Whilst the followers of Islam are murdering, terrorising and raping their way around the world, including in the United Kingdom, what do you think is exercising the minds of the discredited ‘hate crime’ monitor Tell Mama? Could it be the hundreds of child-sex offences carried out by Muslims in Telford in Britain’s Midlands? Or what about the murders of Britons backpacking in Australia? Nope! How about the thousands of Muslims murdered by other Muslims? No it’s not that. Surely it must be the Muslim terror attacks in Europe that cause them to speak up. No it’s not any of these atrocities or any of these reasons. What is getting up the noses of Tell Mama is a few Muslims, dressed in garb that signifies adherence to an ideology that is making it’s unwelcome presence worldwide, getting a bit of verbal abuse at Skegness.
Well what else did these Muslims expect? These Muslims swan off to Skegness, dressed up in outfits that are about as welcome as a pork chop at a Barmitzvah and they wonder why local people stare and shout ‘terrorist’ at them. Did these Muslims not consider that a growing number of normal people equate the hijab, and other items of Islamic dress, with terror and oppression, in a similar way as the Nazi uniform is equated with war and mass murder? Were this group of Muslims that arrogant that they thought they could flaunt their allegiance to the death cult of Islam and not get some form of negative response?
Here’s the latest bit of ‘oh woe is us’ whining from Tell Mama taken from their website. As is usual policy for this blog the original text is in italics whereas this blog’s comments are in plain text.
Tell Mama said:
This is the actual account of a case that we received within the last few days
Knowing Tell Mama’s reputation for dishonesty, talking up minor slights into something bigger and the exploitation of non-credible ‘witnesses’, I’d advise readers to take this with a pinch, if not a bucket, full of salt.
….. and which highlights how intolerance and prejudice can shape the impressions made on families and also the perception of other communities.
And what about those non-Muslim communities who suffer from the impact of Islam, don’t they count?
The impacts of such prejudice are felt deep and wide within families that are affected and fuel further insecurity. This is the anonymised text from the case of a family who visited Skegness for the first time.
I’d be very careful about taking any of Tell Mama’s ‘anonymised’ reports at face value not only because of Tell Mama’s often distant relationship with what the rest of us would call ‘truth’, but also because Islam permits lying to non-Muslims in order to advance Islam.
“Me and my family went for a family trip for the first time to Skegness with a local community centre. Together there were 12 people, of which 7 of us wore hijabs.
Note well that there is no indication of where in the nation this ‘community centre’ is, not even a rough indication. This makes it very difficult to ascertain even if the centre exists or the story itself is true.
“Once we reached to the main area where there were shops, we noticed a lot of people just staring at us as if we were some form of aliens.
So what else did you expect? Firstly you dress up in outfits that represent an ideology that is becoming increasingly and justifiably disliked and you go to an area that has few Muslims. Did you really expect not to be stared at or to not get negative comments? If they did, then the members of this party are either lying or unbelievably arrogant
It didn’t really bother us until we walked past the pub and a man shouted “terrorists”.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind. It’s not nice to be shouted at, but let me put things in to context for people. All they’ve experienced is a little bit of staring and a few unwelcome and unkind comments. I, on the other hand, cannot walk along the street I was born in, wearing a Jewish Kippah on my head, without risking getting my head kicked in, or worse, because the area I was born in is now heavily Islamised. Islam turns previously peaceful, racially and religiously mixed areas into violent intolerant hell-holes and that to me is far more worrying an issue than a few off colour comments.
“My sister and I just looked at each other and didn’t bother looking back at the man and we were shocked at what he had said.
Why are they allegedly shocked? Don’t they know about the massive number of crimes committed by Muslims, crimes often done in the name of Islam? Is it any wonder that people dislike and express their dislike of Islam?
As we went to the beach again, a lot of people continuously stared at us. We just smiled back, but it made us think how ignorant these people are.
Again what else did they expect? They are representing by their dress, an ideology that kills, an ideology whose followers are implicated or suspected in the commission of very least 10,000 rapes in the UK alone.
“We then went to buy some seaside ‘rock’ and the lady at the shop said “don’t you get hot in them”, referring to our hijabs. My sister replied “no” and they were not that thick and showed her the material of her hijab. She did not say anything after that and we left the shop.
This isn’t an insult, this is natural curiosity on the part of the shop worker and doesn’t appear to be rooted in any malice. If you are for example ‘the only Jew in the village’ you get used to getting innocent but probing questions. The shop worker’s question is no different from the curiosity and innocent sorts of questions that a Jewish person living in an area with few Jews, gets when they quietly say the blessing for beer in a pub. The way to deal with these enquiries is to smile and answer the question honestly and politely. I think these Muslims are reading malevolence into the shop worker’s question that really isn’t there.
“We saw another Muslim lady there and we were so happy to see her. She gave us a ‘salaam’ and smiled at us. She was the only Muslim I saw there.
So this group is only really happy when they see others who share their belief or culture. This sort of attitude bodes very ill for integration.
“This was our first family trip with our kids to Skegness and I don’t think I would like to go again seeing the behaviour of the people there.
My message to this person is that if you can’t cope with a lone drunk or a few innocent questions then why are you here? In fact why are you even out on the streets? If a bit of curiosity or one ignorant comment constitutes ‘abuse’ then the members of this group must be thin skinned in the extreme.
It really made us sad and made us miss the area we are from and also made us reflect on how different people are in England.
What a stupid comment. People are different everywhere. Cultures differ. Individuals differ. What is acceptable in one culture or nation may not be acceptable in another. For example: As someone who has lived in London I often, as a pedestrian, crossed against the traffic lights, but I got dirty looks from people when I did the same in Germany and the Netherlands. If you miss the area that you come from then why not return?
“It opened my eyes to the nasty comments Muslims get.”
Maybe this person should consider that the reason Muslims get nasty comments is because of the piss poor way that so many Muslims behave. If a person identifies publicly as Muslim then they must accept to a certain extent that they will be judged by the actions and attitudes of their co-religionists. I’d also like to say to them that there is a proven trick that makes living as a minority in a society where others believe differently to you and that trick is to not piss off the locals or the majority population. Sadly, the followers of Islam have appeared to go out of their way to make themselves unwelcome and disliked among Britons and this group should accept that and put up and shut up. If you turn up in a place dressed in the uniform of an ideology that has committed some horrific crimes then you must expect that people will be wary, questioning or even hostile. Taking the ‘I don’t like it here, people are horrible’ attitude is not the way to go. The party that is complaining seem to believe that we should bend and accept Islamic mores rather than accepting that this is Britain and not an Islamic nation. This shows a high level of arrogance and conceit on the part of this party.
This is yet another ‘mountain out of a molehill’ non-story of the sort that we see time and time again from Tell Mama. It also shows exactly why this organisation should not be trusted and why it should be mercilessly mocked at every opportunity.
Original Tell Mama whine about nasty looks and comments Muslims allegedly got in Skegness
Hundreds of children being sexually victimised by Muslim men in Telford, Shropshire.
Two Britons killed in Australia by a Muslim screaming ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ during the murders
Muslim Terror attacks in Europe article from Indian Express
Muslim killing Muslims in 2016
Tell Mama exploiting mentally ill non credible ‘complainants’