How low can one man’s organisations go? Fiyaz Mughal’s ‘Faith Matters ‘ group exploits Islamic murder of Father Jacques Hamel.

Fiyaz Mughal of the Faith Matters organisation

There seems to be no moral depths that the organisations run by, controlled by or founded by Fiyaz Mughal, will stoop. I thought that exploiting a plainly and verifiably mentally ill transsexual convert to Islam was about as low as a group could go in promoting their Islamic victim-hood narrative, but I was wrong. Fiyaz Mughal’s groups have today proved that they can indeed sink even further.

The whole world was shocked by the horrific and very obviously Islamic, murder of Father Jacques Hamel, whist he was celebrating Mass at his church in Normandy. The fact that a man of peace has been murdered in a most brutal way by violent savages looks to be a turning point in how ordinary non-Muslims view the ideology of Islam. We increasingly no longer trust it, and for very good reasons. However Faith Matters seem to see this murder as an opportunity to promote themselves and their view that society should not cave in to the desire for division of ‘IS’ and the ‘Islamic victim hood’ narrative. . I think that Mr Mughal will find that it’s not just IS that are sowing division it’s Islam itself.

In an article dated the 28th of July on the Faith Matters website, reproduced below, the organisation expounded on its view that IS threatened ‘co-existence between communities’. As is usual policy for this blog the original text from Faith Matters is in italics whereas this blogger’s comments are in plain text.

Faith Matters said:

We have all been horrified by the murder of Father Jacques Hamel in his church in Normandy a few days ago.

I think we can agree on that at least, even if we agree on little else.

The killing of a man in prayer shows that the threat of extremism and terrorism is very real and knows no boundaries.

Something missing there in that sentence but I can’t quite work out what it is? Could it be the word ‘Islam’? I’m surprised that it’s missing after the majority of terrorism is carried out by Muslims. Wouldn’t it be at least honest to admit that? After all we are not dealing, in this case, with Protestant Christian, or Jewish or Hindu or Sikh extremism, but Islamic extremism. It’s relevant to mention Islam and it’s absence is glaringly obvious.

Also, IS inspired extremists know that it is this co-existence between communities which is a threat to their way of life and that communities living, working and growing together are the polar opposite of their desire to create a religious war and divisions.

Spare me the ‘Imagine’ style hippie coexist bollocks. Too often there is no peaceful coexistence between the Islamic community, for this is what this article appears primarily concerned with, and everyone else. It’s not just ISIS or IS dividing people it’s Islam and the behaviour of Muslims themselves that is making people hate Islam and be suspicious of Muslims. The mass rapes in some of Britain’s towns and cities were not linked to ISIS, that was just Islam. The 7/7 bombers were nothing to do with ISIS, that was Islam again and most of the growth in anti-Semitism in Europe is coming from, yes you guessed it, Muslims. Mughal and his cronies cannot pin all this on ISIS or IS, a lot of the blame for ‘divisions’ needs to be laid at the door of Islam itself.

We simply cannot let them tear our communities apart and people of goodwill who are of faith and of no faith must come together to show that we will always remain united in the face of extremism and terrorism.

What a pile of pretentious shifty bollocks that statement is. Whose doing the ‘tearing’ Faith Matters? Who? I think that you will find that it is Islam, and a great many people are noticing that. Muslim terrorists are ‘tearing’ communities apart when they indulge in acts of mass murder for Allah and Islamic Rape Gangs are doing the same when they target the girls of one particular community for rape. It’s not Sikhs or Hindus or Buddhists or Jews or followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster who are behaving so consistently badly so often and in so many places that they are seen as not wanted, it’s Muslims, who are doing that. I stand united with the victims of terrorism but for me the ideology that creates and nurtures these terrorists, will forever be considered as ‘other’. I cannot united with or pretend to coexist with those who want me dead or whose ideology preaches approval for my death.

Furthermore, we cannot give ground to forces that seek to divide us as communities. France may seem a million miles away, but it is merely hundreds of miles away from our capital city and this means that we must remain vigilant and determined to protect the social cohesion, (the grey zone of empathy, respect and tolerance), that Daesh or IS inspired extremists seemingly want to damage.

Another paragraph where Phoney Fiyaz’s Faith Matters organisation has failed to mention the ‘I’ word. I wonder why that could be?

In light of this, Faith Matters is holding a 2 hour symposia on Monday the 1st of August between 1-3 pm in the afternoon. The symposia will involve faith and civil society leaders and activists and those who believe that we need to come together and show that we are united in the hope that we can overcome hatred, extremism and terrorism. It will also provide some much needed re-assurance and public messaging for communities at a time when there is uncertainty and where fear levels are sadly rising.

