You’d be forgiven, if you only went by the massive amount of social media activity, for thinking that ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ was a broad-based and widely supported event. However, when you look into which groups are involved, then it’s not a grass roots event but a horrible melange of the Left, the political establishment and various special interest groups. There seems to be no ‘bottom’ to this event whatsoever. The non-governmental organisations involved sometimes seem to represent not much more than their own management committees. Attempts to engage with others using relatively probing and hopefully relevant questions, gets back in return not much more than parroted slogans.
A look around the websites of some of those involved in this event makes me believe that ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ is little more than Establishment theatre. It’s feel good multikulti bullshit and probably expensive bullshit at that. It’s the Lefty ‘aristocracy’, many of whom owe their income to promoting their view of ‘diversity’, using our money to virtue signal to the rest of us proles. I don’t believe for a moment, based on what I’ve seen of the groups, entities and individuals involved in ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ that is anything like a grass roots organisation or event.
Let’s start with the big shindig which kicked off ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ shall we? It took place at St Paul‘s Cathedral in London and was attended by various alleged luminaries and looked for all the world like a big event with a lot of public groundswell behind it. However looking at just some of the names there gives the game away by showing it to be a lefty/establishment circle jerk.
The first three names of interest draw a triangle between two ‘charitable organisations’ that on closer examination seem to be merely the creations of local government diversity officers on two sides, with the third side being the notorious Tell Mama organisation.
Stop Hate UK, which is one of the groups involved in this event, and is the first part of our triangle, is a fake charity, which means that it is a charitable organisation that gets the bulk of its funding from government grants. There’s no mass movement behind Stop Hate UK, it appears much less substantial than that. As I said in a previous article Stop Hate UK is an outgrowth of the Leeds Racial Harassment Project’ and used staff seconded from Leeds City Council. Although Stop Hate UK are claiming they are ‘independent’, in reality they are merely a creation of a local authority and a very politicised one at that.
Stop Hate UK supplied their Chief Executive as a speaker at the St Paul‘s event, who is named Rose Simkins. Ms Simkins has a background in housing and surprise, surprise project managing ‘asylum and refugee services’ for Kirklees council. She’s one of those people for whom telling people to ‘shut up and enjoy the diversity even if it is killing you’ is probably a nice little earner for her. Although Stop Hate UK’s accounts for 2015 state that no employee of the charity earned more than £60,000, I’ve no doubt at all that Ms Simkins is probably on a significantly larger wage than many ordinary people. All that can be gleaned from reading the accounts is the fact she earned less than £60kpa.
What will interest many people about Stop Hate UK are its patrons and ‘ambassadors’. There’s the ubiquitous Lady Doreen Lawrence, who graces the headed notepaper of similar organisations involved in race baiting and ‘diversity’. Another of those involved in the St Paul‘s Cathedral event is Canon Mark Oakley of St Paul‘s Cathedral itself. This whole Hate Crime Awareness Week event begins to look more and more incestuous when you discover that not only is the Reverend Oakley an ambassador for Stop Hate UK but he also serves as a patron for the discredited Islamophaobia monitor Tell Mama. Yes this National Hate Crime Awareness Week is beginning to look even more like a lefty establishment circle jerk now that it did at the start of this piece isn’t it?

Reverend Canon Mark Oakley of St Paul’s Cathedral in London who played a major part in this Hate Crime Awareness Week shindig and is also a patron of the troubled Tell Mama organisation.
What a really dodgy combination so far. You’ve a fake charity, Stop Hate UK who is quite pally with a leftist Anglican cleric who doesn’t see any moral conflict between being an ordained minister of one of Britain’s great cathedrals and being patron of the discredited ‘hate crime’ monitor Tell Mama. This is very odd bearing in mind that Tell Mama is an organisation who seems not have even heard of the Ninth Commandment, you know the one, it’s the commandment forbidding bearing false witness against your neighbour. The left-leaning cleric and the mendacious grievance mongers, what a truly disgusting and damaging pairing.
The third leg of the triangle of those groups behind this ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ are a group called 17-24-30 No Hate Crime
Campaign. This group got their name because 17th/24th/30th were the dates in April 1999 when a neo-Nazi nutjob David Copeland set off bombs in the Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho areas of London killing three people and wounding 140. Copeland is currently serving a whole life sentence for his crimes.
It’s curious that this group seems to have appeared from almost nowhere and despite running since August 2011 is still only a very minor charitable organisation. They are so minor in fact that they are even able to make use of a charity governance and accounting exemption that only really teensie tiny charities with an income of under £5000 can make use of. They are not registered with the Charity Commission and are only registered as a community interest entity with HMRC. This is another very small group and as with Stop Hate UK, one with very little broad support from the public at large. Despite this group’s loud social media presence, in reality it’s not much more than a shell.
