Will it be a case of ‘ISIS-cold in Antarctica’?

A map of the British Antarctic Territory


Yes, the security warning about a potential attack by ISIS or some other bunch of Koran inspired Islamic savages on the British Antarctic Territory probably is going a bit over the top. But, one can never be too sure of discounting any potential target for the oft-exploding members of the ‘religion of peace’. After all, who speaking ten years or so ago would have considered a Christmas market in Germany or Bastille Day in Nice, France to be potential targets for such religiously motivated violent savagery? Therefore it would probably be wise to consider whether even the British Antarctic Territory (BAT) could become a potential target?

Here’s how the Daily Mail is reporting this story.

The Foreign Office has ruled Antarctica is at risk of a terror attack from ISIS because of a global threat to ‘UK interests’.

Travel guidance on its website warned attacks ‘can’t be ruled out’ in the barren 660,000 sq mile British Antarctic Territory.

Anyone visiting the icy wilderness is urged to be ‘vigilant’ amid a heightened global threat brought about by ‘the conflict in Iraq and Syria‘.

The warning has been labelled ‘ridiculous’ by one security expert. 

Foreign Office travel advice for the region says: ‘Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in the British Antarctic Territory, attacks can’t be ruled out.

‘There’s a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.’

Colonel Richard Kemp, who commanded British troops in Afghanistan, told The Sun: ‘We expect guidance based on intelligence, not a pointless exercise in back-covering – unless I’ve missed the Islamic State Polar Brigade.’

Read the rest of this story from the Daily Mail via the link below:


Colonel Kemp is probably correct that the chances of an attack in the BAT is quite remote, as remote as the BAT is itself. Unless one of the rare tourists to the BAT or other regions managed by Antarctic Treaty members ‘goes full rogue Islam’ then the chances of Islamic terror hitting the BAT is low. However, I’d probably keep a very close eye on some of the Penguins, just in case.