Another Sadiq Khan provocation?

Sadiq 'Saracen' Khan - A man who has brought nothing good to London's governance.


The Labour Party Mayor of Greater London, Sadiq ‘Saracen’ Khan is an arrogant man who is becoming increasingly fond of both the sound of his own voice and about issuing and embarking on provocative statements and actions. Not only have we had the infamous ‘part and parcel’ statement on Islamic terror but we have also seen Khan choose an extremist Islamic group to lay flowers in memory of terror victims. Now Khan seems to be embarking on another provocation as he is scheduling an Islamic Eid rally in Central London at the same time as thousands of patriots are travelling to London to mark the anniversary of the Brexit vote.

His response to increased terrorism in both Continental Europe and in the United Kingdom has been to say that preparing for such attacks are ‘part and parcel’ of living in a big city This statement by Khan was quickly shown to be erroneous as members of the public and political commentators pointed out that there are a large number of cities that have not faced this sort of terrorism and don’t have to stick up ‘diversity barriers’ everywhere to prevent Islamic terror. What did emerge from the furore surrounding Khan’s statement were a number of people pointing out to Khan, and to the UK population as a whole, that it is more often than not mainly those cities that have large amounts of Islam within them that are suffering these attacks. London, Manchester, Glasgow, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona and Berlin all have, to a greater or lesser degree, a significant Islamic population and have all suffered attacks. On the other hand, countries that have not opened their doors to Islamic settlement have remained relatively peaceful, at least in terms of Islamic savagery. There have been, to my knowledge, no massive and mass casualty attacks in recent years at least, in Warsaw, Bratislava, Prague or Bucharest or Vilnius. Khan’s ‘part and parcel’ statement, whilst admittedly a soundbite from a longer piece in which he talked about anti terrorism preparedness, provoked an angry response from people and justifiably so as Khan made it came over and was taken as if Khan was saying that Islamic terrorism was a normal part of life in big cities.

Sadiq Khan is also building himself a reputation of engaging in provocative acts, some of which seem merely designed to raise Khan’s public profile such as the appointment of gay performer Amy Lame as a ‘night-time tsar’ and his damaging public protests against US President Donald Trump. But he has done much worse in this area.

For me the most grotesque of Khan’s provocations came shortly after Islamic savages attacked and murdered people on and around the London Bridge area. As has become customary after each and every incident of murderous Islamic savagery perpetrated on the innocent, there was the usual memorial with flowers and candles and teddy bears. People could lay tributes and pretend for a second that the problem that caused this act of murder was ‘noting to do with Islam’. However, Khan’s office decided that the very first people who would lay flowers and pay tribute to the dead from the London Bridge attack would be members of an extremist Islamic group known as the Bohra sect. This group have a very uncompromising view of Islam and even go so far as to promote the practise of female genital mutilation, a practise that is banned under UK law. This was a disgusting slap in the face for ordinary non Muslim Londoner’s and to the families of those who had been murdered by Muslims. It seemed to me at the time that it was almost as if Khan was trying to ramp up the tension by rubbing Briton’s noses in Islamic savagery.

Now, according to the Kipper Central website, Khan seems to have embarked on yet another outrageous provocation. They mayor’s office has recently announced that there will be an ‘Eid in the Square’ event taking place on the 23rd of June. This will take place at the same time and about a quarter of a mile away from where British patriots are gathering to mark the anniversary of the successful Brexit vote and also to call for the restoration of Briton’s rights to freedom of speech. Although from what I can gather from examining the route of the patriot march there will be about a quarter of a mile of separation between Khan’s Muslims and the patriot demonstrators, for the Mayor to choose this date does make it look as if he is pushing for confrontation at worst or at best wants to flex his Muslim muscles in the faces of Britons. Either way this is not a helpful way for the Mayor to behave. Kipper Central helpfully pointed out that Eid ended on the 15th of June and it is bizarre that the Mayor chose the 23rd June for this public Eid celebration. He must have known or been informed by the police that there would be a likelihood of patriot demos around this date and the end of Eid was also a well known date. Why not hold his public Eid event on either the 16th or 17th June? This would have been the logical thing to do. Dumping this Eid event on the 23rd really does start to look like Khan is trying to provoke conflict, especially as it is almost 100% certain that there will be at least a few violent Islamists taking part in the Eid event. To allow and permit an Islamic event which will definitely attract a few of the ‘kill a Briton for Allah’ types on the day that Britain voted to leave the EU looks like a very provocative act and one of reckless madness.

I’m going to do my best to get to the Freedom demonstration on the 23rd and I know it is starting to attract large numbers of other patriots who wish to tell the government to get on with Brexit and give us back our freedom of speech. But I would counsel those attending to be aware of potential dirty tricks by the mayor, the Met Police or the Muslims themselves. There may be occasions where the Muslims, the Mayor’s pet Leftists or the police manage to get provocateurs near the patriot march and this is where people need to have a bit of situational and political awareness. My advice is to resist these provocations as much as you can. The Left and what is increasingly being seen as the lying press of the mainstream media want conflict not only because images of conflict sell papers, but also so that the Establishment can try to discredit the growing movement against those Leftists and Muslims who would wreck the home that we have built together.

I’m pretty disgusted at the decision of Saracen Khan to hold this Islamic hate-fest at the same time as many people are marching for the causes of freedom, democracy and national survival. Khan’s actions look to me as deliberately provocative. It appears to be one that is calculated to anger people by flaunting in front of ordinary decent patriots, the aggressive and arrogant representatives of the very same Islamic ideology that has brought so much harm and sorrow to the United Kingdom. If Khan or the Establishment do want conflict then we should make sure that we don’t give them what they want. They want pictures of bald headed men hitting ‘innocent’ Muslim men to run in the pages of the lying-press to reinforce their false narrative that Muslims are victims of ‘Islamophobia’. This lying press will not take notice of any context for these images, even if an image sequence shows that the bald man acted in self-defence. We should in the first instance not fall for provocative tricks, this should be a behavioural priority for patriot marchers. Secondly make sure that if, and I pray to the Eternal One that it doesn’t, any incidents of aggro break out, that any actions that show patriots acting lawfully in self defence are recorded and shared in order to defeat the dishonest narrative that will if anything goes wrong be put out by the mainstream media.

Sadiq Khan is a fool and a man who cares little for the security of London and of Londoners· If he did care then he would have made sure that there was greater temporal and geographical separation between these two events. That he has not bothered to do this tells me a lot about the man, it tells me that when the chips are down he will favour Islam and is also shockingly blasé about whether his Islamic and leftist pets will cause trouble in London by going after those on the patriot demonstration. My advice to the patriot marchers is stand up for your rights, stay safe but don’t let Khan’s thugs push you around or push you into giving them what they really want, an excuse to whine.

2 Comments on "Another Sadiq Khan provocation?"

  1. Today many educated Muslims want to leave Islam but are afraid that they will be killed by their fellow religionists. Hence the Muslims must be first shown a safe path so that they renounce Islam but does not arouse suspicion among their fellow Muslims. See

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 20, 2018 at 6:40 pm |

      I agree there. There must be many terrified potential apostates from Islam who may benefit from some form of ‘underground railroad’ that could get them away from this death cult.

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