A little dig into some of the people involved in 17-24-30 No Hate Crime
Campaign throws up the name of another speaker at the St Paul‘s event, a man by the name of Mark Healey. Healey, who describes himself as an ‘Independent Hate Crime Prevention Specialist in London‘ comes from a background in yes, you guessed it ‘diversity’ and just like the Stop Hate UK organisation, a background in council funded ‘diversity’, but this time from Lambeth in South London. Mark Healey is a man who made the financially rewarding leap from working in the retail sector, including a period working in a gay ‘lifestyle’ shop in Soho, to the more comfortable taxpayer-funded world of local government and, in particular, to the parasitic diversity field, which has become so lucrative of late that he can now be an independent specialist.
I had a little run in with the 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign on Twitter. When I saw their organisation tweeting, I challenged them to expand on their ‘opposed to all hate’ slogan and asked whether they really were ‘opposed to all hate’. They met almost every question, both from myself and other users of the Twitter platform, with platitudes and parroted phrases. It didn’t matter whether it was on the problems of Islamic anti-Semitism, the murder of Lee Rigby, the murder of Kris Donald or other similar cases where minorities have killed members of the majority community because of race or ideology. Nearly all the responses to specific questions on these matters received the reply ‘no place for hate’ from the 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign. This applied even when I told the representative of this group that I can no longer wear a Jewish Kippah on my head on the street I was born on, without risking getting my head kicked in, because the area has today gone ‘full Islam’. This comment again elicited a bit of patronising pseudo-sympathy and the empty phrase ‘no place for hate’. I’m afraid this doesn’t demonstrate in any satisfactory way whether 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign are as equally concerned about the problems, for example, of violent Islam, as they are about the neo-Nazi types. My judgement on the 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign, based on both my conversation with one of their representatives and a perusal of their website, is that they have a significant blind spot when it comes to crime committed by violent minority groups, specifically Muslims.
Even the group‘s name is designed to exclude the Islamic terror which is the main threat to our society. They fixate on the attacks carried out by a lone neo-Nazi nutcase well over a decade ago that, although tragic, were nothing like as significant as the threats we all face today from the ideology of Islam and its followers. If 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign truly cared about violence aimed at people because of their race or their religion or gender, then they’d choose a name that reflected that. There is nothing in this group‘s name, or anything I can garner from their website, to show that this organisation recognises the terrible things that have happened in the UK because of the racialist and supremacist attitudes of all too many British Muslims. I can conclude only that 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign do indeed have a large and crippling blind spot when it comes to Islam and this spot is discernible both by talking to their representatives and by looking at their public face.
17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign is yet another ‘fake’ charity in search of grants from and affiliation with public sector organisations and seem to represent little but themselves. Although they have a loud and distinctive web presence, they are little more than a ‘one man and his dog’ organisation. Their website lists four others involved in this organisation but it seems that it’s Mark Healey who does most of the speaking engagements and deals with the press. The other three, two trustees and a treasurer, seem to be much more ‘background’. Despite the impression that 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign try to give, it’s obvious that they are another organisation that has very little broader public support and are just Establishment diversity wallahs.
So the two main promoters of ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’, namely Stop Hate UK and 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Campaign, are both small organisations, with little support from the wider public. They also show that Stop Hate UK is linked to the mendacious grievance mongers of Tell Mama, via their organisational ambassador, who is also a patron of Tell Mama. In the run up to and during National Hate Crime Awareness Week, all these groups have been enthusiastically promoting one another on social media in a frenzy of self congratulation. These organisations have been joined by an alphabet soup of special interest groups, purporting to represent ever more nice political, religious and cultural identities, who joined in the self congratulations and distributed ever more wild and possibly dubious claims of a ‘hate crime epidemic’. More worrying was the surfeit of police and local council diversity parasites who climbed on board this bandwagon, to whine about ‘hate crime’ and promised to prioritise it or punish it.
I noticed that there was a preponderance of public sector and grant funded organisations who were on the roster of those bigging up this ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ farrago. I find it amazing that many councils who sometimes can’t even collect their taxpayer’s rubbish bins effectively or on time, can find the time and money to get involved in tosh like ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’. It’s also highly worrying that police officers, including senior ones, are getting involved in this event because by doing so they are showing that they are taking a political stance on these issues, not impartially enforcing the law and keeping the peace.

Chief Inspector Nick Hunter who is North Yorkshire Police’s ‘hate crime lead officer’ climbing aboard the National Hate Crime Awareness Week bandwagon.
