Let’s nationalise things and ruin them – A brief summation of Corbyn’s policies

Commie Corbyn the Labour Party leader who wants to take Britain back to the 1970's or behind an Iron Curtain, whatever is achievable first. No thanks.


I really hope that predictions are correct and that Corbyn is going to lead the Labour Party into the abyss. Labour’s policies are going to end up ruining this country if he wins the election.

His economic policy seems to be ‘nationalise everything and have freebees for all (especially migrants)’. Now being old enough to remember the mid to late 1970’s when nearly every major industry was government owned, I can also remember just how bad were the products and services that these enterprises produced. I can remember people waiting for months to have a telephone installed, cars that were badly designed and poorly constructed. In addition to this steel, aviation, coal, and railways were all shackled under state control. Ports and some road haulage were also state owned and in too many cases powerful trade unions could bring the country to a halt with industrial action. There probably was not a household in the land during the 1970’s who didn’t keep handy a stock of candles to light their homes with when coal miners went on strike causing a lack of coal to provide electricity.

I don’t want to return to these times of no choice, rubbish and rationed services and the government micromanaging the economy. Unfortunately this is what Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party seem to want. Corbyn wants the state to provide everything, including broadband, something that will reduce choice and end up providing terrible service.

Corbyn is a political anachronism, his policies more suited to the past or to some godforesaken Communist country rather than the United Kingdom. He must be stopped even though it may take people holding their noses and voting Tory in order to do so.

I hope one day the Labour Party manages to sort itself out and become a sensible party again. However, before this can happen, the Labour Party as it stands, with its dangerous economic and social policies, must be utterly wiped out. Labour must be destroyed as a party in order to save it.