on to become headteachers and also are working educational charities and consultancies. By climbing the career ladder and becoming acknowledged educational experts they can then further entrench a leftist mindset in our schools. This means that leftist ideology is not only being pushed by a few politically motivated oddball teachers saying ‘The East German way is the way of the future’ but by the whole school. Being politically conservative now seems to have become ‘the political affiliation that dare not speak its name’ in many school staff rooms in the United Kingdom.

The ‘all pervasiveness’ of left-wing indoctrination is what concerns today’s ‘From Elsewhere’ post. It’s by Calvin Robertson writing for the Conservatives for Liberty organisations website. Conservatives for Liberty are a United Kingdom group of conservatives who favour a more libertarian approach to politics. The article by Mr Robinson shows the extent of pro-Left and pro-EU brainwashing that is going on in our schools. It is this constant diet of propaganda that appears to have caused under 25’s to be more in favour of remaining in the EU than those who had escaped this propaganda, or seen through such educational bias. However, despite the brainwashing by our schools, it turned out that although the young had been given masses of pro-EU propaganda, they didn’t manage to get off of their arses and actually vote in the Referendum. A lucky escape for Britain in my view. It’s time now, with the Brexit vote out of the way, for something to be done about the Leftism in our schools. Too many teachers are telling children and young people what to think instead of how to think.

Here’s part of Mr Robinson’s piece. As is usual policy for this blog the original text is in italics, whereas my comments are in plain text.

I keep reading the argument that 2/3rds of young people voted Remain, and therefore it is the older generations who are out of touch. Well, as a young person myself I put it to you that the case may actually be the other way around.

Our young people are being indoctrinated to a left-wing mentality from a very young age. Pretty much throughout their entire educational career, young people are being trained into a lefty way of thinking. I’ve seen this first hand on too many occasions and it leaves me constantly concerned. Some of the behaviour I’ve seen from teachers is outright disgusting – a very evident bias not only in their teaching practises, but in the way they present their arguments. I’m not talking about the obvious party political biases of “Labour = Good, Tory = Evil”, although that does happen, but most teachers take a less obvious approach along the lines of tolerance being a good thing, so long as you agree with their way of thinking.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve witnessed teachers engaging in conversations with students about the EU referendum. Instead of encouraging students to keep an open mind, or challenging students’ perceptions, teachers have been encouraging their biases. For instance, in a recent conversation a student mentioned how close the Leave numbers were getting to taking Remain’s lead, based on polls, and a teacher’s response was “I know, it’s quite scary isn’t it?”. The teacher and student were in mutual agreement that Britain leaving the EU would be a bad thing. As far as I’m aware, that goes against part two of the Teachers’ Standards.

On the other hand, I have personally been discouraged from even mentioning the EU referendum. On Friday 24th June, when the results were in, I was taken aside by my headteacher and deputy headteacher as I arrived at school and warned not to bring up the topic in front of teachers, as they were all very angry about the situation right now, and warned not to bring up the subject in front of students, as “many of our kids are from Europe”, therefore completely missing the point of the Leave argument, or indeed my argument for voting Leave. At no point have I mentioned that immigration was a bad thing, in fact I have been pro-immigration throughout, much in line with Dan Hannan’s stance. Regardless, this wasn’t a referendum on being a part of Europe, this was about regaining our freedom of democracy and our sovereignty, from the overly-political European Union.

Our country have just made one of the biggest decisions we’ll probably make in a generation. We should be encouraging our students to talk about it, and engage in important political issues. We certainly shouldn’t be censoring one side of the argument, especially when it’s the side that won.

There is an assumption that all Leave voters are racist xenophobes (something I addressed in my recent article, why I am voting to Leave the EU) That is clearly not the case, but what’s concerning is the censorship around any right-wing arguments and the evident bias towards left-wing arguments in schools, thus confirming the left=good, right=bad agenda. There is no balance.

Mr Robinson is correct, there is no balance. Left-wingery is not just tolerated in our schools but actually encouraged. Those views that run counter to the narrative of the Left are sidelined and disparaged. Mr Robinson also says in his artticle that some senior teachers are using school or education organisation property including IT systems to promote their pro-Left and pro-EU agenda.

It used to be said that if you learned to read then you should thank a teacher. Today if you are wondering why too many of our young people have become vacuous, propagandised, virtue-signalling twats, then look no further than the teaching ‘profession’. Our teachers and our schools are supposed to give our children an effective education and one devoid of overt political bias. It’s plain to see that neither our teachers or the schools they work in, can be trusted to do this.



Calvin Robinson’s piece on political indoctrination in schools from the Conservatives for Liberty website.



1 Comment on "From Elsewhere: British schools have become centres for leftist brainwashing"

  1. I came across a video of a young, earnest woman carrying a placard in the day or two after the vote. She was passionate about there being a re-run and about how disastrous leaving the EU would be,
    An interviewer (as will become apparent, not from the mainstream media) asked her what she thought the best three things were about the EU in her opinion. She was only able to give one concrete answer… the NHS!

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