A long history of gross dereliction of duty by British police forces means the British police are becoming less and less trusted by the average citizen. This was shown most starkly by the appalling behaviour of South Yorkshire Police over the Rotherham scandal, where they covered up Muslim rapes. Actions such as going big over this ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ guff, will make police officers less trusted in the future. After all, who in their right mind, if they are attacked by a Muslim for example, is going to trust a police force whose Chief Constable is pictured standing mindlessly grinning next to the local Imam in front of a ‘National Hate Crime Awareness Week’ poster? Police officers who publicly back political campaigns such as National Hate Crime Awareness Week are contributing to the growing lack of trust that many of us feel for our police forces. Police chiefs who crawl up Islamic arses are not going to be considered as either impartial or effective by the public, when it comes to hate crime directed by Muslims at non-Muslims.
To conclude. National Hate Crime Awareness Week is and was a joke. It is an Establishment party, a propaganda exercise and very little more than that. Nearly everyone involved seems to be either a paid up member of the leftist Establishment or are, like the police officers involved in this event, abasing themselves before this Establishment, probably for career advancement purposes. It’s not, as I discovered, a campaign that has a large degree of public support. It is basically a bunch of grant-seeking, leftist activists, Muslim grievance mongers, dodgy cops, council employees, a few naïve idiots, ‘holy fools’ and others, such as those who benefit from the social dislocation caused by identity politics.
National Hate Crime Awareness Week is not a well supported event among the general public and neither are the groups behind it. These groups seem to represent little but their own activists and their own concerns. This is not a mass movement, this is an expensive sham that the public is probably footing the bill for somewhere along the line. If they were genuinely opposed to all hate crime, that would be wonderful, but while they seem to have a blind spot about the hatred spewed out daily by so many Muslims, they cannot be taken seriously, let alone given any shred of respect or support.
Stop Hate UK charity accounts for 2015
Charity framework page from the Charity Commission for Stop Hate UK
The LinkedIn page of Rose Simkins the CEO of Stop Hate UK
From Fahrenheit 211 Stop Hate UK a classic fake charity
Publicity info put out by Stop Hate UK and the other groups involved which gives an order of service for the St Paul’s event
Press Release put out by Stop Hate UK and the 17-24-30 No Hate Crime
As a matter of interest for readers here is an article from Third Sector magazine on the subject of the salaries of charity CEO’s and it will be an eye-opener for many.
The Reverend Mark Oakley was one of those who made up the religious management of St Paul’s Cathedral who voted against taking legal action against the far left ‘Occupy’ demonstrators that camped out near to St Paul’s in 2011. He narrowly avoided being forced to resign from the cathedral because of the ‘Occupy’ incident.
List of Tell Mama patrons
Wikipedia bio (suspiciously clean of controversy over his failure to vote for legal action against the far leftists of the Occupy movement I note) of Reverend Mark Oakley
Website of the 14-24-30 No To Hate Crime organisation
Here’s the ‘governing document’ of the 14-24-30 No To Hate Crime organisation. Readers should note that ‘governing document’ is the correct term for this document but this organisation had it hidden away on their site under a slightly different and more misleading name. They’ve called their ‘governing document’ the ‘small charities constitution’. It may be an oversight but it doesn’t help those visiting the site who may be searching the site for the phrase ‘governing document’.
David Copeland the man convicted of the London nail bombings in 1999
Here’s the LinkedIn page for Mark Healey a diversity obsessive who since he made the leap from retail to local government seems to have carved a niche for himself in the ‘diversity’ field. If you look around the web then you ‘ll find that Mark Healey is the main spokesperson for his organisation.
List of Trustees involved in the 17-24-30 No To Hate Crime organisation.
Meanwhile, on a tangent, the British Red Cross is busy slashing and burning its modestly-paid local staffing. There will be virtually no paid local organizers i.e. people who actually do useful things like coordinating volunteers to provide first aid cover for public events etc.
Everything will be centrally directed and they unrealistically expect all the local services to be operated by a miraculously increased number of ad-hoc volunteers.
I think we can confidently expect no cuts to top HQ staff wages, diversity/”refugee”/green crap propaganda budgets or jet-setting jollies to “climate change” junkets in places, ironically, pleasantly warmer than the UK.
Tell Mama has 26 “advisors”! How can you justify so many?
They can’t really justify that many. My first guess is that they’ve co-opted representatives of groups with reasonable reputations to shore up Tell Mama’s own flagging reputation for probity and honesty. My second guess is that inventing the amount of bullshit that Tell Mama purvey must take a lot of manpower.