The administrative area encompassed by the London Borough of Redbridge was once an area that people from other parts of East London aspired to live in. It was the place that hard working people from places like East Ham, Canning Town, Bow, Bethnal Green and Whitechapel wanted to live, in order to give their families a better life. Redbridge was also a place where the Jewish immigrants who came to Britain in the late 19th and early 20th century and who sometimes lived in appalling poverty in the East End moved to, when they had advanced up the social scale enough to live in areas of Redbridge such as Ilford, Goodmayes, Seven Kings, Woodford etc. To move to Redbridge, whether you were Jewish or non-Jewish, was a sign that you had ‘made it’. It was a sign that you had worked hard, that you had earned respect and you had transcended whatever lowly roots your family may have sprung from.
Redbridge was once a major shopping and night-life centre and I spent many a happy and entertaining night drinking with friends in pubs like the General Havelock or The Angel or sadly failing to ‘pull a bird’ at nightclubs like Lords or the Ilford Palais. I used to consider it safer by a long margin to have a night out in Redbridge than it was in some of the more benighted areas of London, also the women seemed to be better looking there than elsewhere.
However, Redbridge has changed over the years and not for the better and the reason for the area’s decline is almost solely down to the presence of the ideology of Islam and the Labour council’s continual pandering to Islam and its followers. Islam, as it has done in so many other places, is rapidly turning Redbridge into a Shariah shithole, where non-Muslims feel increasingly discriminated against, unwelcome and under threat.
This blog has covered a number of stories relating to the London Borough of Redbridge and the negative impact that Islam has made on the area. There have been stories such as a community centre, a facility destined for general community use, being effectively stolen by an Islamic group and turned into a mosque. There have also been tales of how unsafe the area is becoming since the arrival of Islam and how an area that was once a safe haven for Jews is now, because of Islam, increasingly dangerous for Jews. Islam is bringing nothing that could genuinely called positive to either the borough itself or its people.
The increasingly tight grip that Islamic interests are having on a borough that went from long term Conservative Party control to recent Labour control, is horrifying. What is even more unnerving is the very short time that this has taken to occur, 15 years or so, and how the Labour Party appears to be colluding with Islamic interests in order to increase the level and pace of Islamisation.
As I stated earlier on, there are a large number of stories on the Fahrenheit211 blog about the problems that Islam is causing for the ordinary non-Muslims of Redbridge. They can be found on this site by entering the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Redbridge’ into the search box. But the horror stories about the conditions that Islam and its appeasers are inflicting on Redbridge keep on coming. Here are some more stories about the damage that Islam is doing to Redbridge. First let’s look at the matter of education in the borough and the issue of Islamic schools and madrassas and their possible links to Islamic extremism and extremists.
For some years now it has been known that some quite nasty and culturally incompatible Muslims have been involved in Islamic education in Redbridge. For example, in 2014 it was revealed by the Daily Mail that Sajeel Shahid a bearded savage Islamic extremist who had allegedly set up a terror training camp in in Pakistan near the Afghan border where Mohammed Siddique Khan one of the 7/7 bombers had trained, had set up an Islamic school in Redbridge. Shahid, who has also called for violence against British troops, was allowed by Britain’s Department for Education to open the Islamic school, Ad-Deen primary, teaching children as young as three. When this fact was revealed by the Mail, Shahid resigned from the board of the school but was said by the newspaper to be still going ‘in and out’.
At the time of the revelation in 2014, there was an assumption by the press and others that the reason Shahid was allowed to open a school was due to a failure of the Department for Education’s background vetting system. The department promised in 2014 that they would investigate the matter of an Islamic extremist running a school. However it is astonishing to me that any concerns about this school or the people behind it did not emerge from the Office of Standards in Education (Ofsted) regular inspections of the school prior to 2014. The school was inspected in 2011 and 2012 but didn’t make the connection between Shahid and terrorism and concluded that the school was meeting ‘all regulatory requirements’.
But, despite the promise by the Department for Education, the Ad-Deen school is still open and presumably still pumping Islamic hatred into children’s minds. The school changed its name a few years back from Ad-Deen to Eton Community School, but unfortunately the school has not ceased its association with Islamic extremists, despite managing to hoodwink Ofsted into saying that the school is ‘tackling extremism’.
The school came into the public eye again recently, under its new name of course, when the Daily Mail again revealed that there were links between the school and Islamic extremists. In late July 2017 the newspaper revealed that Khuram Butt, the ringleader of the Islamic savages who carried out the London Bridge attack, had been a teacher at the school. The paper said that Butt was also suspected of imparting extremist views of Islam onto the pupils he taught, some of which were as young as four. Butt had been employed as a volunteer Koran teacher, who was present in the school most days in the week.
