Angry Germans – thousands of them.


If civilisation survives in its current form then future historians are going to have a lot to study when it comes to Germany’s migrant disaster. These future chroniclers of our present may even coin a name for what has been done to Germany by its own idiotic politicians, they could call it ‘Merkel’s Folly’.

The German Chancellor Frau Merkel’s decision to open up the civilised nation of Germany to hundreds of thousands of frankly seriously uncivilised followers of Islam, does indeed look like a dangerous and highly destructive folly. Since Frau Merkel decided to play ‘Lady Bountiful’ with German resources and German society the quality of life for some Germans in areas that have been adversely affected by an unwanted injection of Islamic migrants. Frau Merkel’s decision to invite in those who not only will add nothing to German society but who also follow ideologies that call for the destruction of Germany will have and is having dire effects of the society that Germans took decades to build.

But there are signs that Germans have had enough of the imported savages that their own politicians have inflicted on them. There seem to be more German citizens who are becoming more willing to take to the streets to express their anger at what has been done to them, their families and their nation by Merkel’s open borders lunacy.

At the weekend in the town of Cottbus there was a big demonstration against Merkel and against the horrific Islam problems that Merkel’s policy has imported. Cottbus, a town of 100,000 situated about 75 miles south east of Berlin, has seen what can only be described as an onslaught of Islam. In a very short amount of time the town has seen 3000 dodgy migrants dumped on their town. This represents about 3% of the total population of Cottbus and as can be expected these often Islamic migrants have not exactly gone out of their way to be good neighbours to the indigenous citizens of Cottbus. A few weeks ago a gang of Syrians attacked a man and his wife outside a shopping centre and two other Syrians slashed the face of a German teenager with a knife.

These Islam and migrant related problem and the generally negative affect that the presence of Merkel’s Muslims have had on the quality of life for locals has forced them to take to the streets demanding protection and to demand that ‘Merkel Must Go’. The people of Cottbus do not either need nor want the sort of violent and destructive savages that Merkel’s lunatic policies have landed them with. The very last thing that this town, which was said to be suffering somewhat of an economic slump, needed is thousands of violent or potentially violent Muslims. They neither wanted nor deserved the thuggish scum that has been imposed on them.

At the weekend 5,000 angry German residents of Cottbus decided that they had had enough of the savagery and the crime that has been the result of housing Merkel’s migrants in the town. Although the town council had put a moratorium on housing migrants in Cottbus, tensions are still rising.

Below is a selection of videos that appear to be shot at the Cottbus demonstration. Now my ability to translate from German into English is pretty poor but it’s plain to see from the videos and from what I can pick out, that these Germans are seriously angry at what has been done to them. To be quite honest they have a damn right to be angry. After all here we have a struggling town full of people trying to do their best and survive and thrive when all of a sudden their own government dumps upon them 3,000 people from some of the most violent, hate filled and dangerous cultures and nations on Earth. Could this go any other way than bad? Of course not. Even an idiot could have advised Merkel that bringing in the sort of people she intended to bring in would bring nothing but grief to ordinary Germans.

Here’s the videos:

1 Comment on "Angry Germans – thousands of them."

  1. Philip Copson | February 5, 2018 at 12:30 pm |

    “Merkel-o-mania” ? “Islamo-lunacy” ?

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