Oh look. Surprise surprise. It’s another dangerous ‘migrant’ and someone also on a ‘terror watch list’.


As expected, more information has come out about the Islamic savage who murdered one person and seriously injured four others in an Islamic knife attack in Paris over the weekend. It turns out that the killer savage, Khamzat Azimov, was a Muslim migrant from Chechnya who was already on a jihadi watch list compiled by the French security authorities. Sadly neither fact should surprise us. The idiots of the ‘refugees welcome’ movement and the politicians who favour open borders have opened Europe to the violent dross of the Islamic world. Because of that we should not be shocked, but we should be angry, that jihadis are taking advantage of criminally lax border controls and the naivety of the open borders and ‘refugees welcome’ types.

Also depressingly familiar is the information that Azimov was named on a jihadi watch list. There have been other cases, most notably that of Khuram Butt the Islamic savage who helped carry out the London Bridge attack last year. Butt was the subject of long term interest by Britain’s Security Service, but such allegedly close examination did not stop the Butt savage from killing. As with Butt so it is with Azimov. Being on the radar of the French security services did not stop him from stabbing and slashing his way through Paris in the name of Islam. Both the Butt and the Azimov cases beg the question: What is the point of these watch lists if those on them will continue to be in a position to kill? These lists of potentially dangerous Islamic savages are no real use in assisting in protecting our security if the savages that are on them can still plan or carry out attacks. If these lists are not used for the purposes of interning or excluding from our countries these dangerous Islamic savages then what use are they? At present they seem more like ‘wait for them to explode’ lists rather than watch lists.

This Paris case, like other similar cases highlights weaknesses both in border control and in law enforcement. The savage Azimov should never have been allowed to enter Europe in the first place. His religion along with the culture and place he came from, should have rung enough alarm bells to permanently exclude this savage from civilised countries. Once here in Europe Azimov ended up being watched by security services that already have a very heavy workload of potentially explosive Islamic savages to watch. Azimov, like the murderous London Bridge savage, slipped past the eyes of the security services and killed innocent people.

Once again we see that we the citizen or subject are not being properly protected from this appalling savagery that encourages its followers to kill and maim. Naive idiots let these savages into our countries and overworked and undermanned security services are expected to closely, watch the tens of thousands of potentially violent Muslims that have either entered as migrants or which have been spawned in Europe’s Islamic ghettos.

Something must be done. Our borders need to be secured with specific controls on the entry of those of the Islamic faith. The time has long past when any sensible person could see or accept Islam as ‘just another religion like all the others’. Islam is different and needs to be treated as such. It is notable that those nations of Eastern Europe that do recognise that Islam is different and also constitutes a cultural and societal threat, do not suffer the levels of Islam-liked degradation, such as Islamic Rape Gangs or Jihad terrorism, that Western Europe has suffered. The Western European idea that all faiths are created equal and are worthy of equal protection and respect, although a noble ideal, is being daily proven to be an abject failure. We should of course offer a haven for those oppressed by Islam such as those who can no longer stomach any continued adherence to this foul ideology. We should do this on the moral grounds that it is the correct thing to do and on the political grounds that such individuals may be of use to us in the latest battles in a very old war.

What this attack showed the world is that the current methods that Western Europe is using to fight Islamic savagery of the sort that manifested itself on the streets of Paris again, are not effective. It’s not enough to just wave Muslim migrants through our borders of compile every growing lists of Muslims who wish us dead or even let a multitude of horrors fester in our Islamic ghettos. These actions will not keep us safe. Only harsh and effective action against these problems will have any impact on them.

As US President Donald Trump said in relation to the recent Paris attacks, we need to ‘open our eyes about what is really going on’. He added that what has been brought to Paris is a ‘sickness’. It’s difficult to disagree with President Trump on this. We do need to open our eyes to what is going on in our nations and the large role that Islam is playing in encroaching on our security and our freedoms. We could start by campaigning and voting for those politicians who see Islam for what it really is. Islam is a political, cultural and spiritual sickness that kills both those who adhere to it and those outside it and which has laid waste to civilisations just as effectively as any biological sickness such as Bubonic Plague can do.

Porous borders and ineffective lists do not stop one violent savage, It’s time for a better way a way of internment, deportation and interdiction of any Muslim or Islamic organisation that threatens the way of life of the citizens of European nations. By pretending that Islam is peaceful and compatible with our societies we lie to ourselves in order to comfort ourselves, but it is going to be our children who suffer the results of this monstrous lie. They will have to endure the constant violence and crushing atmosphere of hatred that are created in many of those parts of the world that already have large amounts of Islam. I do not want that future for any European child no matter what their skin colour of belief system therefore we need to see Islam for what it is and deal with it accordingly and appropriately.