The wrong sort of gay man for the Left to cope with.

Richard Grenell


President Donald Trump is not the far right monster that a lot of the Left seem to delude themselves into thinking he is. He’s certainly not a puppet of the more extreme parts of the Evangelical Christian Right and he’s definitely not the homophobe that the gay Left like to paint him as.

Trump, is I’ve observed, a bit of a pragmatist when he needs to be and where a win can be achieved by not being a knee jerk combatant, he’ll take it. But Mr Trump does ‘kick arse’ both in his appointments and on the world stage when it’s really needed.

President Trump has not used gay people as either punchbags or like the Left use gay people, as supplicants to virtue signal about. He has treated gay people as equals and has appointed some gay staff, one of whom, Richard Grenell, is acting as Trump’s battering ram in order to get the nations of the world that still criminalise homosexuality, mostly Islamic nations it needs to be said, to stop doing so.

Other presidents, at least during late 20th /early 21st century, could have appointed an openly gay cabinet minister but they did not. Clinton, that great American leviathan of the Left did not do it and neither did a person like Barack Obama who was somewhat of a champion of identity politics and a man who seemed to treat his identity as one of his selling points.

It was left to President Trump, to appoint not only a gay cabinet minister, but a man who is not afraid to, as my American friends might say it, ‘kick some butt’ when it comes to the Islamic world and it’s brutal hatred of gays. President Trump has done what few other, if any other, Presidents of the United States have done and that is to take on the Islamic world on this issue.

It’s bold move by President Trump to try to get homosexuality decriminalised across the world. It’s a move that you might think the gay Left, which purports to want to stand up for gay people, would want to support, even if it meant putting aside, on this issue at least, their Trump Derangement Syndrome, this campaign.

Sadly that is not the case as you will see from the linked article on the Front Page Magazine site of which a portion is copied below. The gay Left just can’t put away their Trump Derangement Syndrome for one moment even when Trump is on their side and on the side of freedom. High profile gay organisations have accused Mr Grennell for committing such high crimes and misdemeanours as ‘insulting Hilary Clinton and Rachel Maddow’ and even that the campaign to decriminalise homosexuality was ‘racist’.

Front Page Magazine said:

When Grenell led President Trump’s campaign to decriminalize homosexuality around the world, he took on Iran and other, mostly Islamic countries governed by Sharia law, where homosexuality is punishable with death.

“I want them to understand that you cannot put someone in jail or kill someone simply for being gay,” he had told a UN session on the decriminalization of homosexuality. “I want these countries to be called out, I want them to feel the pressure. This list should be read out every day.”

The countries began with Afghanistan and included Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.

Isn’t this what the gay left has told us that they wanted, a world where homosexuality is decrimininalised? Surely the gay Left should be rejoicing at Trump’s policy as well as celebrate the fact that a competent person can get to do a top job and his sexuality just doesn’t matter?

The gay left are truly demented in my opinion to turn on Trump like this and to turn out of the side of Iran of all places. Their conduct begs the question, just whose side are the gay Left on? Because from my viewpoint across the sea, it doesn’t look one bit like the gay Left is actually on the side of gay people and especially not those gay people who have the misfortune to live in shariah hell holes where they can be imprisoned or executed merely for being gay. Mr Grenell is obviously the ‘wrong’ sort of gay man for the gay left to cope with and I think that illustrates perfectly why no gay person should ever again trust the gay left.