Regular readers may know of the case of one Tim Burton. He’s the supporter of the Liberty GB party who is being dragged through the courts merely for telling a joke. He is being charged with racial or religious harassment for putting in a joke job application for a researcher job to the dishonest and discredited ‘Islamophobia’ monitor Tell Mama.
He’s being prosecuted for an offence that could carry a prison sentence by the founder of Tell Mama, an individual who has started many groups of questionable probity, by the name of Fiyaz Mughal. The prosecution is being made on the grounds that Mughal ‘feels’ harassed by Mr Burton’s joke. The prosecution is also going ahead because Mughal allegedly has friends and supporters within the Crown Prosecution Service, who appear to be quite willing to back Mughal’s prosecution, even though it will seem to many that goes against not only the public interest, but against the concept of freedom of speech.

Fiyaz Mughal of Tell Mama. Mughal is the founder of the Tell Mama organisation, an entity that has become a byword for exaggeration and sometimes downright dishonesty.
So far, Mr Burton has had to appear at a Magistrates court where he has pleaded not guilty and the stage is now set for a crown court jury trial at Southwark Crown Court in London. Below is an update to the Tim Burton vs Phoney Fiyaz battle which has been supplied to me by one of Mr Burton’s supporters.
This is a serious case with serious implications not just for Mr Burton but to the concept of freedom of speech in general. If Mr Burton loses the case against Mughal then he could be doing prison time merely for telling a joke, something that should both chill and anger everyone who reads this piece. I urge my readers to contribute if they can to the legal fund that has been set up to help Mr Burton fight this case against Fiyaz Mughal and his merry band of mountebanks.
By contributing to this fund not only will you be helping Mr Burton but also helping to fight against a group that should not be having any influence at all in policing, prosecuting or other aspects of our government or administrative systems. Sensible people have for years asked hard and probing questions about Tell Mama and other Fiyaz Mughal vehicles, such as Faith Matters, Religious Reader and Muslims Against Anti-Semitism and maybe it’s time that those in authority started to do the same?
Here’s the report on the court case involving Tim Burton that has been passed to me.
Here is the latest news on the forthcoming trial of Liberty GB representative Tim Burton here in the UK.
As you may know, there was a hearing at the Westminster Magistrates Court on Thursday 06 October 2016, where Tim was charged with Racially / Religiously Aggravated Harassment – again! – for the heinous crime of sending a handful of innocuous emails to the notoriously thin-skinned Mendacious Grievance Mongering Taqiyya-Artist-in-Chief, Fiyaz Mughal of Tell Mama UK.
Tim, as might be expected, pleaded not guilty to all the charges and the case is going to Southwark Crown Court where there will be another hearing on Thursday 03 November. This will be a Crown Court preliminary hearing, where various pre-trial arguments will be discussed, and then a date will be set for the main trial.
It can be disclosed that Fiyaz Mughal has been whining to the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service that he has been insulted and offended by Tim’s emails, which were sent in response to the increasingly bizarre news reports coming out of Tell Mama UK concerning the various cases of “Islamophobia” that they have been investigating.
The Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service, however, far from treating the Mendacious One’s grievance with the disdainful response that would be expected if you or I registered such a complaint, are taking it so seriously that they are determined to proceed with a Crown Court trial – a process which is proving to be extremely costly for Tim.
Tim would like to thank all those who have contributed to his Legal Defence Fund to date – without your help it would have been even more stressful and traumatic for Tim than it otherwise has been – however we still have a long way to go to cover all the costs associated with a Crown Court trial, and any further assistance that you may be able to offer would be greatly appreciated.
As always, Tim will respond personally to every gesture of support. Please give generously – all our freedoms are at stake if Tim is found guilty by the Court. It is becoming increasingly apparent that this is a politically motivated show trial designed to make an example of Tim, and to discourage the rest of us from exercising our right to Freedom of Speech in this country.
Thank you again for all your support. Please continue to spread the word in whatever way you can!
