Another Muslim illegal migrant ‘refugee’ goes bad

Zana Abbas Sulieman a man assisted by 'refugees welcome' types, released by the Border Agency and who has been gaoled for nine years for promoting Islamic terror.


Those who have said that the migrant crisis and poorly defended borders will allow Islamic violence and terror to flourish are daily being proved correct. Those who were castigated by the Left and the ‘refugees welcome’ movement for saying that these ‘asylum seekers’ are a potential danger are having the last, but bitter laugh at their opponents.

It seems that almost weekly Britons are being regaled by tales of cases of Muslim asylum seekers or ‘refugees’ being apprehended by the police for appalling crimes or for plotting terrorist atrocities. It is now beyond doubt now that listening to the ‘refugees welcome’ movement has been a security disaster for the United Kingdom. All manner of jihadi scum has entered the UK because of Britain’s porous borders and have often been assisted in staying here by Leftists and other societal destroyers.

There has been another recent example of an illegal asylum seeker who didn’t take long before he started trying to get involved with Islamic terrorism and was caught downloading bombmaking instructions from ISIS and dealing personally with members of the terror group. According to the Daily Mail, Zana Abbas Sulieman aged 27, an illegal migrant allegedly from Iraq was caught in an intelligence led police operation after he was reported to police by someone who saw him watching ISIS videos on his phone. Sulieman pleaded guilty to a string of charges related to encouraging terrorism or disseminating terrorist materials and has be gaoled for nine years. Sadly, due to Britain’s discount scheme on gaol time, this savage is probably going to be out in under five years or less. I very much doubt that Sulieman will reform inside prison and will probably come out just as much the jihadist or worse than when he went in. It’s also likely that this savage, like so many others of his type, may play the ‘human rights’ lawfare game prior to or just after his release, which will mean that not only will we not be able to get rid of him, but we will probably end up paying for this parasitical and dangerous Islamic savage for ever.

Sulieman’s crime is pretty egregious. It’s not a low level crime such as distributing copies of the Anarchists Cookbook, this was the accumulation of plans to build a very high energy explosive device, of the type used for the Manchester bombing, by someone who appears to have been somewhat inspired by that atrocity. This dangerous Muslim savage could quite possibly gone on to murder innocent Britons, or encourage others to do so and what is very scary is that up until he was observed watching ISIS videos, the British government neither knew or cared that he was here.

The back story of how Sulieman came to be in the UK in the first place is both bizarre and indeed anger inducing. It is a tale of incompetence on the part of HM government staff and naivety by various social workers and ‘refugees welcome’ entities. Sulieman came to Britain in 2014 and pretended to be a child. His claim to be a child when he plainly was not, was busted by Cardiff Social Services who classed him as an adult and passed him onto the care of the naïve do-gooders of the Welsh Refugee Council (WRC). Why do this? Surely if it had been proven that this man was not only an illegal but also a liar, then why was he not in some form of lawful custody?

After his referral to the Welsh Refugee Council, Sulieman buggered off to France, tried but failed to claim asylum in Italy, pitching up at Calais (another haunt of the seditious ‘refugees welcome’ movement) before re-entering the UK. He was picked up by Border Force who then let him go. This savage then disappeared under the radar, using mosques and churches dominated by Leftist Christians for sources of food and washing facilities. He ended up sleeping rough and working ‘informally’ on a market near to Paddington Green police station in London. It was at the market where this savage was caught out watching ISIS videos.

I am gobsmacked by this story. I am highly disturbed at the incompetence of the Border Agency who released this savage upon the public and angered at the involvement of the ‘refugees welcome’ movement in assisting this savage to reside in the UK. It is only by luck and the actions of the undercover police officers who followed the complaint about Sulieman up, that another horrific Islamic atrocity has been prevented. The Border Agency are supposed to protect us and on this occasion they have failed miserably. Members of the ‘refugees welcome’ movement should also shoulder some of the blame. The Welsh Refugee Council should not have accepted a referral from Social Services for a client who was so obviously a scammer. This incident shows clearly that groups such as the WRC, along with those who are feeding and clothing the invaders of Calais, are quite happy to accept clients who pose a major security risk to the UK and its people. There is a great irony in the involvement of the WRC as this organisation is one that laughably claims that they aim to improve the image of asylum seekers and refugees in Wales. Looks very much like they’ve failed in this instance. The news that there has been yet another potentially murderous Muslim asylum seeker discovered seriously undermines the pro-‘refugee’ narrative promoted by the likes of the WRC. At this point I find that I cannot but wonder how many other dangerous Muslim jihadis or potential jihadis have passed through the hands of the Welsh Refugee Agency? I would guess that it could be quite a few going by their willingness to take on referrals of people who have no business being here and who have lied in an attempt to stay.

As I said at the beginning of this piece, those of us who said that these ‘refugees’ were going to be dangerous were called all sorts of names. The Left and those who can reasonably be described now as the suicidally altruistic, lambasted us with all manner of ‘snarl’ words and shroud-waved about endangered toddlers, when we asked awkward and uncomfortable questions about their pet ‘refugees’. But, sadly we who oppose the ‘refugees welcome’ movement have been proven correct. These refugees are dangerous, I wish that this wasn’t the case but that is the reality.

This particular savage must be just the tip of a nasty iceberg of imported Islamic nastiness and it’s time that it was properly countered. To do this there should be more resources given to the Border Agency and it needs to behave in a much more muscular way in how it works. It should detain with the presumption of deportation, those who arrive in the UK illegally. It should show a sceptical attitude to those who claim asylum as although this right was once something that those long ago used sparingly and only by those in great need, such as those fleeing Communist states, in recent decades it has become an immigration loophole often exploited by the worst of the worst. An asylum system that allows the likes of Sulieman to walk freely among us is one that is in urgent need of either reform or scrapping.

As well as reform of the asylum system and more effective border agencies and expedited deportation, we should also stop paying for those groups who are helping to import or support the likes of Sulieman. The amount that some of these ‘refugees welcome’ groups get from the taxpayer is truly astonishing. Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with the amount of public money that has been spent on left wing pro-migrant groups like Citizens UK but the Welsh Refugee Council is also an organisation that pockets significant amounts of public money. According to the WRC’s 2015-2016 Annual Report they picked up over £441,000 from the Welsh Government. Not only is this a large amount of money that may well be better spent elsewhere, it is also thoroughly wrong to spend it on a group whose actions and aims compromise the security of Britons on the grounds that many of the clients that this group assists, may quite likely hold views similar to that of Sulieman and may also go on to become involved in jihadist terror.

Writ large in this case is the evidence to support those of us who said ‘no Muslim refugees here’. Unlike some previous refugee groups that arrived in the much more distant past, we have not as a nation benefited in any way from those whom we have expended so much to help. These Muslim ‘refugees’ have murdered, bombed and plotted against us and against our way of life. We were correct to say no to them and the ‘refugees welcome’ movement have yet again proven themselves to be utterly wrong.