Latest update (19/12/2016) of the legal case of the Crown vs Tim Burton of LibertyGB

Tim Burton of Liberty GB

For the very latest on this case please click on the link below for the 23rd January 2017 update

I’ve received another update on the case brought by Fiyaz Mughal of Tell Mama infamy against Tim Burton of LibertyGB. The case has been brought because Mr Burton had the temerity to submit a joke job application to the Tell Mama offices.

From here on in you can read the latest update from the Tim Burton team.

Further to our recent update, concerning the Liberty GB representative Tim Burton and his upcoming trial at Southwark Crown Court, we have some more extremely interesting news concerning the way that Islam is dealt with in this country.

(For those of you who haven’t been following the twists and turns of this case, the indictment was issued by the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service in September 2016 as a result of Tim’s use of humour, mockery, satire and ridicule to poke fun at an organisation whose primary goal is to fudge and manipulate data in order to secure large amounts of taxpayers’ money. Fiyaz Mughal, the Mendacious Grievance-Mongering Taqiyya-Artist-In-Chief at the organisation in question, Tell Mama UK, is a man who has allegedly taken offence at Tim’s said use of humour, mockery, satire and ridicule.

Not content with merely declaring himself to be “offended”, he has also seen an opportunity to use his connections with the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service to bring about a charge of Harassment, and not just your ordinary, common-or-garden, run-of-the-mill Harassment either, but Religiously Aggravated Harassment, a charge that carries a potential two-year prison sentence.

It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Fiyaz Mughal, together with the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service, are conspiring to ensure that the “racist, bigoted, far-right Islamophobe” Tim Burton ends up behind bars for having the temerity to offend an influential Muslim, and for telling the truth about the corruption and dishonesty endemic in his organisation.)

Although most of us in the UK have naturally assumed that the philosophical belief we know as Islam constitutes a religion for all legal purposes – and indeed that assumption has been behind many legal decisions that have been made in the UK – it may surprise you to learn that:

a)      To the best of our knowledge and belief, there has never been a ruling on the legal status of Islam as a religion in the UK.

b)     There are characteristics of Islam that conflict with Article 9 of the ECHR and consequently Islam should not – indeed, must not – be legally considered as a religion under UK law, as UK law is currently subordinated to the ECHR in this respect.

Here is a link to the relevant academic paper (by Graham Senior-Milne) – Version 13 is the current version at the time of writing.

The implications are far-reaching – the legal status of mosques, the validity of Muslim marriages, the legality of halal slaughter – all of these things and more would be brought into question if the court were to rule against the status of Islam as a religion. It is still too early to say at the moment, but it is entirely possible that if the court decides to rule in our favour on this issue, Fiyaz Mughal may yet go down in history as the man who single-handedly stopped the advancement of Islam in the UK.

The other side of the coin is – if the court rules that Islam IS a religion in UK law – despite not meeting the relevant criteria that demands that:

a)      a religion must be worthy of respect in a democratic society,

b)     must not be incompatible with human dignity, and

c)      must not conflict with the fundamental rights of others

then the way is open for many other philosophical belief systems to declare themselves to be religions also, and to lay claim to the same undeserved privileges that Islam has accrued for itself.

So devout believers in Pastafarianism (for example) would have the right to have the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster recognised as a religion in the UK, and equally followers of Nazism and Satanism could legitimately claim the same rights. Interestingly enough – and no doubt as a result of the muddled thinking of the current crop of Dutch politicians (the European hero, Geert Wilders being an honourable exception) – Pastafarianism does in fact enjoy such rights in the Netherlands.

Of course, it is one thing to assert such a premise, and quite another to have it enshrined in UK law. A mechanism is needed whereby the premise can be formally tested in the UK courts. (There has to be an exceptionally good reason for allowing the submissions consequent upon the discovery to be tested in a court of law.) As luck would have it, the charge of Religiously Aggravated Harassment against Tim is the perfect opportunity for obtaining a ruling in court prior to the main trial, and indeed Tim’s legal counsel has been formally instructed to apply to obtain such a ruling.

We have also submitted the same information to the prosecution, for the simple reason that they are duty-bound to raise all relevant issues (issues of fact and law) with the court, and failure to do so would be a breach of Tim’s right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the ECHR.

Not only that, but the Equality and Human Rights Commission has within the last two weeks released a paper indicating that they understand that many areas relating to the concepts of religion and belief in law are in dire need of clarification, and that they are actively soliciting test cases in order to bring about such clarification. Needless to say, we have invited the EHRC to evaluate Tim’s case with a view to assisting them with the achievement of what most reasonable people would view as extremely laudable goals.

Despite all this, the court may yet decline to hear our arguments, but we hope that with the interest and publicity that this case is currently generating, it will be seen by the relevant authorities to be in the public interest to have these arguments aired in court.

Please feel free to post your comments on the Liberty GB website and to raise these issues elsewhere. We will continue to bring you all the latest news and developments leading up to Tim’s court hearing (currently scheduled for 30 / 31 January 2017) as and when they occur.

Thank you once again for all your support. Please continue to spread the word in whichever way you can, through friends, family and work colleagues, or by copying and pasting this article on your favourite blogs and websites. Never forget – the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

(On behalf of Tim Burton of Liberty GB)

PS – Once again, Tim would like to thank all those who have contributed to his Legal Defence Fund to date – without your help it would have been even more stressful and traumatic for Tim than it otherwise has been – however we still have a long way to go to cover all the costs associated with the Crown Court trial, and every penny that you can spare would be greatly appreciated.

As always, Tim will respond personally to every gesture of support. Please continue to support this cause – all our freedoms are at stake if Tim is found guilty by the Court. This is a politically motivated show trial designed to make an example of Tim, and to discourage the rest of us from exercising our right to Freedom of Speech in this country.

The Legal Defence Fund Donation Button can be found on the Liberty GB home page and also here –

You can also donate to Tim’s Legal Defence Fund directly via PayPal –

Here is Tim in a video interview with the investigative reporter Vlad Tepes, who runs a particularly hard-hitting and well-respected counter-jihad website at

Here is an earlier interview with Vlad Tepes that appeared in The Rebel Media –

Here is an interview with Tim on RFB Radio –

(For those of you interested in hearing more, the indomitable Kel Fritzi of RFB Radio presents her show twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays, where the issues of Islam are discussed and debated with a series of high-profile personalities who support the counter-jihad cause. There is also a phone-in facility where you can join in the discussion live on air.)

Here is the latest link from Fahrenheit 211 –

And here is another earlier link from Fahrenheit 211 –

Tim has now established a YouTube channel – his first video is here –

Here is Tim in an interview with Trevor Loudon of the programme “LoudonClear” which has been broadcast in the United States over FM radio in the last few days –

And last but not least, here is an interesting article from Douglas Murray on the mockery of Islam –