According to the news report, police and social services are examining the lists of pupils that Butt taught to see if they have been radicalised but I have little confidence that this will achieve anything. I suspect that there will be the usual politically correct fudge and cover up by these agencies of Butt’s involvement in the school, which is known among local more liberal Muslims as an ‘Al-Muhajiroun school’, just as the DFE didn’t notice that the school had been founded by an Islamic extremist. The school also has a chequered history when it comes to safeguarding children. In February and September 2016 the school was twice inspected by Ofsted and found to be not meeting the required standards required of an independent school. The school was said in the Ofsted reports to be teaching children in an unsafe environment and not stopping or investigating children going missing from the school.
However, it seems the school has either had a miraculous turnaround in quality since then, or Ofsted are going easy on them because they are an Islamic primary school. Maybe Ofsted don’t want to offend the volatile Bearded savages who run such schools or have to deal with any possible threats of lawfare and violence that shutting this school down might have entailed. In April 2017, shortly before the London Bridge attack that was carried out by Butt and others, the school not only got a grading of ‘improved’, but was being praised for having met the requirements that schools root out ‘extremism’. I must ask how on earth Ofsted managed to come to that conclusion when not only was the school founded by an Islamic extremist, but it had people who must have been on some security service list and it was known locally as an Al-Muhajiroun school? It does look very much like this school has got an easy ride because it is a Muslim school.
It is interesting to contrast the kid gloves way that Ofsted have treated this Muslim school and how they treated Vishnitz Girls School, an Orthodox Jewish girls’ school in North London. Vishnitz was closed because they failed Ofsted inspections and the school failed in the main because they refused to follow government instructions to promote transgenderism to girls as young as three. This is in spite of the school getting a classification of ‘good’ when it came to general education. There seems a distinct double standard on the part of Ofsted here, when it comes to inspecting independent religious schools. Vishnitz was targeted for closure because they refused to teach their pupils that a mental illness, gender dysphoria, was normal and even admirable, yet a Muslim school that was founded by an Islamic extremist, was known locally as an extremist school and was employing Islamic extremists as teachers, has been allowed to continue.
This double standard is especially worrying when you think about the different effects both of these schools will have on the wider society. The negative social effects, if any, of the Vishnitz school will only be limited to the pupils who attend it. Yes, the the pupils may end up being mothers or midwives but it is most unlikely they will end up becoming terrorists. The adverse social effects of the sort of teaching that has probably been going on at Eton Community School on the other hand, may well have a widespread and negative effect. Sadly, because of the type of school that this is, I would not be surprised to find some future Islamic terrorist, who has either been arrested or killed during an Islamic attack, is discovered to have been a former pupil of the Eton Community School.

The Vizhnitz girls school in North London which was closed by Ofsted when they refused to teach their girls that the mental illness called gender dysphoria was both normal and indeed admirable.
But, the problems of Islamic extremist education in Redbridge are not confined to the state or independent schools over which Ofsted has some influence. There are probably major problems with the growing number of Islamic schools, supplementary schools or madrassas in Redbridge that may well be pumping hatred for non-Muslims into their young charges.
Here is a list of websites and some details about just some of the madrassas and Islamic schools that are operating in the Redbridge area:
There’s the Read Academy, which is an independent school charging nearly £4000 per year. However, it’s difficult to have confidence in an educational establishment that spells the word ‘procedures’ wrong on their public facing website.
Or the Al Taqwa school of Islamic studies that operates in Ley Street, Ilford, which is promoting its Koran learning courses for children aged 10+ as ‘the best way to secure a place in the hereafter’.
Then there’s the Tanzeel Islamic School, which is also a school wholly dedicated to pushing the contents of the Islamic ‘Big Book of Death’ aka the Koran into the children they teach.
Or even the Al-Ashraaf madrassah which teaches boys and girls over the age of 14 in an ‘Islamic environment’ the contents of the Koran and worryingly teach them to ‘apply the Koran in their daily lives and work for the cause of the deen (Islamic law) in the UK’.
And of course such a list would not be complete without a link to the new website of what was once the above mentioned community resource, the former Jacques Hall Workingmans Club on New North road, which is now a completely Islamised entity.
See further comment from this site on the sad tale of the theft of the New North Road centre via the link below
Now we move away from the subject of education for a moment, to take a look at how Islamic groups are taking over facilities that were once there for all citizens; facilities such as former police stations. The normally sound Boris Johnson when he was Mayor of London allowed a Muslim women’s group, described by the press as ‘medieval’ to take over a former police station in Chadwell Heath. This was an astonishing decision bearing in mind that the group who took this building over are described by critics as having policies that approve of female subservience, polygamy and jihad.
