This is Islam. How can any civilised nation be expected to make peace with such savages?

Picture from the scene where three Israelis were murdered by an Islamic savage pumped up on Koranic Jew hatred. Picture from the Israeli Defence Forces


This is Islam. This is what Islam does to non-Muslims. The picture above is of a family home in Israel, a home now covered in the spilled blood of murdered innocents.

This is Islam. A family, who were merely sitting down in peace for their Sabbath meal when an Arab Muslim, pumped up on the vicious and unending Jew-hatred contained within the Koran and other Islamic texts, burst in and slaughtered them.

This is Islam. This is panicked and terrified parents pushing their children out of the house in order to get them away from this murderous Islamic savage.

This is Islam. This is the deaths of three innocent people, a couple in their 40’s and a woman in her 60’s.

This is Islam. This is a Muslim savage, only 20 years old, but already filled with the hatred that flows like a waterfall of death from Islamic texts such as the Koran and who kills to protest deaths in a conflict that his own Muslim culture both started and perpetuates. He also killed members of this innocent family to protest attempts by the Israeli government to stop Islamic militants turning the Temple Mount into an armoury.

This is Islam. This is the follower of a violent death cult who left an online last testament that stated he would go to heaven for killing Jews and who quoted in his statement the Koranic description of Jews as ‘descendants of Apes and Pigs’.

This is Islam. This is the father of this murdering savage, filled not with grief and remorse, but instead filled with the hatred that Islam is soaked in, absolving his son of the murders and blaming everything on ‘the occupation’. This is the Islam of dishonesty and hatred.

This is Islam. This is the Islam that many on the Left expect the State of Israel to make peace with.

I ask you this. How can any civilised nation and a nation that wants to protect its own people, ever make a just and lasting peace with the followers of such a savage and genocidal ideology? The answer is is that it is impossible to do so and history and a growing knowledge about Islamic attitudes to non Muslims, is showing us that.

Politicians have mistakenly thought that there were ‘root causes’ for the Mid East conflict such as over land or water or political structures, but they were wrong. For the vast numbers of Muslim Jew-haters in the Middle East, and wherever in the world there are Muslims, the Israeli-‘Palestinian’ conflict has never been about real world stuff such as land or water or economics, it has always been about hating Jews and wanting to exterminate Jews.

It’s the same Islam that drives supporters of Hezbollah in London to call for Israeli Jews to be chased into the sea that murdered three people in the West Bank area of Israel. This is the result of what the London Hezbollah supporters call for when they pump out the genocidal chant ‘From the river to the sea Palestine will be free’.

This latest attack in Israel is just another indication that it’s not peace in the Middle East that that many Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere want, it’s dead Jews.

This is Islam, a religion of murder, an ideology that entices and encourages it’s followers with false visions of a bordello-like afterlife, into acts of gross and obscene murder. This is the Islam that is murdering people not just in Israel but all over the world. This is the death cult that murdered indiscriminately at Manchester, London Bridge, Brussels, Paris, Berlin and at innumerable places in the Islamic world itself.

How on earth can any civilised, intelligent and thoughtful nation make peace with those who ultimately want us, whether we are Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh or whatever, all dead for the ‘crime’ of not being Muslim? The answer is we cannot and to try would be counterproductive in the extreme.

The bottom line is someone repeatedly saying ‘I want to kill you’ and pointing to texts that instruct them to say ‘ I want to kill you and I have to kill you’, is a threat to be countered not a partner in peace to be negotiated with. I desire and pray for peace as ardently and as passionately as any other civilised person, but as a rational human I know that it is foolish in the extreme to believe that peace can be had with those who see in front of then not a fellow human, but instead at best a type of prey and at worst, vermin. Peace with Islam would be desirable, but peace is not what Islam brings to the table, in fact it often brings the exact opposite and it’s hight time that we all recognised that fact.

To conclude: My prayers go out to those afflicted by this latest act of Islamic savagery and may the Eternal One exact justice on the perpetrators.

Link to sources

Story of the latest bit of Islamic savagery to afflict Israel

Jerusalem Post

Front Page Magazine