About now, 09:30GMT to be precise, the counter-jihad writer, campaigner and member of the Liberty GB party Tim Burton, is about to appear at a Crown Court in London to answer charges of ‘racial and religious harassment’ for the heinous crime of cracking a joke at the expense of Islamic activists. Mr Burton is being dragged before the courts by one of Britain’s most notorious ‘hate crime’ bullshitters, the founder of the Tell Mama ‘Islamophobia monitors’ Fiyaz Mughal.
The reason why the whole panoply of a Crown Court trial is happening is because Mr Burton noticed that Fiyaz Mughal’s Tell Mama organisation, an entity that has a long standing reputation for dishonesty, was advertising for the post of ‘researcher’. Mr Burton put in a joke job application and informed Mughal that he, Mr Burton, may be able to bring a degree of much needed honesty to the Tell Mama organisation, honesty that many would say has been sadly lacking from Tell Mama.

Fiyaz Mughal of the Tell Mama organisation that lost a large chunk of its public funding due to being caught out being ‘economical with the truth’
Fiyaz Mughal then had a complete freak-out about being mocked like this and went whining to the police about the joke. Unfortunately neither the police or the prosecution authorities did the sensible thing which would be to tell Mughal to ‘go forth and multiply’. This is because Britain has an increasingly distrusted and pro-Islam police service and a Crown Prosecution Service that has become heavily penetrated and influenced by Islamic and multicultural activists, including Fiyaz Mughal himself I need to add.
Mughal’s allegedly close association with Crown Prosecution Service staff as an adviser on Islam issues coupled with the fact that this flimsy case is bring brought to court at all is causing suspicions. It will cause some people to perceive that this case is bring brought corruptly because of Mughal’s allegedly close relationship with CPS staff which is not a perception that any honest legal system should relish. Even if this case is not being brought for reasons of outright corruption of the legal system, the conduct of this case gives to many the impression of corruption which is almost as bad.
Those in public life whether they occupy the highest offices in the land or are a lowly Civil Servant in a dole office need to not only not act corruptly, but take care to not be seen, or perceived as corrupt. The CPS and the police have failed to act in ‘the public interest’ in this case as it is not in the public interest to shut down jokes and worse, whether knowingly or unknowingly they’ve made themselves look like the tool of one of Fiyaz Mughal one of Britain’s worst and most notorious ‘hate crime’ mountebanks.
I’m sure that many of my readers will want to wish Mr Burton well today when he appears at court. He’s facing a charge that could carry a long prison sentence and he faces that sentence for merely cracking a joke. If people, especially this blog’s USA readers who would see arresting someone for a joke as being unconstitutional, want some indication about how bad things are in the United Kingdom today, then they should look no further than this case. For someone to be hauled before the higher courts for acts of satire and humour and furthermore acts where no real damage has been done is appalling and amply illustrates the damage that the Left and the followers of the political movement called Islam have done to our nation. It’s not that long ago that making a joke at the expense of a shifty, dishonest, manipulative organisation like Tell Mama would be praised for attacking a justifiable target. Now, after 13 years of Labour Party socialism, a weak Liberal Democrat influenced Coalition government and constant infiltration of the organs of the state by Islamic groups, we have a situation where people are being arrested, charged and brought before the courts for cracking jokes.
Please take some time out today to pray for or think about Mr Burton and the case that is unfolding at Southwark Crown Court. Please also remember that it’s not just Tim Burton and his right to crack jokes at suitable targets that is on trial today, but all our rights to speak, have opinions or even mock provably dodgy characters like Fiyaz Mughal of the Tell Mama organisation.
There are other stories on the Fahrenheit211 site that have background to this case and they are listed below:
Update on the Tim Burton case. This one has an added bonus, a comic song about Fiyaz ‘Fizzy Bollocks’ Mughal
Background to the latest case against Tim Burton brought by Fiyaz Mughal
The original joke at Mughal’s expense
Here’s some links about Tim Burton’s previous case from 2014 (which he won) against Fiyaz Mughal