Local people in the Redbridge area whom this blog has communicated with, fear that the fate that befell Chadwell Heath police station will also happen to Woodford police station and the Barkingside police office. This is because London’s current mayor, Sadiq ‘Saracen’ Khan wants to close a large number of police stations in London ostensibly to ‘protect the numbers of front line officers’. Khan’s plan will leave just one police station with a front counter open to the public in each of London’s 32 boroughs. Having observed the rapid and dangerous rise in Islam in Redbridge, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that former police buildings in Redbridge may also end up in the hands of dodgy Islamic groups.
As Islam has grown in Redbridge, so has the number of Islamic extremists. The so-called ‘Three Musketeers’ gang of Islamic terrorists, who have today been gaoled for life for a terror plot that would have seen ‘mass casualty’ knife and bomb attacks against British troops and police officers, may have met with former Ilford resident and Islamic hate preacher Anjem Choudary just a few days before this trio of Islamic potential murderers had planned to carry out their attacks. According to the Ilford Recorder newspaper on May 8th 2016, there was a string of text message contacts linking them to Choudary, who was jailed in September 2016 for five years for encouraging support for the Islamic terror group ISIS. The information that there was contact between them and Britain’s best known Islamic hate preacher Choudary was kept from the jury in the ‘Musketeers’ trial, presumably for legal reasons connected with giving the defendants a fair trial.
The matter of policing the Redbridge area is also tainted with the problem of ‘Islamopandering’ by police officers and former police officers. It is extremely worrying for the non-Muslims of Redbridge that a former Borough Commander for the neighbouring Waltham Forest area, Chief Superintendent Mark Benbow, a man said to be rather too favourable to Islamic interests, is now working for Redbridge council. Benbow was, according to sources that this blog has spoken to, appointed in 2014 as a ‘consultant’ to Redbridge council with a brief covering ‘enforcement’ and the Government’s ‘PREVENT’ anti-terror strategy.
An indication of how friendly Benbow has been in the past with Islamic interests comes from his statement that one of this officer’s greatest achievements was ‘mosque related’. Benbow personally intervened in an internal dispute at Waltham Forest’s Lea Bridge Road mosque that could have spilled over into violence (violence is pretty normal when the members of the ‘religion of peace’ are concerned). Benbow appears to be one of those officers who never seem to find an Islamic cause or individual that he didn’t like. The fact that Benbow thinks that mediating between two separate factions in the mosque is one of his ‘greatest achievements’ should worry us and the fact that he called for this mosque to be a ‘leading mosque nationally’ should worry us even more. This man is far too close to Islam to be considered as suitable for any policing or ‘enforcement’ or counter terror role. Benbow shines out as an Islamopanderer of the very worst sort.

Mark Benbow former Chief Superintendent of police who is now a consultant with responsibility for ‘enforcement’ and ‘PREVENT’ in Redbridge
The former Chief Superintendent seems to have his feet well under the table when it comes to Redbridge council and his position as ‘enforcer’ and ‘PREVENT’ co-ordinator. Benbow has been praised by local politicians including the Labour councillor Ross Hatful who has said to have claimed that he had ‘100% confidence’ in Benbow. Given the recent proven terrorist links to Redbridge, such as with the ‘Musketeers’, Choudary and the growth of extremist Islam in the borough, it would appear councillor Hatfull’s ‘100% confidence’ in Mark Benbow may well be misplaced. Benbow seems to be doing the square root of sod all to root out the area’s Islamic extremism problem.
A local contact in the Redbridge area, spoken to by this blog on condition of anonymity, said: ‘No wonder the council will not comment on how Khuram Butt passed his DBS check that is applied to those working with children and was allowed into the borough’s primary schools.’ It would be completely unsurprising to find that Redbridge’s political and policing Establishment are giving Islamic groups and certain Islamic individuals an easy ride either to give the police less grief and to help them tick the various ‘diversity’ boxes on their annual reports or to create political advantage for the ruling Labour Party.
To conclude: Redbridge has a growing and worrying problem with Islam and especially with Islamic extremism. Islamic organisations are being allowed to mushroom and mosques are being imposed on communities, even when the local non-Muslim communities themselves have vehement and valid objections to having the citadels of the civilisation-killing ideology of Islam forced upon them.
Redbridge, or rather the non-Muslim people who live within it, are under great threat from the rise of Islam. The growth of Islam, a growth encouraged to a large extent by political interests in Redbridge, is making life increasingly bad for the area’s non-Muslims. Islam is making the area unsafe for women, for secularists, for Jews and for those ex or reformist Muslims who may not wish to be around the sort of Islamic nutjobs that are being pandered to and facilitated by those who have political and policing authority over the Redbridge area. Very serious questions need to be asked about what is going on in this previously safe part of London.
Daily Mail article from 2014 about the Islamic extremist allowed to run a primary school
Daily Mail article from 2017 about the Islamic primary school is still employing Islamic extremists
Vishnitz Jewish school closed because it refused to teach transgenderism as if it was a normal behaviour.
