Paediatric gender transition is evil.


There, I’ve said it. I’ve put my view of the concept of paediatric ‘gender choice’ and gender transition unequivocally in the open and have declared where I stand on this matter. I do not approach this from any position that could sensibly be decried as unthinking ‘bigotry’ but I approach it from my position as a parent of a toddler and as a child protection issue. There are very few things that I can say, hand on heart, are completely evil, but subjecting confused children and teenagers to drugs that sterilise them and surgery that mutilates them, that is evil. I find it astonishing that, in a time when we look back and rightly condemn the practises of the past that interfered with children’s bodies, such as castrating boys in order to make them sing higher choral notes, we have otherwise sensible people who approve of castrating boys all in the name of gender identity.

The whole idea of paediatric gender transition is wrong and is based on faulty gender activist junk science. Paediatric gender transition is wrong because it allows children to make life changing decisions at a point in their lives when they are mentally incapable of doing so. We don’t allow 10 year olds to vote or use firearms or drive cars, because society can see quite clearly that 10 year olds are incapable mentally, and sometimes physically, of doing so. If you give a 10 year old a gun or the keys to a car, it is more than likely that they will injure or kill either themselves or others. However, so-called ‘gender specialists’ seem to think that a ten year old boy or girl is capable of giving consent to drugs and procedures that have permanent effects and which they may regret later in life. I consider paediatric gender transition to be child abuse, but it is a form of child abuse that not enough people recognise, know about or speak out against, but they should.

Before the gender activists, including some who are personal friends in real life, start reaching for the ‘bigot’ button or other accusations, it should be said that I have few problems with sane people over the age of 21 doing what they want with their own bodies, if they want to embark on gender transition it’s up to them. However, children should be off limits for all types of gender transition or propaganda, since children are not capable of making such life changing decisions.

I have had numerous personal contacts with trans people as friends and colleagues over the years and I’ve had a post-op Trans girlfriend in the past who I cared for deeply. What I learned from these contacts and from mixing with trans people, is that transition is not for everyone; it may be right for a tiny minority of people including those who are born intersex, but it should not be seen as a cure-all for the vast majority of those with personal or gender image problems. I also believe that it may not even be the best way of treating gender dysphoria per se, since it is often treating the symptom and the manifestation of a mental illness, rather than the underlying cause. Another thing I learned was that transition, mostly from male to female, did not make many of my Trans friends any more happy than they were before. Whatever mentally ailed them was still there, even though the ‘offending’ penises were gone and had been quite effectively surgically transformed into vaginas and clitorises.

When you look at studies of suicide rates in post-transition individuals, they are enormously and shockingly high. They are, as Ben Shapiro and others have said, at a similar level to those among Jews in Nazi Germany. These suicide rates and the fact that so many of those who transition are still as unhappy as they were before transition, should tell us all that something is not right with the whole concept of gender transition. I think it’s more than fair to say that for a great many people, gender transition is a so-called cure that is much worse that the disease that it was intended to alleviate. To give an analogy, if there was a treatment for high blood pressure that caused godawful side effects including massive suicide rates, then we’d be up in arms about it. We would be demanding that such treatment be stopped, and in particular that this sort of medication be prevented from being given to vulnerable people such as children.

Despite what the gender activists say, the science around the issue of transgenderism is not settled, far from it, much of what gender activists say is either subjective, wrong, or regarding the side effects of puberty-delaying drugs, downright dishonest. What we do know is that there are two natural genders, that’s it.

Of course there are a tiny minority of genetically damaged individuals who have characteristics of both genders and these are called ‘intersex. However such individuals are the result of a genetic aberration and are not a ‘third gender’. There’s no such thing as a ‘genderqueer’ or ‘pangender’ or ‘genderfluid’, or any of the other 58 varieties of gender that some claim exist. These are just highly subjective made-up terms that have no basis in objective reality. Yes I can quite happily observe that some men look more girlish and some women can look more mannish but that is just part of the genetic variation of humans, it doesn’t mean that they are a ‘third gender’. If ‘third gender’ was something that existed in reality, then we should have seen it manifested or remarked upon much more than it has at other times in human history, but it has not. Outside of a few stories from Native American tribes, which have been amplified and distorted by gender activists, about men who lived with and allied with women, as women and who could probably better be described as ‘asexual’, there is very little, if any evidence of third genders in human history.

