Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S**thole volume 93 – Forced marriages causing suicide rise


If a member of an advanced and peaceful alien society was monitoring our planet as a sort of intergalactic David Attenborough, they could be quite readily be forgiven for thinking that Earth is divided into two main parts, a civilised part with gender equity, science and advanced thought on one side and the Islamic world on the other. This would especially be the case if Mr or Ms Alien took a look at Pakistan. If our metaphorical alien visitor wanted to see just how starkly Pakistan differs from the civilised world then they could not go far wrong by taking Pakistan as an example, or rather a cautionary tale.

Pakistan is one of the world’s premier Islamic shitholes and one where many of the worst aspects of Islam are preached and practised. There is rampant abuse both physical and sexual of children, there is hatred and violence towards non Orthodox Muslims and non Muslim religious minorities. Women are treated like dirt and are routinely murdered by husbands for such reasons as not producing a male heir or failing to obey. Pakistan is a nation beset by violence and by violent intent. This violence debases Pakistani society and the violent intent threatens regional security and in particular the security of neighbouring India.

Pakistan is what happens when Islam creates a nation. Although undoubtably there were problems caused by the initial split of the Indian sub continent into India and East and West Pakistan (now Bangladesh and Pakistan) it is not this stroke of a pen on a map that has destroyed Pakistan, it is Islam that has done that. It is Islam that is behind the educational and cultural retardation that Pakistan suffers from, it is Islam that is behind the groundless hatreds that Pakistani Muslims feel for Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and others. Islam is also behind the truly horrific types and levels of misogyny that characterise this benighted and failed nation. Post independence Pakistan could, to borrow a phrase, have been a contender in the fight to advance among the family of nations, to grow and learn and trade, but instead they chose to smack themselves in the face with the iron bar of Islam and lose by a whole host of self inflicted wounds.

The latest example of how Islam is destroying Pakistan comes from a regular source for these stories the Pakistan Tribune. The Tribune is reporting that there has been a significant rise in the number of young women committing suicide and one of those reasons is forced marriage.

The situation in Pakistan for young women has become, because of the Islamic culture that dominates this nation, so dire that they see no other way out of the lack of control they have over their lives than suicide. Women are killing themselves to avoid being married to men they may despise and even fear and this situation exists because Islam rules Pakistan. Islamic misogyny is at the root of these individual tragedies as it is an all encompassing misogyny that does not merely have lesser rights for women but gives women no rights at all. To all intents and purposes in the Islamic hell that has been created in Pakistan, women are too often the mere property of men and I’ve little doubt that the knowledge that this is the case must be a factor in driving some Pakistani women to self destruction.

In approximately 70 odd years the nations that once made up the coherent whole of British India have diverged in both their natures and what they have achieved. India, because of its Hindu culture and its people’s thirst for education and advancement has become a regional collossus with a growing scientific and technical sector and a nation that trades widely and has been an admirable success since independence. Pakistan and to a lesser extent Bangladesh, on the other hand has sunk further and further into the moral, cultural and societal cesspit that has been created for them by Islam. Islam is a shithole not in spite of Islam but because of it, as we can see plainly both from this example of the effects of Islamic misogyny and from numerous other examples of how Islam has caused Pakistan to become a failed state with dire effects for its citizens, its neighbours and those nations that allow the debased and debasing Pakistani Islamic culture to fester within its borders. Pakistan is a cautionary tale about how short amount of time it takes Islam to destroy a nation, to turn a nation from hopeful contender into a basket case shithole. It is a tale that we should all ensure we are aware of.