Chadwell Heath Police Station sold to extremist Muslim group
More former police buildings to be sold off, possibly to Islamic organisations in Redbridge
‘Three Musketeers’ terror group may have met terror promoter Anjem Choudary
Benbow the Islamopanderer and former Chief Superintendent
bloody ell
‘Bloody ell’ indeed. The non Muslims of Redbridge have been seriously shafted by the local political class not just Labour but members of other parties as well.
“What is even more unnerving is the very short time that this has taken to occur, 15 years or so, and how the Labour Party appears to be colluding with Islamic interests”
I am reliably informed that you might want to look at the former leader of Redbridge Council and current Clayhall Councillor Cllr Alan Weinberg OBE, who was apparently quite content to “play one side against the other”
As well as Current GLA Member for Havering & Redbridge Cllr Keith Prince (Conservative) Former Cllr Vanessa Cole (Conservative) Current Cllr Robert Cole (Consevative), coupled with Liberal Democrat partners Current Cllr Ian Bond (Leader Liberal Democrats) and his former side kick, and former Cabinet Member for community safety Cllr Shoaib Patel.
None of this happened by accident, it was all carefully planned….
Hi There. Some of the names that you mentioned have turned up in other articles on here namely Vanessa Cole who this blog was informed was close to Dr Hameed the Islamic community leader behind the seizure of Jacques Hall and its transformation into a mosque. See and this post Although it is Labour that have mainly benefited from the Islamisaiton, neither the Tories or the Lib Dems have clean hands on this matter.
Former MP Lee Scott was also apparently close to Dr Hameed and his fellow Tablighi Jamaat supporters, with Mr Scott fully supporting Dr Hameeds move from Victory Hall Chigwell to Jacques Hall in Hainault, and no doubt using his political connections to make the Islamic take over of the working mans club happen. (Victory Hall threw out the Islamists when their activities drew local protests)
Wonder if the former MP and local Councillors knew of Dr Hameeds involvement with Tablighi Jamaat and the Newham Mega Mosgue Planning application..?
According to Barbara Metcalf in the link above, Tablighi Jamaat are “‘A-political’, ‘detached’ and ‘quietist’”
MI5 and the FBI would say very different…
Former Councillor Vanessa Cole is still very active with the Redbridge Muslim Community.
Meanwhile, the Redbridge Muslim Community continue to scream “Islamophobia” and report “hate crimes” to self interested local “charities”, but the police do not have the evidence to support such claims…
The Islamification of Redbridge has all happened under the Tories, but has spectacularly backfired with Labour reaping the benefit….
Non Muslim Redbridge residents can look forward to even more Mosques, & Madrassa’s, Islamic Schools, After School Centres, Muslim only Cemetery’s with prayer / community gathering facilities, Islamic only Community Centres / Welfare Centres and many more articles from the local press of Muslims whining “islamophobia”, when there is no evidence to support such claims.
I’m shocked to see Lee Scott mentioned here. Mind you he must have realised that pandering to Muslims would do no good in the end and he faced lots of anti Semitic comments and smears from Redbridge Muslims which may have helped Streeting take Scott’s seat.
A few years ago I seem to remember someone from UKIP merely observing on Twitter, that when visiting Ilford that he was almost the only white face.
From the media brouhaha you’d thing he’d have advocated nuking Ilford. Mike Gapes, Lee Scott and others immediately jumped on the”racism” bandwagon and got him smeared and libelled in the local and national media.
I heard him later on LBC stating that it was a simple observation at the changes in a very few short years. Definitely no racist. But the media and the Twitter trolls made hay, probably putting him in great danger.
How ironic that a couple of years later, that observation is now the official one. I maintain that telling the truth has now become a risky business while lies, distortions and conspiracies are peddled with seeming impunity.
When people are tweeting “Ilford Lane is an overseas territory of Pakistan”, Ilford Lane is “unofficially closed” TfL are issuing warnings to drivers to avoid the road, with the council and the police doing absolutely nothing to contain the situation, then you know the area has changed significantly.
Businesses are complaining..
A year later, and it’s getting worse, with one reveler stating… “Ilford Lane and hot and humid nights –I legitmately felt like I was in Pakistan.”
This is the same Ilford Lane that bogus complaints are made to MEND and politicians about “Islamophobia”.
“MEND has discovered that Ilford Lane has become a “hotspot” for attacks”
Clearly absolute nonsense……
MEND are indeed talking absolute nonsense on stilts. They are either lying, which is very possible, as honesty is not what we see that often from these various ‘Isalmophobia’ outfits, or they are counting normal workaday street crimes as ‘Islamophobia’. After all in the minds of groups like MEND why let a mugging or a bit of intra Muslim argy bargy go to waste when it can be dishonestly exploited as ‘Islamophobia’.