‘Tuchus lekkers’* – Corbyn’s laughable and deluded pet Jews

Corbyn and his pet Jews


* ‘Tuchas Lekker’ – Yiddish – Definition – an arselicker or crawler who sucks up to the powerful no matter how awful they may be in an effort to ‘get on’ or to rise up a hierarchy.

I’ve taken a short break of a day or so from writing because of Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year. Shana Tova to all this blog’s Jewish readers. On my return to the computer and to daily life I could not help but notice an article by Sarah AB on the centre-Left Harry’s Place blog on the subject of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s New Year greeting to British Jews.

Now normally I would ignore Corbyn’s less than sincere attempt to wish British Jews a sweet new year. This is because for me and for many other Jews of the political Right, a greeting from Corbyn is about as welcome as a bad dose of Norovirus. However, out of curiosity I could not help but read Sarah AB’s article and follow some of the links contained within.

What I found was a video containing Corbyn and a collection of his pet Jews trying their damnedest to hammer the square peg of socialism into the round hole marked Torah. Watch the video below, but make sure you have a sick bucket ready. The premise of the video is Comrade Corbyn visiting Jewish Labour supporters and finding out about Rosh Hashanah. But what this video really is amounts to little more than a cynical exercise showing Corbyn parading round with some very oddball Jews in an effort to hide the stain of Jew hatred that is on both Corbyn himself and the party that he leads.

The people in the video are the very epitome of what is wrong with the Labour Party as regards its relationship with Britain’s Jewish community. According to Sarah AB and other contributors to the Harry’s Place article, as well as Corbyn himself, the video shows Jon Lansman a prominent socialist atheist of Jewish background and founder of the Momentum group of Corbyn fans, Rob Abrams,who allegedly helped to organise the infamous Kaddish for Hamas event in Parliament Square and socialist extremist and Jewish Voice for Labour member Sue Lukes.

Jewish Voice for Labour are in my view, to quote Sargon of Akkad on the subject of the mainstream media, ‘dirty dirty smear merchants’. This Jewish Voice For Labour group will stop at nothing to try to whitewash over or otherwise hide Labour’s ongoing and worsening problems with Jew hatred.

According to a link on the Israelycool website mentioned by the HP article, Sue Lukes, who is also a Labour party councillor, takes part, along with other similarly minded JVL members, in efforts to try to divert attention away from Labour’s problem with Jew hatred. Sue Lukes, according to the JVL Watch Twitter account linked to by Israelycool not only doesn’t see any Jew hatred in Labour but also hangs around with the likes of Jackie Walker (also of JVL) who promulgates the conspiracy theory that Jews were the prime movers behind the transatlantic slave trade. JVL also contains Holocaust deniers and those who have tried to smear the majority of Britain’s Jews as ‘far right’. JVL are, in my opinion, about as representative of Britain’s Jews as the Ebola virus is representative of life on Earth. JVL are a small but dangerous cult that rather than follow the commandments of the Eternal One and to do good works, instead engages in the idolatry of Corbyn worship and all that is bad about this man and his socialist delusion. In a way JVL are very similar to the small number of pet Jews that the Russian Communists kept around for a while after the Revolution in order to show the world just how ‘progressive’ the Communist regime was.

Lukes and others cannot even get the basics of Jewish theology right in this video. Rosh Hashanah is indeed the ‘birthday of the world’ but it is also a time of repentance for bad deeds, bad words and bad thoughts that an individual, or a community, may have done or had during the previous year. Jewish New Year is not about ‘climate change’ or access to housing or any other of the socialist nonsenses that the participants in this video witter on about.

This video is a very cynical attempt to try to persuade Jews that there really isn’t a problem with Jew hatred in the Labour Party. Labour must have produced this video in order to deceive the foolish. However, it must be clear to even the most simple minded of people that Labour is completely infested with Jew haters, some from Jewish backgrounds and some who are not. This is a disgraceful video, featuring disgraceful people who support an equally disgraceful party.