Housekeeping – Updates and changes

'I say Caruthers! It says here that Mr Fahrenheit is loving using the Hive/PeakD blogging platform


Hi everyone. Following my recent arrest on a bullshit ‘hate speech’ charge, something I’m going to challenge, but mostly because it has been half term and busy, posting has been light recently. But don’t worry I haven’t gone away I’ve been doing and planning some upgrades.

There is a new public email address for this blog which is


which you should all now use in preference to the ‘editor’ address which is now closed. The blog phone number remains the same and you can leave voice and text messages on it. I will try to pick these messages up twice a day, once in the morning and once mid evening, six days a week.

Social media and links to same are also in the process of being upgraded as are the cataloguging of certain article streams to make some easier to find. This is an ongoing process.

I’d like to thank all those who have offered and given support both moral and practical over the last few weeks. It is very much appreciated, especially the working facilities.

So stand by for more long form and short form articles about culture, politics and religion and even more mockery of those people, especially those in authority, who deserve to be mocked.

If you want to support my work then please share the articles as widely as possible. If you feel that you can give financial support to this blog then please use the paypal link on this site or future support platforms that will be announced in due course. Many thanks again.