Think about doing this on the 9th June 2017

To give money to Tell Mama and other Fiyaz Mugal-led organisations is money down the drain

Between 10:00pm on the 8th of June and the early afternoon of the 9th of June, Britons will finally learn the name of the member of parliament who will be representing you for the next five years. MP’s are an important part of Britain’s governance and it’s important to you as the citizen to make sure you let them know about your concerns. Remember, these MP’s work for you, they are your employee and you have a right to tell them if you have any concern about the way the country is run.

However, this blog has a favour to ask and one that may help to remove one of the most egregious mendacious Islamic grievance mongers in Britain from the public funding teat. I speak, as if it was hard to guess, about the disgraced ‘hate crime’ and ‘Islamophobia’ monitor Tell Mama. The help that is required may also help to remove or curtail the undue influence on government departments this organisation and their staff, along with their founder Fiyaz Mughal is alleged to have on them.

I’d like all my British readers to pick up their pens or sit down at their computers the moment they learn of the name of their new MP. I’d like readers to inform the MP of how dodgy and dishonest the Tell Mama group are and to request that their funding is removed and an urgent investigation by Her Majesties Revenue and Customs into the finances of the Tell Mama group and it’s parent organisation ‘Faith Matters’. The Home Office should also examine how much undue influence this group has on police and on the Crown Prosecution Service.

The reason I ask you to get writing as soon as you know the name of your new MP or preferably before if there’s a reasonable chance of them being re-elected, is that Tell Mama are lobbying former MP’s now. Tell Mama are lobbying former or prospective MP’s so that Tell Mama’s definition of ‘Islamophobia’ becomes the accepted one and they are also lobbying to shut down your freedom of speech on the issue of Islam. Already we have at least one idiotic MP eager to curry favour with his constituency’s ‘whipped mosque vote’ by acting like a performing seal at Tell Mama’s command and to be frank the less like that the better.

Here’s one MP who was very quick off of the mark to engage in political fellatio with Tell Mama.

Shame on you Wes Streeting, crawling to these crooked mendacious Islamic snake oil salesmen. I hope your increasingly cheesed off and frustrated non Muslim constituents remember your pandering to the Muslims of Redbridge and in particular your brown nosing of the charlatans of Tell Mama on election day. I hope these constituents see sense and punish you at the ballot box.

Let’s make sure that all the new MP’s have as one of their earliest letters from constituents a letter from you asking what is going to be done about Tell Mama, their funding and their undue and malevolent influence on a myriad of government departments and agencies. Tell Mama and their founder Fiyaz Mughal should be no more welcome in government circles as a rat infestation in a restaurant and it’s up to us to tell the new MP’s that.

So who’s letter do you want on the MP’s desks first? Your letter or maybe a letter written by the this guy below, the aforementioned Fiyaz Mughal?

If you don’t want Fiyaz Mughal or his organisations dictating the terms on which you can speak, or continuing to spunk £181 k per year on who knows what, then you need to get your complaints in to your new MP as soon as possible. Don’t let these censorious clowns whining as so often they do about ‘hate speech’, take away your right to speak or any more of our money. Don’t let them get their voice in first.

If you want a guide as to what to say to your new MP then follow the link below:

Remember it’s up to you to tell your MP if you are angry about the waste and dishonesty of Tell Mama. It’s also up to you to speak up, if you are disgusted about the whiff of moral corruption and of undue influence, that hangs around Tell Mama like the miasma of rotten meat hangs round the bins of a particularly skanky kebab shop.


For more information about the financial and moral probity scandals surrounding the Tell Mama organisation then please follow the link below:

1 Comment on "Think about doing this on the 9th June 2017"

  1. will do straight away….

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