Quote of the Day 09/04/2018 – Crying ‘Hitler’ will not end well.


No reasonable person wants to see the freedom-killing ideology of fascism take root in any civilised country. It is an authoritarian ideology and just as dangerously collectivist as the wilder shores of leftist thought such as Maoism or Stalinism are. If you like I do believe in democracy, human rights, freedom and a belief in the power of the individual, then fascism should be opposed.

However, we currently have a problem with the Left overusing the word ‘fascist’ and they are overusing it to such an extent that it has lost a very large amount of its power. This is dangerous as one day a genuine fascist may arise and may need to be described as fascist and because the word ‘fascist’ has been effectively neutered by the Left real fascists may not be able to be effectively described or targeted.

The reason for bringing this up is that there has been an excellent comment on the latest equally excellent ‘This Week In Stupid’ video from the political and social commentator Sargon of Akkad. The comment which was made on Sargon’s comment section by a person going by the name of ‘Travis Hammer’ who said:

The left has neutered the word fascist, as well as racist and all the other ists and phobes, by their never ending hysterical machine gun firing of accusations. They’re the commies who cried Hitler.”

Well said there Mr or Ms Hammer. It is indeed a hysterical as well as a dishonest accusation to shout ‘fascist’ at anything that an individual doesn’t like or disagrees with. The Left have comprehensively ruined a powerful and useful word and I fear that this neutering of a word that may be vital at some time in the future is not going to end well for anyone, especially genuine anti-fascists. Crying wolf, or as Travis Hammer said ‘crying Hitler’ may stop people believing those who call attention to a very real and very dangerous fascist threat in the future.