From Elsewhere – Video – This is the ugly face of today’s Labour Party

The crowd outside the meeting to select a new Labour candidate for Poplar and Limehouse


I used to, many years ago, vote Labour. It’s what was sort of expected by working class communities that one would support the party that supported those at the bottom. However there is no way I’d ever vote Labour today, because it’s become a party that frankly disgusts me. In fact I’d rather clean my toilet out with my toothbrush than have anything to do with a party that has almost completely abandoned groups like the working class and Jews in favour of kowtowing and pandering to the followers of Islam.

Labour’s face used to be Nye Bevan, Hugh Gaitskell, Tony Benn, Barbara Castle and others whose politics may be in my view wrong, but who did at least put the idea of the British people first. Today’s Labour Party has a very different face, a very ugly and disturbing one. It has become a party dominated by the interests of Islam and this domination can be seen in video footage of the chaos surrounding a candidate selection meeting to choose a candidate for the Poplar and Limehouse seat in East London. This seat is being vacated by long standing Labour member Jim Fitzpatrick and as expected, a Muslim has been picked for the seat.

The video, excerpts of which were put up by the political comment channel ‘We’ve Got a Problem’ and which has also been carried by the London Evening Standard newspaper, show a large group of people, mostly it seems from the clip Muslim men, gathering outside a church hall for the selection meeting. The group turned up more than two hours prior to the advertised time of the selection meeting and seemed remarkably disgruntled. There’s an interesting scene in the video where a white Labour soyboy type stood at the door trying to stop the throng from getting in and looking really worried about the situation. This could have got very ugly but didn’t as the police were called. The Standard also alleged that women members of the Labour party felt that the atmosphere about the meeting was ‘intimidating’ and there was also an allegation that women were being ‘told who to vote for’. According to the Standard report, a 34 year old female Labour member said:

“It was a very intimidating environment for any women or people with disabilities. The majority was men. I saw people telling others who to vote for. “A skirmish almost broke out when a man tried to take his wife’s ballot and fill it out but she opposed.”

Well good for this, presumably Muslim wife, for standing up for herself. I hope she will not end up getting punished in one of the many cruel and very Islamic ways that argumentative wives are dealt with. What we have seen in this selection meeting, which chose Apsana Begum, who is backed by Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn and his Momentum brownshirts, is a true picture of what Labour has become. It’s now not a party for any working class person no matter what the colour of our skin, it is now a party almost completely captured by Islamic interests. No, I don’t think I could vote Labour ever again, and I’d advise others to consider doing the same.