An excellent if angry and heartfelt post from the blogger Underdogs Bite Upwards, on the subject of how this blogger will after recent events, no longer defend ordinary Muslims. It is a difficult piece to read and an even more difficult piece to take an excerpt from mostly because it is so good and so well and powerfully written. Therefore I hope Underdogs will forgive me for the cheek, but I am reproducing the whole of their piece on this blog.
Underdogs Bite Upwards said:
I have been a defender of ordinary Muslims. Not the terrorist ones, they can die a slow death and I’ll watch with popcorn. No, the ordinary people who just happen to worship an old Persian moon god. They’re fine with me. Waste time worshiping the supernatural if you like, it doesn’t care anyway.
I have often said that the Islamic terrorists don’t represent all Muslims any more than the IRA represented all the Irish. I have said that, over and over.
No more.
The attack on the pop concert in Manchester is the last straw for this particular camel’s back. A deliberate attack targeting children and young people who have never attacked any Islamic country and who probably, due to educational indoctrination, would have supported their cause.
Muslims kill children. Yes, Muslims, you do. You ‘honour’ kill your own children for stepping out of line. Where is the honour in that? It’s the most evil, disgusting thing a parent can do and you call it ‘honour’. It’s so sick it’s beyond any horror story I’d ever write.
Muslims rape children while killing gay people. It’s allowed and indeed prescribed in their holy book. Yes, Muslims, you do that. You can shag a baby up the arse and then go and throw gay men off a building to watch them splatter on the ground and you can feel all holy and righteous about it. Doesn’t that just fill you with God’s pride and holiness?
No more.
The BBC and most of the news pretend it’s a random attack. It is not a random attack. It is Islam again. targeting the unarmed and defenceless as usual. They don’t have the courage to go after politicians or armed soldiers. They attack the children.
There are worse than Islam out there. The apologists. The ones who demand we smoke in the middle of a field for ‘the cheeldren’. It seems ‘the cheeeldren’ are expendable when it comes to defending a murderous religion they want to import. Hell, Islam could not have killed all those young innocents without the help of the BBC and its idiot PC pals. It would have been wiped out of this country long before now.
This attack is not something we should get used to. This attack should be the last. The final straw.
No more.
I have defended ordinary Muslims in the past. I will never defend them again. The radical arm cannot be reasoned with nor bargained with. This is it. This is the beginning of the end.
Islam, you have to stop this. Nobody else can other than by killing you all and turning every country you hold into radioactive ash. We can do that, you know. Look at our history and know that you have pushed too far.
Nobody outside Islam can stop it. It has to come from within. If you don’t want to stop it then you support it. Don’t pretend to be surprised at what happens next.
Until Islam openly disowns the shitty parts, until the Imams preach peace instead of death, I have no more support for any Muslim anywhere. You can all go to Hell now. I don’t care to support anything about you any more.
I will support none of you now. Not one.
No more.
You can read the source for this piece via the link below.
If there is one piece that sums up British people’s exasperation about the ideology of Islam then it is this one by Underdogs. It should be required reading for police officers, politicians and especially ordinary Muslims. This is because it’s the ordinary Muslims who need to know that silence or lies about the nature of Islam from them, is no longer acceptable. We need them to take action to sort things out in their religion a religion that is increasingly being seen by non Muslims as a rancid mix of violence, submission and superstition.
I think it is a sign of how bad things are that someone like Underdogs who can plainly discern the difference between an individual Muslim and the ideology of Islam, becomes so vehement in their objection to to Islam, that they will no longer defend ‘ordinary’ Muslims. The ball is in the Muslims court to sort out their ideology as they are the only people who can. If they do not then they will have declared their allegience to Islam over civilisation and will therefore be counted among civilisation’s enemies.
Didn’t report it to #police, can’t remember which website…
Thanks for that I’ll look into it. Shafiq for all his protestations about moderation appears to be a nasty piece of work if what he was alleged tohave done to Majid Nawaz is true. The lack of police report is suspicious and as we’ve seen in the past if there’s no police report then it often points to ‘Islamofauxbia’
Hey Farenheit211, i’m adding my voice to the growing number. I echo much of the sentitments in the blog post.
Check out my video – i’m going to be making them regularly. All the best. Keep up the good work.