I’m going to do my level best to be at this demonstration in Bristol on Sunday the 10th September. I’m going to be there because it’s vital that people of diverse races, creeds and sexualities stand up against the depredations of Islamic Shariah Law. Britain is a place where many people have made their home and that home should not be trashed by Islamic violence or by the stealthy application and tolerance of Islamic Shariah Law. We do not need or want the shariah restrictions on women, the shariah punishments for gays, the shariah and Islam inspired Jew hatred nor the shariah blasphemy laws that prevent anybody from saying anything negative about Islam.
Sunday’s rally is a joint effort between the Gays Against Shariah group that put together the very successful Manchester rally that happened on Sunday the 11th of June 2017. This was a very very effective demonstration that showed the world that to be opposed to Islam and Shariah Law doesn’t mean that you are a ‘racist’.
It is to be hoped that like the Manchester demonstration the Bristol protest will attract Christians, Jews, ex Muslims and others and like before show black and white Britons standing together against an enemy ideology and political system that wants all of us either enslaved or dead. If you are Christian, Jewish, Sikh or Hindu or even an atheist, under Shariah you will always be marked for death or oppression. Let’s turn out show that Britons of all faiths, beliefs, lifestyles and backgrounds can stand peacefully and respectfully together and say ‘No more Shariah’, ‘No more appeasement’ and ‘No more Islamic violence or terrorism’.
The struggle against Islamic shariah law and the political system that it seeks to impose is one of the greatest political struggles of our time. Opposing Shariah Law is a morally correct path, it’s up there with standing up to Nazism, something which our forebears did with magnificent courage, or holding back the Soviet Union during the Cold War, which a later generation did.
See you on Sunday.
Here are the latest details of the march on Sunday’s
On Sunday 10th September, Gays against Sharia and Brits and Immigrants United Against Terrorism will be holding a joint rally in Bristol against Female Genital Mutilation.
We will be meeting at Temple Meads Train Station BS1 6QF at 1pm and the march will begin at 2pm.
There will be speeches by the organizers and guest speakers such as UKIP Leadership candidate Anne Marie Waters and author Shazia Hobbs.
Due to a counter protest being organized against us, the march route will not be made public, but rest assured we have stewards for the march to keep everyone safe.
The Police have also guaranteed our safety.
Rebel Media will also be filming.
Have a safe journey guys, and we will see you soon!
You can view the page for the Gays Against Shariah and Brits and Immigrants United Against Terrorism event via the link below: