Another sticking plaster to cover a gaping wound in Clown World Britain


It is by now a well established fact that there are elements in Britain’s Islamic community who are not peaceful, how could they be when the doctrine that they follow is almost totally devoid of the concept of peace as we in the West understand the word from its Judeo-Christian origins. These elements, by no means representative of the majority of those Muslims who are less affiliated religiously with the ideology of Islam, have declared war on us, our people and our nation.

The hundreds of Britons who have been slaughtered by Islamic terrorists on Tube trains, beaches, pop concerts, in pubs and in the streets, morally demand an appropriate response from the State. The first duty of a state after is to protect their citizens or subjects from violence and aggression from enemies both foreign and domestic and those elements in Islam that follow the path of Jihad most certainly can be classified as enemies.

Sadly for Britons, the response from the State to what is murderous Islamic aggression has been less than suitable and it is giving the impression to the public that the government would rather play softball with those who want us dead rather than protect us from them. In other words, successive British governments have failed dismally in carrying out the duty of protection that in the past would have been second nature to the state.

Some of the plans that various governments have suggested be used to tackle the problem of Islamic terrorism are laughable, or they would be if the potential fall out from these plans were not so miserable. A particular idea that the government has to reduce the risk to big cities of Islamic violence is not only unworkable but also puts other Britons at risk.

The Sun reported back on December 3rd that the government was considering enhancing the security of big cities by forbidding 200 of those who are suspected of Islamic terrorist sympathies or who have been released from woefully short gaol sentences for terrorist crimes, by forbidding such individuals from entering large cities. What an absolutely crock of shit policy plan this is. Firstly does anyone truly believe that some Mohammedan terrorist is going to be put off of the idea of travelling to London or Manchester because the government has told him he’s not allowed to go? Of course not. These violent terrorist savages care little or nothing for our laws, for them the most important thing is killing for ‘Allah’.

The second point of failure for this proposed policy is what about those Britons who already live in the smaller cities or the market towns that these violent Muslim savages are going to be confined to. Is not the safety of the residents of those places as equally important as the security of those in high profile big cities? This smacks heavily of the state saying to Britons outside of those places that have already been targetted by Islamic savagery: ‘It’s your turn now, enjoy the vibrant and violent diversity and don’t you dare criticise your new neighbour Adbul the potentially explosive Arab’.

Do you really want the violent dross of extremist Islam dumped on your town endangering the lives of you and your children? I don’t. Even if this plan does keep these violent jihadi savages out of the big cities, it doesn’t neutralise their danger. The desire to kill and enslave non-Muslims is so heavily fixed in Islam that if thwarted from getting at a big city target, they’ll make use of a smaller one. I can think of a whole host of small towns and cities in Britain that have extreme vulnerabilties when it comes to terrorism, my own city included. A Muslim terrorist who cannot carry out a vehicular attack in Camden or a stabbing attack in Manchester, will instead carry out the commands of their Islamic death cult in places like Chelmsford or Morecombe.

At a time when Britain needs a government that will stand up and be honest about the threat that Islam and Islamic violence poses to the United Kingdom, I find it disgraceful that all we have been offered so far is a sticking plaster to cover a massive gaping wound. This is merely sweeping Islamic violence and extremism under the carpet and away from troubling the political classes.