The phrase ‘faith and civil society leaders’ tells me a lot about who’s going to come to this. It probably means the ‘nice, but dim’s’ of the interfaith world along with a few fans of multiculturalism, an assortment of lefty or Islam appeasing councillors, a couple of Swappie/UAF types and a police officer or two. Some would see it as more an ‘appeasers of Islam convention ‘ rather than a symposium properly constituted in order to remember a man so horribly slaughtered by Islam. There’s also an indication that this event will be all about how Islam is the real victim here contained in their statement about ‘much needed reassurance’ for ‘communities’. It’s normally the ‘Muslim communities’ that the police and councils ‘reassure’ whenever a Muslim has gone ‘full Islam ‘ and killed one or more people.

The symposia, entitled, ‘Pour Jacques Hamel “Pour la paix, pour un meilleur vivre ensemble”: (In Memory of) Jacques Hamel, for Peace and Cohesion’, will take place at the following venue on Monday:

Made in Marylebone,
Elgood House,
10 Daventry Street,
London NW1 5NX

Please RSVP:


if you are attending as there will be security at the event.

The French statement listed was one that Jacques had said many times and we honour his memory with what he stood for – life, interfaith and co-existence work.

I’m appalled to see Faith Matters appropriating this tragedy, this horrible manifestation of the violent ideology of Islam in order to promote themselves and their false ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ narrative. It appears they’ve taken some aspects of Father Hamel’s life and work, such as on coexistence, and are going to put their own spin on it. All good people want to coexist with others, I’d love to be able to coexist with Islam just as I coexist with Hindus, Sikhs, Christians Atheists and others, but as I said earlier I can’t coexist with an ideology that not only wants me dead, but has plainly not renounced or sidelined religious violence.

We would be grateful if you could attend the event so that we can stand together at this time and send a strong message to the public that we are communities united in our desire to protect life, reduce extremism and terrorism and to live together with shared values.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you. The event will start at 1 pm sharp.

When I read how Faith Matters are exploiting this latest and seriously horrific Islamic murder in order to promote themselves and their ‘poor little Muslims’ line, I feel sickened that they would do this, but sadly not surprised that they have. If this is a small indication of how Fiyaz Mughal’s organisations behave and how readily they will exploit anybody and any tragedy for their own ends then is any wonder that a growing number of people are suspicious of and hostile to groups that have a connection to Mr Mughal. I find myself asking myself, is it any wonder that another of Mughal’s vehicles, the Tell Mama organisation, is allegedly, at least according to Mr Mughal, getting hate mail and abusive phone calls. I don’t approve of such actions of course, and would not do so myself, but I can understand how that organisation’s playing of the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ card, when the current problems are obviously everything to do with Islam, could enrage people enough to phone up and give them a bit of verbal abuse.

Father Hamel should of course be remembered, as should all the victims of Islam, but he, and the rest of the victims, deserve better than merely to be something to be exploited by those who promote a dishonest picture of Islam which groups such as Faith Matters are doing.


Original piece from Faith Matters

Previous story from this blog about how Tell Mama exploited a mentally ill transsexual in order to promote their ‘Islamic victim-hood’ narrative to the police and CPS among others

Part Two

Part One

Fiyaz Mughal complains to the Guardian newspaper that the Metropolitan Police are not taking his allegations of verbal abuse to the Tell Mama organisation seriously.

The ‘Nice but Dim’ Interfaith types

4 Comments on "How low can one man’s organisations go? Fiyaz Mughal’s ‘Faith Matters ‘ group exploits Islamic murder of Father Jacques Hamel."

  1. It is possible that he changed his views on interfaith dialogue before he died.

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 29, 2016 at 7:28 pm |

      It is indeed. I’m all for interfaith cooperation and peace between members of different religions but to do that takes honesty and good faith and trust. Too often groups like Faith Matters and similar are dishonest about Islam, cannot be trusted and act in bad faith. I try to get on with everybody but I can’t be relaxed or approving of an Islamic ideology that wants me dead. I decided to approach interfaith with a larger pinch of salt than I would normally do when I saw that it was doing bugger all to defend other faiths from Islam.

  2. Rare though it is for me to give kudos to muslims, I must acknowledge the statement of the imam of those living in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray that they are refusing to bury one of the murderers. (H/t to Sky News). Who knows, perhaps even muslims are waking up. The trouble is the history of reformations tends to be somewhat bloody even if we concede the necessity. Unlike tell mama et al, it seems that there may be a degree of honesty even in the most unlikely of places?
    Thanks for your observations re the general incompatibility between islam and Civilisation.

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 31, 2016 at 2:54 pm |

      Agree with you on this one. Here’s a rare example of a Muslim or group of Muslims who ‘get it’ and more power to their elbows. It’s such a great shame that such people seem to be in a minority.

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