Labour’s ‘race and faith’ manifesto – A more anti-British document would be hard to find


So Labour have released their ‘race and faith’ manifesto and to be quite frank a more anti-British list of proposals would be hard to find. It starts off with the usual bullshit about ‘celebrating diversity’ and tries to paint the Conservative Party as a racist party that has made life for minority Britons worse. It also makes a point of calling the Conservative Party’s plans for securing the honesty and integrity of the electoral system by requiring identification prior to voting as putting minority Britons at a disadvantage. I don’t know about you but alarm bells are ringing loudly for me already. First they smear the Tories as ‘racist’ and then they try to protect Labour’s Islamic ‘postal vote farms’ by trying to play the race card about the plans to require ID before voting.

The manifesto promises even more censorship and oppression of alternative views than Britons suffer from at present by having a commission to ‘investigate the politics of hate’ and ‘far right extremism’. I don’t know about you but I would not trust the Labour Party in its present form to examine these issues fairly or even accurately. Labour and their tame ‘commission’ is likely to class all criticism of mass immigration or of dangerous minority belief systems as ‘racist’ and ‘far right’.

Labour also intend to thrown oodles of public money at the Traveller community by way of plans to get this community more help to remove the ‘inequalities’ that they are allegedly under. This part of the plan takes no account of the main reason why Travellers suffer from alleged inequalities which is that they have often gone out of their way to exclude themselves from the wider society. I suspect that Labour will make it even harder than it is at present to remove illegal traveller sites and the mess and crime that these sites and encampents bring to the settled community.

I’m also extremely worried about Labour’s proposals for a ‘Special Envoy’ for Freedom of Religion and Belief that will be poking its nose into every area of government and public life. This is plainly not needed and will undoubtably be used by Labour to promote Islamic interests and curb any criticism of Islam under the guise of ‘protecting religious belief’. Britain is already a country that respects freedom of religion and has done since at least the late 19th century. I’m Jewish and I do not fear any restrictions from government towards my beliefs, in fact the only time I feel in fear because of my faith is when I have to visit Labour controlled Islamic areas. I believe that this proposal for a ‘special envoy’ is a sop to the Islamic community which has become Labour’s main voter base these days.

As a parent I’m absolutely shit scared of Labour’s plans for education. From what I can gather Labour intend to turn the education system into an indoctrination system where British children will be taught to hate their own history and where propaganda about ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ will be dispensed to children without any way for parents to resist such propaganda.

This is an appalling and anti-British document that denigrates Britons whilst elevating the needs of migrants, minorities and foreigners. I’d advise everyone to read this manifesto and weep at what Labour has got in store for all of us, not just white Christian Britons but also those black, brown and Jewish Britons who just want to be left alone to live their lives in freedom. If ever there was a document that should scare people away from voting for the Labour Party then this ‘race and faith’ manifesto must surely be it. Save your nation and your rights, don’t vote Labour no matter what false bribes they promise.


Sargon of Akkad has done a brilliant deconstruction of this appaling and dangerous manifesto that I would advise everyone to take the time to watch.