There are liars, damned liars and the Southern Poverty Law Centre.


Increasingly, and especially since Maajid Nawaz won a settlement from the Souther Poverty Law Centre for calling him an ‘anti Muslim extremist’, the content of the SPLC’s ‘hate groups’ list has come under public scrutiny. This is not before time as the mainstream media have tended to lazily rely on SPLC data when speaking about matters of religious and political extremism in the USA.

Although the mainstream media may be lazy and willing to accept SPLC data as accurate, many others are not so willing to do so. There has been much criticism from the conservative side of politics both in the USA and outside about the inclusion of peaceful and non extreme conservative groups such as the Family Research Council, on the SPLC’s ‘hate groups’ list alongside groups like the KKK. Any reasonable person would see it as laughable that those who want to promote traditional marriage or responsible normal ‘mum and dad’ parenting are lumped in with the remnants of the KKK.

The Maajid Nawaz case opened the SPLC to a lot more scrutiny and challenge than they may have had before and the SPLC is having to purge its ‘hate groups’ list of some obvious and highly dishonest howlers. One of the biggest dishonest howlers they’ve got to walk back from is their claim that Omar Mateen the mass murderer who killed 49 people and injured 53 more at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida was a ‘right winger’ and not a jihadist.

According to PJ Media (hat tip ROP) the SPLC have finally decided to succumb to reality and quietly remove Mateen from their list of ‘far rightists’. I’m really surprised not only that the SPLC included this murderous jihadi on this list as a ‘far rightist’ but also that they’ve left this name on there for so long.

PJ Media said:

On Wednesday, PJ Media discovered that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) — a notorious left-wing smear organization — had silently removed Omar Mateen, the radical Islamic terrorist responsible for the deadliest Islamic terror attack since September 11, 2001, from its report documenting “Terror from the Right.” His name just disappeared.

Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, declared allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) and entered Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., on June 12, 2016. He killed 49 people and wounded 53 others, dying in a shoot-out with police.

So why did this ISIS terrorist end up on the SPLC’s list of “radical-right terrorist plots, conspiracies and racist rampages”? The SPLC’s synopsis of Mateen’s terror attack suggests an answer:

Mateen called 911 during the attack to pledge allegiance to ISIS and mentioned the Boston Marathon bombers. He also demanded that U.S. bombing of Syria and Iraq stop. His father initially told NBC News that his son had expressed outrage when he saw two men kissing in Miami. Others described Mateen as a violent, deeply conflicted man who had beaten his former wife and often frequented gay bars. The FBI interviewed Mateen in 2013 and 2014 but reportedly found no evidence that he was tied to terrorism.

The SPLC said Mateen was “right-wing” because he “expressed outrage when he saw two men kissing in Miami.” As for the suggestion that Mateen was secretly homosexual himself, the FBI said they found no evidence to corroborate this.

It’s plain to see from my veiwpoint that the SPLC lied about Mateen for political reasons. It fitted their narrative better to falsely claim that Mateen was a ‘far rightist’ rather than admit the truth which was that Mateen was a jihadi. Similarly it is alleged that the SPLC have also been hiding other cases and calling other offenders as far right even when there is no perceivable ‘far right’ connection. In one case PJ Media claims that the SPLC even classified a Black Lives Matter leftist killer as ‘far right’. PJ Media also claims that the names of some of these additional fake far rightists are still on the SPLC list as ‘far right’ extremists.

The SPLC has done very well over the years out of their donors. The SPLC has been very effective in building up the image of a ‘far right threat’ in order to coax their donors into parting with an enormous amount of cash for what we are increasingly discovering is a tissue of lies. It is now time for what’s left of the honest journalists of the mainstream media to cease to give any credibility at all to the SPLC and their statements and it is also time for the SPLC’s donors to realise that they have been royally ripped off by the SPLC.