The Legal Defence Fund Donation Button can be found here –
It’s disgusting that a man is facing prison merely for telling a joke to the faces of, and at the expense of, a group that has a long and well deserved reputation for exaggeration, lawfare, exploitation of the vulnerable, censoriousness and in some cases downright dishonesty. Those involved with Tell Mama seem to be thin skinned whiners with an overblown sense of entitlement and that we non Muslims should shut the f^^k up about Islam. In their quest to make this happen they have handled data and behaved in ways that should have precluded them from ever being involved in any aspect of governance or administration. Their very name is a byword for exaggeration and hyperbole when it comes to the issue of ‘Islamophobia’.
Finally, I’d like to ask my readers, as well as contributing to Mr Burton’s legal fund, to consider contacting Tell Mama and let them know if you are angry about their actions. Tell them if you are angry, not just at a case like the one against Mr Burton, but the other problems associated with this organisation. The Tell Mama organisation have exaggerated in numerous instances, made claims of false victim-hood and generally attempted to shut down people’s right to speak critically, and even with hostility, about Islam; these things need to be challenged. I am worried that there may also be people out there who may have been unjustly convicted, or pressured into pleading guilty to crimes that they did not commit, following arrests where Tell Mama may have been involved in the reporting of the ‘crime’, or where Tell Mama has handled the alleged victims of such ‘crimes’. Such people wrongly convicted or pressured into a guilty plea, may not have had justice. Indeed, the case may only have been pursued because of links that Tell Mama have with police forces and are alleged to have with the Crown Prosecution Service. We may well have a situation where cases are being prosecuted not because it’s in the public interest to do so, but because Tell Mama and those who work for it, wished it to be so. You can find Tell Mama’s contact details below.
Of course, please keep all your communications with Tell Mama legal, decent, honest, factual, non-threatening and if possible, light-hearted. By doing so you will be putting yourself on a much higher moral plane than Tell Mama themselves have ever seemed to operate on.
Tell Mama may bluster and threaten when you contact them, I think that’s a given, but surely they can’t have all of us stopped? If they did have us all arrested, then they’d not only make themselves look ridiculous but they would also make the police and CPS a laughing stock. There are now too many people who are aware of them and also aware of exactly why they are a group that should be held in very strong public opprobrium. Tell Mama should never again to be taken seriously in their claim that they are the ‘Honest Abe’s ‘ of the ‘Islamophobia’ industry.
I’d also like to ask people who have concerns about Tell Mama’s activities to write to their local MP about them and tell them what you know about Tell Mama. At present too many MP’s are happy to treat Tell Mama as ‘just another diversity related group’ and sit down with them, but these MP’s need to be told that Tell Mama are a group be concerned about and not one that should be embraced. This action may achieve nothing, but it may make some MP’s think twice before talking to and even endorsing this troubling and indeed troublesome organisation. You can find your parliamentary constituency and the name and contact details for your Member of Parliament by visiting this website:
Readers should also consider writing to those broadcasting organisations, such as the BBC, to question the wisdom of continually promoting Tell Mama on their news and current affairs programmes. There is enough critical information in the public arena now about Tell Mama to justify the BBC and other broadcasters to cease using Fiyaz Mughal or Tell Mama on their programmes. To use Tell Mama or Fiyaz Mughal to speak about ‘Islamophobia’ is about as sensible as using Joey Essex to talk about nuclear physics. The broadcasters concerned can be contacted via their usual public websites.
Tell Mama contact details
Telephone: 0800 456 1226,
Twitter: @tellmamauk,
SMS: 0115 707 0007,
WhatsApp: 0734 184 6086
Background to the Tim Burton vs Fiyaz Mughal case
Absolutely awesome and I will be sharing this far and wide, and encouraging people to write their disdain (being polite here). This is yet another ‘Slime-induced travesty and it’s personal. Tim Burton is my friend, and what affects him affects all of us. PEOPLE, please share far and wide!