Now even Douglas Murray is slagging off Tell Mama

Douglas Murray


A hearty congratulatory slap on the back is what the commentator Douglas Murray deserves for this very fine bit of mockery at the expense of the mendacious grievance mongering taqiyya artists of Tell Mama. Mr Murray has, in an article in the Spectator magazine, filleted one of their whines about Tell Mama being refused entrance to the Tory Conference, with a very sharp metaphorical knife. After questioning whether the widely quoted reports on ‘ post Brexit racism and homophobia’ are accurate, or whether they are just guff produced by biased groups, Mr Murray turned his attention to those skilled players of the ‘hate crime’ game, the much disgraced Tell Mama organisation.

Mr Murray said:

Consider one amusing snapshot. The ‘Islamophobic’ hate-crime recorders at Tell MAMA have previously been caught misleading the public with allegations of an alleged spike in ‘hate-crimes’ after the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in 2013. You may remember that this effort managed to distract public attention from the brutal slaughter of a soldier in broad daylight onto mean things said online about Islam. The group’s founder, Fiyaz Mughal, subsequently tried unsuccessfully to sue that renowned knuckle-dragger Charles Moore. Anyhow, last week in the website formerly known as the Independent, we see that this hate-crime industry is becoming magnificently self-generating. Soon they won’t need the public at all.

It appears that Tell MAMA tried to organise an event at this year’s Conservative party conference. But their staff only applied for passes to the conference the day before their event. Anybody who has ever been to a party conference knows that you often have to apply for a pass many weeks in advance. There are, after all, well-known security concerns around these awful events. Anyhow, Mr Mughal and his colleagues had demonstrated as much concern with detail about their conference passes as they have done with the rest of their work. And so, sans passes, they turned up to the secure zone in Birmingham and were not let in.

When the security guards inexplicably stood near to Mr Mughal and his colleagues, the Tell MAMA crew complained that the security staff were being ‘intimidating’. Then, while the security guards were escorting the pass-less ones away, one of the group asked the security staff why they were following them. This Tell MAMA-ist ended up rather rudely accusing the security guards of picking on him, finally demanding ‘Is it because I’m gay?’

Personally, I would doubt it. In my experience there is rarely any shortage of male homosexuals inside the secure zone of the Conservative party conference. But if you’re in the hate-crime business who cares? Facts are for other people. Having been turned away from their Islamophobia event the Islamophobia-peddlers at least managed to squeeze a homophobia incident out of it and the corpse of the Independent wrote it up, thus ensuring it wasn’t an entirely wasted journey. Who knows, if Mughal and co had hung around a bit longer perhaps they might have squeezed a ‘Transphobic’ incident out of it while they were at it?

While such people try to turn the whole of life into one big hate-crime, the rest of us will just have to continue to try to insist on the facts. A task that would be made much easier if the police were on the same side as the general public once again.

Read the rest of this truly excellent article via the link below:

I concur with Mr Murray that we need to counter these often dishonest ‘hate crime’ narratives with facts and it seems from reading this article that Tell Mama’s take on the Tory party conference story may well have been divorced from the said facts of what actually happened. As I stated in an earlier article on here I doubted whether the incident was anything like how the representatives of Tell Mama have painted it and it seems that I was correct. I suggested it was a genuine security issue and I was right. I also discovered that Luke Holland the Tell Mama employee who has made the ‘is it because I is gay’ accusation has a bit of a reputation for crying ‘homophobia’ when that may not be the case. The added information from Mr Murray about the incident at the Tory conference, coupled with Tell Mama’s take on this should show the world that Tell Mama are a group that not only should not be trusted per se, but one that should also be kept well away from any aspect of public administration, policing or justice.

2 Comments on "Now even Douglas Murray is slagging off Tell Mama"

  1. The week of the first major Muslim rape gang trial (in Rochdale) was also “coincidentally” the week that Tell Mama had a media launch, kvetching about (virtually non-existent) “attacks on Muslims”. Guess which story about Muslims the BBC devoted their time?

    One thing most people don’t realise, is that those who are well-connected in the Muslim community, would have known of this impending Rochdale trial 6 to 12 months in advance. Plenty of time to create an organisation to solicit grievances from Muslims.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 13, 2016 at 5:17 pm |

      I agree with you there. The timing of the creation of Tell Mama or its launch into the media is suspicious to say the least. It’s just as suspicious as Fiyaz Mughal’s creation of the front group ‘Muslims against Anti-Semitism’ which also mysteriously appeared at a time when the issue of Islamic Jew hatred was coming to public attention.

      I think that Tell Mama may have bitten off more than they can chew now that they’ve got the attention of Mr Murray. Because he has mocked them then there will be a whole load more people who will be aware of Tell Mama and why they are an organisation that people should be suspicious of.

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