Don’t give the enemy a fake news stick to beat us with.


There is a picture doing the rounds on social media that purports to be of the #FreeTommy demonstration that took place in London on Saturday. The picture, reproduced below, shows an aerial view of a crowd with the exhortation for patriots to share this image as the Establishment and the Left want it censored.

Now I’m normally very much in favour of the distributing of information that the Left and their Islamic mates would like to remain hidden, but this is not one of those occasions. This is fake news of the worst type, faker even than some of the pro-Islam guff put out by the British Broadcasting Corporation. When I looked at the picture I said ‘this is not London’. I know London and am familiar with pictures of central London taken from high viewpoints and I knew instantly that this picture was not taken in London or anywhere near the capital.

It didn’t take much research to ascertain that this picture was one of a Liverpool football club parade that appears to have taken place about ten years or so ago.

Those who are distributing this picture and who are calling for the distribution of this picture on the false grounds that it represents the London #FreeTommy protest are doing great damage to the counter Islam movement in the United Kingdom. The distribution of this image with its false description is being exploited by Leftist groups and Islamic grievance mongers in an effort to discredit those of us who are fighting to reclaim our rights to speak freely about Islam and our right to be free of this foul ideology.

I do not know why people are pushing this image around, it maybe that it is being pushed by agent provocateurs from the Leftist and Muslim camps or it is being promoted by alt-right / far Left mischief makers. Someone is distributing this image with the false caption and may have some sort of agenda behind their actions. It would be advisable to have nothing to do with this agenda and to leave this image well alone.

I would urge all patriots and critics of Islam to stop mindlessly sharing this image and the fake captions that are attached to it. There is much about Islam and the quislings who suck up to it in Britain that deserves and needs to be criticised and called out. However, there is more than enough nastiness in Islam to go round and to be commented on, there is no need to promote outright lies such as claiming that the image above is of the #FreeTommy protest. It is always tempting, especially when we are busy, to just click ‘repost’ on things like this but reposting lies will rebound badly on the counterjihad movement.

Stop sharing this image and gently and politely correct those who are doing so. Islam and its quislings are bad enough and there should never be a need to lie about these things or the public response to Islam’s depredations.