There is a notable amount of ‘faddism’ surrounding the whole idea of transsexuality and gender fluidity. As a result of this faddism with everyone talking about gender and transsexuality, especially in the media, there is the danger of social contagion, especially where children and young people are concerned. Confused, lonely or otherwise disturbed children and young people are easily persuaded by gender activists that the reason they are feeling unhappy is because they are the ‘wrong’ gender from what they should be. There is also the matter of how being the first or one of the few trans kids in a school may give a child the sort of attention that they haven’t got elsewhere either from their family or their peer group. Another issue is that the apparent feelings of gender dysphoria alleged by children and teenagers may be a symptom, not of anything wrong with their gender, but because these young people may be Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual. According to some studies quoted by the blog ‘4th Wave Now’, which are critical of the dangerously pervasive gender blending bullshit, and they state that the vast majority of gender questioning teenagers grow out of their gender questioning and settle down as happy, well adjusted Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual individuals. It turns my stomach to think that children who may well be suffering from a temporary self-image problem could be pushed into a regime of hormones, puberty blockers and surgery, which will sterilise them, mutilate them and ultimately make them unhappy and possibly lead them to suicide in later life. It should also be noted that many of the drugs given as part of gender transitioning could cause problems, including cancer, if they are taken for a long period of time. We should not be subjecting children whose bodies and minds are not yet fully formed to this sort of risk.

As the parent of a small boy, I’m disgusted and frightened to see the way that the government of the United Kingdom is capitulating to loud and often dishonest and aggressive gender activists and am extremely worried that the government will do the wrong thing and allow dangerous pro-paediatric transition groups such as ‘Mermaids’ into my son’s school. I can well see how these twisted individuals would seize on my kid’s toddler fetish for stealing brightly coloured and often pink shoes from other kids and turn it into an erroneous ‘diagnosis’ of gender dysphoria.

To conclude: Those who push their gender agenda onto kids need to be called out for what they are, which is child abusers. To allow a child to be placed in a situation where they can be influenced by gender activists is as dangerous and stupid as asking Moors Murderer Myra Hyndley to babysit for you. I also have little time for those trans people who whine that if they’d been given hormones at 14 instead of 21 then their outcome would have better. Such people are selfish and blinkered and have no concept of the idea that what may be right by their own perception for themselves, may not be right for everyone. It’s time for the adults to stand up, it’s time for the sane to stand up and say a loud ‘no’ to the dangerous, abusive and wrong concept of paediatric gender transition and to the deluded people who promote these ideas. I’d go the whole nine yards to protect my son from these deluded gender activists, just as I protect him from the traffic on the roads and other dangers. This commitment to protect him from harm would include going to prison for pulling him out of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) lessons if I knew or suspected that the school was teaching gender ideology as part of this subject. It’s long past time that the normal balanced people did the same and stood up to the madness of a subjective gender ideology that is being forced on our children and which is warping their minds and restricting both their life choices and life chances.

I pray that one day the current fashion that regards paediatric gender transition as a sensible approach to take with confused children will be seen as barbaric, cruel and as ineffective as lobotomy is seen today as an effective cure for mental illness. It may well come to pass that in 15 – 20 years time medical advances may allow us to understand more about how brain chemistry and environment affect people’s self image including their gender image and this increased knowledge may make surgical or drug treatments for gender dysphoria obsolete. Maybe better and less drastic ways to deal with this issue may be found. If that is the case, then I pity those adults who were medically transitioned today. Those who were pushed down the quackery road of paediatric medical gender transition, have to deal with their own mutilated and sterilised bodies and their unimproved and still shattered minds. They will only be able to look on in envy at those getting effective treatments for their self image issues whilst they themselves suffer.

1 Comment on "Paediatric gender transition is evil."

  1. Absolutely: innocents are being sacrificed by the left to confirm their right-on PC social engineering. A pox on them all and a plague on all their houses!

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