More Islamic rapists, jihadists, criminals and ponces are likely to be on their way thanks to Theresa May.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May.


When Theresa May was Home Secretary her department got pretty badly burned by the fake ‘child refugees’ scam promoted in large part by the pro-migrant and pro-Islam Citizens UK organisation. It was on her watch as the minister responsible for policing and for keeping Britain’s borders safe that she allowed her department to be manipulated by various mountebanks, such as Citizens UK, who bleated dishonestly but emotively to Home Office ministers and staff about ‘vulnerable child migrants’ stuck in the Calais migrant shanty towns.

Mrs May and those working for her were completely conned by those agitating for the entry of the laughingly misnamed ‘vulnerable child migrants’. When these ‘children’ eventually turned up in the UK a lot of them seemed to have beards and crows feet and were a million miles, or rather 20 to 30 years away, from the ‘vulnerable toddlers’ that Citizens UK and others said would be arriving. Now it looks like Theresa May is going to be conned again but by the French government this time.

Normally when a person gets conned or swindled it makes them wary of being conned or swindled again. Being taken for a ride as Theresa May was whilst Home Secretary should have given her the backbone to stand up to those who want to foist on Britain the violent thugs, ponces and chancers who currently live in the various ‘migrant’ camps in the Calais area.

Sadly, the French President Emmanuel Macron seems to be more than able to spot a likely mug punter and this he has done with Theresa May. According to a report on the Breitbart site Theresa May is said to be ready to hand over £44 million of British taxpayers money to the French government for border security and will probably have to take in more of the migrants that France doesn’t want and Britons certainly don’t. The money that is likely to be given to France should instead be spent in Britain protecting our own borders from the dangerous migrants that France doesn’t bother stopping crossing its own land borders.

Brietbart said:

Theresa May is set to give in to demands to pay France to secure its borders, and to take more ‘child’ migrants from Calais.

The prime minister, “desperate for allies” in Europe as she attempts to cobble together a transition deal and trade agreement with the EU which can be sold to a public increasingly dissatisfied with her concessionary approach, has agreed to hand over £44 million to France.

This will be used to upgrade French border fences, surveillance equipment, and other devices intended to deter and detect illegal migrants, The Telegraph reports.

I must say that this £44 million pounds would have been better spent securing Britain’s own borders here on our Islands. To give this money to the French government who are failing to defend their own land borders against this tide of migrant thugs and ponces is an utter waste. We should be seriously worried about the comment in the Brietbart article about taking more of these so-called ‘child migrants’. If Theresa May caves in on the issue of taking in fake ‘child’ migrants, then she will be exposing her own citizens to more terror, more rape, more paedophilia and even more jihad. If Mrs May does agree to accept more of these dodgy ‘migrants’ – a group more appropriately called ‘invaders’ – so soon after Islamic ‘refugees’ have been implicated in attacks such as the on a train at Parsons Green in London, then she will be making it clear that she doesn’t care about the ordinary Briton.

Brietbart continued:

French president Emmanuel Macron has made political hay by pushing for Britain to pay more to help police illegal immigration on his territory, and to take more so-called child migrants from Calais — rather than tackle the problem at its root by securing his Schengen borders and replacing what amounts to a ‘catch and release’ policy for migrants trying to reach Britain in favour of a ‘detain and deport’ system.

The big question here is why should Britain pay when the problems at Calais are in large part a problem caused by the French government itself? By not deporting those who have no right to be on French territory and just letting these dangerous invaders wander round and eventually congregate at Calais and latterly Dunkirk, they have encouraged more invaders to come. The sort of people whom Macron and Mrs May, probably one of the weakest Prime Ministers that I’ve seen in decades, are likely to dump on Britain are the sort who are already causing havoc in France. I hope that having been politically burned by the increasingly seditious left wing and pro-migrant groups like Citizens UK, Mrs May would have the knowledge and confidence to stand up to President Macron. However, on past form I have little confidence that this will be the case. Is it any wonder that in some quarters Mrs May is being described as ‘Appeaser Theresa’?

‘Won’t get fooled again’ was a great song by the British band The Who, but it certainly does not in any way describe Prime Minister May and her attempts to negotiate a smooth exit from the European Union or her dealings with the likes of Macron. Theresa May is likely to end up throwing more good money after bad in order to appease countries like France that are just funnelling their unwanted illegal and often Islamic invaders towards Britain. More worryingly she’s also likely to agree to take in many more of those who have already shown by their actions both in Calais and in the UK that they are unfit to be present in a civilised society and are likely to end up as a clear and present danger to all of us.