From Elsewhere: Another person’s comment on the #FreeTommy movement

Author, activist and human rights campaigner Tommy Robinson


I received this via email and I thought that I should share it. It appears that the writer was composing this piece whilst the Free Tommy protest was taking place in London at the weekend.

On the Free Tommy Protest

I’m writing to you today to tell you about the huge Tommy Robinson demonstration in London, and the amazing viral spread of my interview with him.

June 9, 2018 – 8:30 am (1:30 pm in the UK). I know that people are gathering in London for a planned huge demonstration for Tommy Robinson, unjustly imprisoned once more. No coverage yet, of course. I know I will be watching the live stream. Almost everyone I know in Great Britain will be at the demonstration, except for one couple around 80 for whom it would be too difficult, and someone else near 80.

By 2:30 pm, people are to have gathered in Trafalgar Square for a walk to Whitehall, the site of the British government. At 3:00 pm, there will be speeches. Geert Wilders (Party for Freedom, the Netherlands), Anne Marie Waters (For Britain Party, UK), Gerald Batten (UKIP, UK), and more.

I’ve heard that Antifa has announced they will be there. Antifa – the AntiFact group that uses fascist anti-speech techniques and falsely claims to be against what they are for, fascism.

I wonder: if it’s needed, will the police, for once, do what they’re supposed to do: stop the disruptions, stop violence? Also, do the organizers have protection set up for vulnerable people?

10 am (3 pm in the UK). I’m watching the livestream.

A view of the crowd before the demonstration:

Also on Youtube:

It feels good to be part of the event, even in this distant way.

The crowd is estimated to be 20,000. Someone shouted 30,000. And around the world there are demonstrations for Tommy Robinson outside British embassies. The petition on behalf of Tommy has reached almost 600,000 signatures.

noon (5 pm in the UK). It’s over.

No clashes, or anyway none broadcast in the livestream.

I close the computer.

Why have I been watching? It’s not for new information. It’s to be there, in spirit, and to feel the pro-freedom and pro-truth spirit, the sense of warmth and caring and connection.


As for my interview with Tommy, done just 2 days before Tommy’s arrest, and put online on June 3, it’s gone viral. In just 6 days, via multiple channels, it’s had over 400,000 views, and over 600,000 posting views. On my Facebook page (World Truth Summit), it’s had 248,389 posting views, 124,968 video views, and 3,078 shares. On Tommy’s facebook page, it’s had over 252,000 video views. On Youtube, it’s had 6,760 views on my channel (Creativity Emporium), and 50,154 views on a major channel that reposted the video.

There have been masses of raves, as the best video ever of Tommy.

The interview is on Tommy the person – loving father, committed freedom lover, learning, growing.

It feels wonderful to be able to reach so many people, to help in this way.

Here’s the original posting of the video: