On the Tommy Robinson organisation’s response to the ‘Nazigate’ controversy


As many of those who follow Tommy Robinson’s story and who support him will know, there has recently been somewhat of a controversy occurring that the Tommy Robinson organisation needed to address. I have written about one aspect of this controversy here, but in short it relates to the TR.news site, Tommy Robinson’s online front window, and their decision to distance themselves from the author Shazia Hobbs owing to her increasing closeness to known neo-Nazi Mark Collett of the British National Party. In addition to this Ms Hobbs submitted an article that the TR.news admins said was ‘lacking in nuance and could be easily construed as anti-Semitic’. The upshot of this controversy was that all articles on TR.news by Ms Hobbs were removed.

The controversy has also dragged in another person connected to the Tommy Robinson movement You Tuber, Dionne of ‘Secret Sources’. This is a person who, after I had watched a selection of her work I had quietly tagged as a tin foil hat nonsense spouter months ago. However Dionne has recently shifted beyond tin foil hattery towards Holocaust denial and has also been having extensive contacts with the BNP’s Mark Collett.

Anyway, the TR.news site put out their response to the controversy surrounding the Collett, Hobbs, Dionne matter and it is in the form of a brilliantly made video. This video, in my view, not only exposed the strong and concerning links between these three individuals, but also plainly stated that the views of this trio are not those views that are held by Tommy.

Like Tommy I am not an ethnonationalist. I grew up in a port area and went to school with black brown and oriental children and being a port it was not unusual to even see North Korean sailors in Mao-style suits walking past my grandmother’s cafe. I know from experience that skin colour is only skin deep and that I’ve been helped through my life by people of many different races who cared not about mine. As Tommy Robinson says in this video, his nationalism is for everyone no matter what colour or what belief system, it’s a nationalism for anyone who loves this country, its laws and the freedoms that were dearly bought by generations past.

The video that the TR organisation has put out is a refutation of both ethnonationalism and the sort of deranged Jew-hatred that has long been indulged in by Collett’s BNP. It was also a bit of a history lesson for those who may not have learned that in school and whose knowledge of the past may have been corrupted by those lying about history for their own agendas. Dionne’s comment for example that only 1 Million of Europe’s Jews perished in gas chambers and therefore the six million figure was false, was comprehensively demolished by the TR.news video.

I think that TR.news did a good job of stating both their position and that of Mr Robinson himself and they did it in a stylish and professional way. You can view the entire video below.

1 Comment on "On the Tommy Robinson organisation’s response to the ‘Nazigate’ controversy"

  1. Ethno-nationalism is the only real nationalism. The so called “counter-jihad” movement is a kind of neoconservative style subversion. Think about how absurd it is to suggest that the English people will be fine as a minority in their own country as long as “radical islam” is not in charge. It would be like Nigeria or India.

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